Number of occurrences in corpus: 30
Genesis B 717b | illan. || Hē æt þǣm wīfe | on·fēng | / helle and hinn-sīþ, || þea |
Genesis A 1073b | e, / līf of·lǣtan. || Lāmeh | on·fēng | / aefter fæder dæġe || flett |
Genesis A 1212b | ǣm ġearwum || þe his gāst | on·fēng | / ǣr hine tō mannum || mōdor |
Genesis A 2376b | ðe trēowa, || and þā self | on·fēng | / torhtum tācne. || Ā his tī |
Andreas 1528b | ru-hæbbende%. || Sund grunde | on·fēng, | / dēope ġe·drēfed. || Duĝu |
Elene 192a | ām sē lēod-fruma / fulwihte | on·fēng | || and þæt forþ ġe·hēol |
Elene 238b | nte brim-þyssan. || Bord oft | on·fēng | / ofer ēarh-ġe·bland || ȳð |
Elene 52a | de. || Þonne brōðor þīn / | on·fēng | aefter fierste || fulwihtes b |
Elene 594b | unde ġiefe. || Swelċe Iudas | on·fēng | / aefter frist-mearce || fulwih |
Elene 689b | efne. || Hē þām% næġlum% | on·fēng, | / eġesan ġe·āclod || and ð |
Christ A 187a | m torhtan || temple dryhtnes / | on·fēng | frēolīċe || fǣmnan clǣne |
Christ A 418a | nn-cynnes || milde sċieppend / | on·fēng | æt fǣmnan || flǣsċ unwemm |
Christ B 628a | ġe·fremede / þā hē lēomum | on·fēng | || and līċ-haman, / mannes ma |
Christ B 722a | e || and ðǣr mennisċ hīew / | on·fēng | būtan firenum || þæt tō f |
Christ C 1436a | ārlēasra spāld, / of mūðe | on·fēng, | || mān-fremmendra. / Swelċe h |
Christ C 1439a | eallan. / Þonne iċ fore folce | on·fēng | || fēonda ġe·nīðlan, / fyl |
Christ C 1460a | n racu || unc ġe·mǣne. / Iċ | on·fēng | þīn sār || þæt þū mōs |
The Descent into Hell 20a | ð-ærn, || æðelinges līċ / | on·fēng | fēores gǣst, || folde bifod |
The Phoenix 645b | ter līċes hryre || līf eft | on·fēng | / þurh fæder fultum. || Swā |
Beowulf 52b | ofonum, || hwā þǣm hlæste | on·fēng. | / Þā wæs on burgum || Bēowu |
Beowulf 688b | aðu-dēor, || hlēor-bolster | on·fēng | / eorles andwlitan || and hine |
Beowulf 748b | ēan / fēond mid folme; || hē | on·fēng | hræðe / inwitt-þancum || and |
Beowulf 852b | ne sāwle; || ðǣr him hell | on·fēng. | / Þonan eft ġe·witon || eald |
Beowulf 1214b | ċ hēoldon. || Heall swēġe | on·fēng. | / Wealh·þēow maðelode, || h |
Beowulf 1494b | e / bīdan wolde; || brim-wielm | on·fēng | / hilde-rinċe. || Þā wæs hw |
The Paris Psalter 117:13 3a | e be·ġeat, / þā mē drihten | on·fēng, | || swā hit ġe·dēfe wæs. / |
The Paris Psalter 68:31 2a | iġ þearfa, / and mē andwlita | on·fēng | || ēċan dryhtnes, / sē mē h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 32b | ġe·cnōden, || cyning selfa | on·fēng | / fulluht-þēawum. || Fæġnod |
The Creed 15a | nmǣne, || hēo þæt ǣrende / | on·fēng | frēolīċe || and þē fæde |
The Battle of Maldon 110b | n wǣron bisiġe, || bord ord | on·fēng. | / Biter wæs sē beadu-rǣs, || |