Number of occurrences in corpus: 7
Exodus 482b | op. / Flōd fāmgode, || fǣġe | crungon, | / laĝu land ġe·fēoll, || ly |
Elene 126b | on / on here-felda%. || Hǣðne | crungon, | / fēollon friðulēase. || Flu |
The Ruin 25a | ·wende || wyrd sēo swīðe. / | Crungon | walu wīde, || cōmon wōl-da |
The Ruin 28b | snode burh-steall. || Bētend | crungon | / herġas tō hrūsan. || For· |
Beowulf 1113b | ā·wierded; || sume on wæle | crungon. | / Hēt þā Hilde·burh || æt |
The Battle of Brunanburh 10b | , / hord and hāmas. || Hettend | crungon, | / Sċotta lēoda || and sċip-f |
The Battle of Maldon 302b | an on ġe·winne, || wīġend | crungon, | / wundum wērġe. || Wæl fēol |