Number of occurrences in corpus: 14
Genesis B 717a | de || and his heorte on·gann / | wendan | tō hire willan. || Hē æt |
Daniel 746b | orda ġe·rȳnu, || þā þū | wendan | ne meaht. / Þū for an-mēdlan |
Andreas 587b | ġene / wīn of wætere || and | wendan | hēt, / beornum tō blisse, || |
Dream of the Rood 22a | eseah iċ þæt fūse bēacen / | wendan | wǣdum and blēom; || hwīlum |
Elene 540b | ǣr hīe hit for weorolde || | wendan | meahton, / crīstenra ġe·fēa |
Guthlac A 57a | ĝra ġe·hwelċe / wānian and | wendan | || of weorold-ryhte / þā hē |
Guthlac A 758b | an mōd / þā ġe·witnesse || | wendan | þurfe, / þonne hīe on ġe·s |
The Descent into Hell 14a | ġe·hȳdon || hæleþ Iudea; / | wendan | þæt hē on þām beorĝe || |
The Phoenix 191b | te / þurh ġe·wittes wielm || | wendan | tō līfe, / feorh ġung on·f |
Juliana 570b | ðǣr hē hit for weorolde || | wendan | meahte, / sōhte synnum fāh, | |
The Paris Psalter 106:39 4b | tost / and on weĝas wērĝe || | wendan | hwīlum of. / / # / Þǣr hē þe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 34b | sēo wyrd || on ġe·will || | wendan | sċolde / yflum mannum || ealle |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 40b | þ / hwȳ sēo wyrd swā wō || | wendan | sċolde. / Swā sint ġe·hydde |
The Battle of Maldon 316b | ū fram þȳs wiġ-pleĝan || | wendan | þenċeþ. / Iċ eom frōd fēo |