Number of occurrences in corpus: 8
Exodus 225b | eonhete / on þam forþherge || | feþan | twelfe / moderofra || mægen w |
Exodus 266b | illaþ eow andrædan || deade | feþan | / fæge ferhþlocan || fyrst is |
Christ and Satan 220a | hsetl || hwite standaþ / engla | feþan | || and eadigra / halige heofen |
Christ and Satan 323a | þe þær ærest com / forþ on | feþan | || fæste gebunden / fyre and l |
Andreas 591b | | fira cynnes / fif þusendo || | feþan | sæton / reonigmode || reste ge |
Andreas 1188a | helle || ond þu here fysest / | feþan | to gefeohte || eart þu fag w |
Elene 35b | rgwigendra / for fyrda mæst || | feþan | trymedon / eoredcestum || þæt |
The Battle of Maldon 86b | ston / ofer þone ford faran || | feþan | lædan / þa se eorl ongan || f |