Number of occurrences in corpus: 55
Genesis B 238b | togenes || and sædon ealles | þanc | / lista and þara lara || he le |
Genesis B 725b | bitre gehugod || sægde begra | þanc | / hearran sinum || nu hæbbe ic |
Genesis B 796a | æt wit þurh uncres hearran | þanc | || habban moston / þær þu þ |
Genesis A 1116b | af / þeoden usser || him þæs | þanc | sie / adam hæfde || þa he eft |
Genesis A 1506a | somed / þæt he þæt gyld on | þanc | || agifen hæfde / and on geogo |
Genesis A 2349b | lce / þeoden þinum || and þe | þanc | wege / heardrædne hyge || heor |
Genesis A 2437a | acan || andswarodon / hafa arna | þanc | || þara þe þu unc bude / wit |
Genesis A 2444b | hleow / and þegnunge || hie on | þanc | curon / æþelinges est || eodo |
Genesis A 2775a | eontig || þa him wif sunu / on | þanc | gebær || he þæs þrage bad |
Genesis A 2934b | æt lac gode || sægde leana | þanc | / and ealra þara sælþa || þ |
Daniel 307b | eowned þoliaþ || þæs þe | þanc | sie / wereda wuldorcyning || þ |
Christ and Satan 550a | mæla gehwylce / secgan drihtne | þanc | || dædum and weorcum / þæs |
Andreas 384b | þa git / þegn þeodenhold || | þanc | gesægde / ricum ræsboran || |
Andreas 1150b | geong of gyrne || gode ealles | þanc | / dryhtna dryhtne || þæs þe |
Andreas 1451a | æþ || wigendra hleo / sie þe | þanc | ond lof || þeoda waldend / to |
Andreas 1469b | mægene rof || sægde meotude | þanc | / hal of hæfte || heardra wita |
Andreas 1622a | dum || haliges gastes / wæs on | þanc | sprecen || þeoda ræswan / het |
Elene 371b | mægena god / þrymsittendum || | þanc | butan ende / þæs þu me swa m |
Elene 372b | ena god, / þrymm-sittendum% || | þanc | būtan ende, / þæs þū mē s |
Elene 453b | heredon || sie him wuldor ond | þanc | / a butan ende || eallra gescea |
Elene 454b | redon. || Sīe him wuldor and | þanc | / ā būtan ende || ealra ġe· |
Christ A 127b | ǣre on þēode. || Wē þæs | þanc | maĝon / seċġan siġe-drihtne |
Christ A 209b | sorh-ċeare. || Saĝa ēċne | þanc | / mǣrum metodes sunu || þæt |
Christ B 599b | s āĝe / þrīnesse þrymm, || | þanc | būtan ende. / þæt is þæs w |
Christ B 601a | wer-þēode / seċġen drihtne | þanc | || duĝuþa ġe·hwelcre / þe |
Christ B 612a | s we ealles sċulon / seċġan | þanc | and lof || þēodne ūssum, / a |
Christ C 1091b | odum tō þrēa, || þām þe | þanc | gode / wōm-wyrċende || wīta |
Christ C 1212b | āĝan. || Hīe þæs ēðles | þanc | / hira wealdende || wīta ne c |
Christ C 1385b | olian sċolde. || Þū þæs | þanc | ne wisses. / Þā iċ þe swā |
Christ C 1473b | ende / þīnre ā·īesnesse || | þanc | ne wisses? / Ne āscie iċ nū |
Christ C 1497b | þū þæs ealles || ǣniġne | þanc | / þīnum nerġende || nysses o |
The Fortunes of Men 97a | nes. / For·þon him nū ealles | þanc | || ǣġhwā seċġe, / þæs þ |
Guthlac A 471b | od wolde / aefter þrōwunga || | þanc | ġe·ġieldan / þæt hē marti |
Riddles 20 26a | īen dyde / mīnum þēodne on | þanc, | || þæt iċ þolian sċeall / |
Resignation 67b | e eorðan. || Þe sīe ealles | þanc | / meorda% and miltsa, || þāra |
Resignation 86b | ġe·hwelċe, || gode ealles | þanc | / mōd-earfoþa || mā þonne o |
The Descent into Hell 59a | n || wordum grēte: / þe þæs | þanc | sīe, || þēoden ūser, / þæ |
The Descent into Hell 137b | d. || Sīe þæs simle metode | þanc. | |
The Phoenix 623a | | and snytru-cræft, / and þē | þanc | sīe || þrymm-sittendum / ġun |
Juliana 593b | æs ansund, || sæġde ealles | þanc | / dryhtna drihtne. || Þā sē |
The Seafarer 122b | || Þæs sīe þām hālĝan | þanc, | / þæt hē ūsiċ ġe·weorðo |
Beowulf 928b | isse ansīene || eall-wealdan | þanc | / lungre ġe·limpe. || Fela i |
Beowulf 1778b | miċele. || Þæs sīe metode | þanc, | / ēċan drihtne, || þæs þe |
Beowulf 1809b | || sæġde him þæs lēanes | þanc, | / cwæþ, hē þone gūð-wine |
Beowulf 1997b | ðe wiþ Grendel. || Gode-iċ | þanc | seċġe / þæs þe iċ þe ġe |
Beowulf 2794b | āra frætwa || frēan ealles | þanc, | / wuldₒr-cyninge, || wordum s |
The Paris Psalter 107:3 3b | m / and ic þe on þeodum || on | þanc | mote / sealmas singan || swyþe |
The Paris Psalter 135:17 2b | an / leodum lædde || on leofne | þanc | / / # / swylce he acwealde || cyn |
The Gloria I 2b | penod / ġond ealle þēoda, || | þanc | and willa, / mæġen and miltse |
The Gloria I 39b | unde hēr: || ‘Gode lof and | þanc, | / ēċe willa || and þīn āĝ |
The Lord's Prayer III 33b | hþ-locan, / þēoden engla, || | þanc | and wuldor, / sōþ siġe-driht |
The Battle of Maldon 118b | empa / þæs him his þeoden || | þanc | gesæde / þam burþene || þa |
The Battle of Maldon 120b | pa; / þæs him his þēoden || | þanc | ġe·sæġde, / þām būr-þe |
The Battle of Maldon 145b | þa modi man || sæde metode | þanc | / þæs dægweorces || þe him |
The Battle of Maldon 147b | diġ mann, || sæġde metode | þanc | / þæs dæġ-weorces || þe hi |