A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: þinceþ

Number of occurrences in corpus: 7

Genesis B 289b rice || swa me þæt riht ne þinceþ / þæt ic oleccan || awiht þu
Genesis A 2478a rlease cyn || andswarode / þis þinceþ gerisne || and riht micel / þ
Genesis A 2896b cynnes weard || swa him gemet þinceþ / gestah þa stiþhydig || stea
Andreas 609b n / mæþelhægende || me þæt þinceþ / þæt hie for æfstum || inwi
The Paris Psalter 101:3 3b ne mearhcofan || þæs þe me þinceþ / swylce hi on cocerpannan || c
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 41b cynnes fruma || swa him gemet þinceþ / forþon hi be healfe || heofo
The Battle of Maldon 53b ne æt hilde || to heanlic me þinceþ / þæt ge mid urum sceattum ||