Number of occurrences in corpus: 47
Genesis A 852a | || libban sċolden. / Þā cōm | fēran | || frēa æl-mehtiġ / ofer mid |
Genesis A 1211b | la / of þissum lǣnan || līfe | fēran% | / on þǣm ġearwum || þe his |
Genesis A 1731a | d cnōsle || ofer Caldea folc / | fēran | mid feorme || fæder Abrahame |
Genesis A 1746a | drihten: / ‘Ġe·wit þū nū | fēran | || and þīne fare lǣdan, / ċ |
Genesis A 1779a | and cnēow-māĝas. / Him þā | fēran | ġe·wāt || fæder æl-miht |
Genesis A 2400b | er ðǣre sprǣċe || spēdum | fēran | / of þam hlēoðor-stede, || h |
Genesis A 2760a | hine Abraham bæd. / Þā cōm | fēran | || frēa æl-mehtiġ / tō Sarr |
Genesis A 2800a | Hāt bū tū ā·weġ / Āĝar | fēran | || and Ismael, / cniht of cȳþ |
Genesis A 2850b | þū ofstlīċe, || Abraham, | fēran, | / lāstas leċġan || and þē |
Daniel 527a | || sīne lēode, / folc-toĝan | fēran%, | || fræġn ofer ealle / swīþ- |
Daniel 697b | , / þēah þe fēonda folc || | fēran | cōme / herġa ġe·rǣdum || t |
Christ and Satan 109b | fāĝum on flōra. || Nū iċ | fēran | cōm / dēofla meniġu || tō |
Andreas 174a | wordum cwæþ: / ‘Þu sċealt | fēran | || and ferhþ lǣdan, / sīðe |
Andreas 330b | r folca ġe·hwæs || and ūs | fēran | hēt / ġond ġinne grund || ga |
Andreas 786a | n hæfdon. / Ġe·wāt hē þā | fēran, | || swā him frēa mehtiġ, / s |
Andreas 928b | þæt þū on feorr-weĝas || | fēran | ne cūðe / ne on þā ċeastre |
Andreas 931b | e·mearces, || swā iċ þē | fēran | hēt / ofer wǣġa ġe·winn. | |
Soul and Body I 103b | ǣsċ-hord, || sċeall þonne | fēran | on·weġ%, / sēċan helle-ġru |
Elene 215a | o || and þā his mōdor hēt / | fēran | fold-weġe || folca þrēate / |
Christ C 1415b | eorc / on fēonda ġe·weald || | fēran | sċolde, / mann-cynnes tūdor | |
Maxims I 27a | | limu gnornian. / Fūs sċeall | fēran, | || fǣġe sweltan / and dōĝra |
Soul and Body II 97b | ǣsċ-hord, || sċeall þonne | fēran | on weġ, / sēċan helle grund, |
Guthlac A 6a | es ǣrende: / ‘Nū þū mōst | fēran | || þider þū fundodest / lang |
Riddles 29 11a | āt hire west þonan / fǣhþum | fēran, | || forþ ōnette%. / Dūst stan |
Riddles 32 7b | ru-ċēap swīfan, || swīðe | fēran, | / faran ofer feldas. || Hæfde |
Riddles 36 1b | ċ wiht ġe·seah || on weġe | fēran, | / sēo wæs wrætlīċe || wund |
Riddles 39 6b | berendra, || ġe·wīteþ eft | fēran | on weġ. / Ne biþ hēo nǣfre |
Riddles 40 69b | æt swā framlīċe mæġ || | fēran | ǣġhwǣr; / mē is snæġl swi |
The Wife's Lament 9a | || landes wǣre. / Þā iċ mē | fēran | ġe·wāt || folgoþ sēċan, |
Azarias 92a | iaþ, || elne willaþ, / þonne | fēran | sċeall || þurh frēan hǣse |
Riddles 68 1b | ā wiht ġe·seah || on weġ | fēran; | / hēo wæs wrætlīċe || wund |
Riddles 75 1b | wiftne ġe·seah || on swaðe | fēran | / //D// //N// //U// //H//. || |
Juliana 523b | mann-cynnes, || þā hē mec | fēran | hēt, / þēoden of þīestrum, |
The Seafarer 37a | mǣla ġe·hwelċe / ferhþ tō | fēran, | || þæt iċ feorr heonan / el- |
Beowulf 27a | ġe·sċeap-hwīle / fela-hrōr | fēran | || on frēan wǣre. / Hīe hine |
Beowulf 254a | eras, || on land Dena / furður | fēran. | || Nū ġē feorr-būend, / mer |
Beowulf 301a | ġeþ.’ / Ġe·witon him þā | fēran. | || Flota stille bād, / seomode |
Beowulf 316a | er cwæþ: / ‘Mǣl is mē tō | fēran; | || fæder eall-wealda / mid ār |
Beowulf 1390b | ċes weard, || Wuton hræðe | fēran | / Grendles māĝan || gang sċ |
Beowulf 2261b | / aefter wīġ-fruman || wīde | fēran, | / hæleþum be healfe. || Næs |
Judith 12a | on tō þǣm rīċan þēodne / | fēran, | folces rǣswan. || Þæt wæs |
The Paris Psalter 118:3 1b | ĝon mān-wyrhtan || mæġene | fēran | / on his mǣrne weġ, || mihtĝ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 18a | hē gangan sċeall / be·foran | fēran. | || Hwæt, þū, fæder, wyrċ |
Maxims II 31a | of dūne sċeall / flōd-græġ | fēran. | || Fyrd sċeall æt-samne, / t |
The Judgment Day II 97b | oþþe hwelċe fore-bēacn || | fēran | on·ġinnaþ / and Crīstes cym |
Psalm 50 52b | nde / ān forþ-ġe·sċæft || | fēran | mōte, / þȳ þīne word-cwida |
The Battle of Maldon 221b | / þæt iċ of þisse fyrde || | fēran | wille, / eard ġe·sēċan, || |