Number of occurrences in corpus: 67
Genesis A 233b | orþe, || þā nū ġond folc | maniġ | / weras Eufraten || wīde nemna |
Genesis B 597b | an, || þæt wurde þeġn swa | maniġ | / for·lǣdd be þam lyġenum | |
Genesis B 738b | d þurh þīn miċele mōd || | maniġ | for·lēton / on heofon-rīċe |
Genesis A 1661a | axende spēd. / Þā ðǣr mann | maniġ | || be his mǣġ-wine, / æðeli |
Genesis A 1766a | folde weorðeþ, / þēod-land | maniġ | || þīne ġe·fylled’. / Him |
Genesis A 1969b | de fēondum. || Sċolde forht | maniġ | / blāc-hlēor ides || bifiende |
Genesis A 2207a | ne || folde þīne, / sīd-land | maniġ, | || ġe·seted weorðan, / eorð |
Daniel 479b | on wīteĝað || þurh wunder | maniġ | / hālĝum gāstum || þe his h |
Daniel 536b | ord-cwide. || Oft% hē wunder | maniġ, | / metodes meahta, || for menn |
Andreas 814b | mōd-blinde menn. || Iċ wāt | maniġ | nū-ġīet / miċel mǣre spell |
Andreas 1085b | -haman. || Þā wearþ forht | maniġ | / for þām fǣr-spelle || folc |
Andreas 1116b | rīcsode. || Þā wæs rinċ | maniġ, | / gūþ-frec guma, || ymb þæs |
Andreas 1225b | e-rōfne, || ðǣr wæs secg | maniġ | / on þām wæl-wange || wīġe |
Andreas 1436a | || Sōþ þæt ġe·cȳðeþ / | maniġ | æt mæðele || on þām miċ |
Andreas 1549a | iehþu mændan% / forht-ferhþ | maniġ, | || fūs-lēoð galen%. / Eġesl |
Andreas 1596a | arþ ācol-mōd, / forht-ferhþ | maniġ | || folces on lāste. / Wēndon |
Homiletic Fragment I 2a | letic Fragment I / / sorh cymeþ / | maniġ | and misliċ || on manna drēa |
Elene 231a | rode ġe·sōhte. / Þǣr wlanc | maniġ | || æt Wendel-sǣ / on stæðe |
Elene 258b | gūþ-sċrud, || grimm-helm | maniġ, | / ǣnliċ eofor-cumbol. || Wǣr |
Elene 578b | laĝu-fæsten || lēof-spell | maniġ. | / Þā sēo cwēn be·bēad || |
Christ B 644a | fremede || frēo-bearn godes, / | maniġ | mislicu%, || ġond middan-ġe |
Christ B 795a | t þe iċ sōþ talie, / ðǣr | maniġ | bēoþ || on ġe·mōt lǣded |
Christ B 801b | indan. || Þǣr sċeall forht | maniġ | / on þām wang-stede || wēri |
Christ C 1174a | tō helpe. / Þā wearþ bēam | maniġ | || blōdĝum tēarum / be·runn |
Maxims I 15a | la || fæðmeþ wīde / eġland | maniġ. | || Eardas rūme / metod ā·rǣ |
The Panther 50b | f burh-salum || beorn-þrēat | maniġ | / faraþ fold-weĝum || folca |
Deor 24a | wæs grimm cyning. / Sæt secg | maniġ | || sorĝum ġe·bunden, / wēan |
The Descent into Hell 45a | d Abraham, || Isac and Iacob, / | maniġ | mōdiġ eorl, || Moyses and D |
Azarias 82b | reme / mildne morĝen-reġn. || | Maniġ | sċeall siþþan / wyrt on·wæ |
The Ruin 23a | ere-swēġ miċel, / medu-heall | maniġ | || //M// drēama full, / oþ· |
The Ruin 32b | beorĝum, || ðǣr ġō beorn | maniġ | / glæd-mōd and gold-beorht || |
Precepts 71b | dōn / ofer metodes be·bod. || | Maniġ | sċeall on·ġieldan / sāwol-s |
Beowulf 171b | ieldinga, / mōdes brecþa. || | Maniġ | oft ġe·sæt / rīċe tō rūn |
Beowulf 399b | sē rīċa, || ymb hine rinċ | maniġ, | / þrȳðliċ þeġna hēap; || |
Beowulf 689b | les andwlitan || and hine ymb | maniġ | / snelliċ sǣ-rinċ || sele-r |
Beowulf 776a | am sylle ā·bēah / medu-benċ | maniġ, | || mīne ġe·frǣġe, / golde |
Beowulf 838b | ġief-healle || gūð-rinċ | maniġ; | / fērdon folc-toĝan || feorra |
Beowulf 854a | d-ġe·sīðas, / swelċe ġung | maniġ | || of gamen-wāðe / fram mere |
Beowulf 857b | ow·ulfes / mǣrþu mǣned; || | maniġ | oft ġe·cwæþ / þætte sūþ |
Beowulf 908b | rhþes sīþ || snotor ċeorl | maniġ, | / sē þe him bealwa tō || bō |
Beowulf 918b | nd sċynded. || Ēode sċealc | maniġ | / swīþ-hyċġende || tō sele |
Beowulf 1015a | ġere ġe·þǣġon / medu-full | maniġ | || māĝas þāra / swīþ-hyċ |
Beowulf 1112b | for īren-heard, || æðeling | maniġ | / wundum ā·wierded; || sume o |
Beowulf 1289b | ord ofer setlum, || sīd-rand | maniġ | / hafen handa fæst; || helm ne |
Beowulf 1510b | encte% on sunde, || sǣ-dēor | maniġ | / hilde-tūscum || here-sierċa |
Beowulf 1860b | ċes, / māðmas ġe·mǣne, || | maniġ | ōðerne / gōdum ġe·ġrētan |
Beowulf 2762b | ·hrorene; || ðǣr wæs helm | maniġ | / eald and ōmiġ, || earm-bēa |
Beowulf 3022a | For·þon sċeall gār wesan / | maniġ, | morĝen-ċeald, || mundum be |
Beowulf 3077a | nes sunu: / ‘Oft sċeall eorl | maniġ | || ānes willan / wræc ā·dr |
The Paris Psalter 104:5 1b | aþ ġē on mōde, || hū hē | maniġ | wunder / worhte wræclīċe, || |
The Paris Psalter 106:22 2a | ipe līðaþ, / wyrċaþ weorc | maniġ | || on wæter-þrȳðum. / / # / H |
The Paris Psalter 143:3 3a | e fæste, / þæt þū mē folc | maniġ | || fæġere under·þīedest. |
The Paris Psalter 144:12 2b | se, / ðǣr sind manna bearn || | maniġ | æt·samne, / and þæt þīn m |
The Paris Psalter 63:6 1a | n and unryht. / / # / Gangeþ man | maniġ | || mōdiġ on heortan, / oþ· |
The Paris Psalter 68:21 1a | earm-ed-wīt fela / and iermþu | maniġ | || ēac ā·ræfnde; / næfde e |
The Paris Psalter 96:1 4a | ġe·fēan habbaþ / ēa-landa | maniġ | || wuton gār-seċġe. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 3b | ġe·þrungon || þēod-land | maniġ, | / setton sūð·weardes || siġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 8b | / Þā wæs ofer Munt-ġeof || | maniġ | ā·tyhted / Gota ġielpes full |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 26a | ȳtmestan || eorð-būende / on | maniġ | þēodisċ || miċelum herġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 28b | s æcere lȳcþ || yfel-wēod | maniġ. | / Siþþan iċ þē seċġe || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 20a | | þe hit ǣr wisson, / þætte | maniġ | tungol || māran ymb-hwyrft / h |
The Battle of Brunanburh 17b | ō setle. || Þǣr læġ secg | maniġ | / gārum ā·ġīeted, || guma |
Solomon and Saturn 265a | and wyrm-ġeardas, / atol dēor | maniġ | || īrenum hornum, / blōdġe e |
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 5b | a, / Rōme pāpa. || Riht-spell | maniġ | / Greĝorius || glēaw-mōd ġo |
The Battle of Finnsburh 13a | þ on mōde’. / Þā ā·rās | maniġ | gold-hladen þeġn, || ġierd |
Waldere B 6b | el / mādma mid þȳ mēċe, || | maniġ | ōðres mid him / golde ġe·ġ |
The Battle of Maldon 282b | rhtes brōðor || and swīðe | maniġ | ōðer / clufon cellod bord, || |