Number of occurrences in corpus: 94
Genesis A 33a | , || þæt hē on norð-dǣle / | hām | and hēah-setl || heofona rī |
Genesis A 37a | þǣm wēr-loĝan / wræclicne | hām | || weorce tō lēane, / helle-h |
Genesis B 357a | e·līċ swīðe / þam ōðrum | hām% | || þe we ǣr cūðon, / hēan |
Genesis A 946a | || lissa and wynna / hyhtfulne | hām | || hāliġ enġel / be frēan h |
Genesis A 1556b | an stefne / mid hleo-māĝum || | hām | staðolian / and tō eorðan hi |
Genesis A 2156a | || Ġe·wit þū ferĝan nū / | hām | hyrsted gold || and heals-mæ |
Genesis A 2162b | wāt him þā sē healdend || | hām | sīðian / mid þȳ here-tēame |
Exodus 508b | for·þǣm þæs herġes || | hām | eft ne cōm / ealles ungrundes |
Christ and Satan 25b | lamp%, / þā hēo in helle || | hām | staðolodon, / ān aefter ōðr |
Christ and Satan 38a | sċoldon? / Þis is þēostra% | hām, | || þearle ġe·bunden / fæstu |
Christ and Satan 49b | n bendum, || and mē beteran% | hām% | / for ofer-hyġdum || ǣfre ne |
Christ and Satan 88b | ap / þe iċ hebbe tō helle || | hām | ġe·lǣdde%. / Wēne% þæt t |
Christ and Satan 91b | ċ ēow hæbbe tō hæftum || | hām | ġe·fērde% / ealle% of earde. |
Christ and Satan 95b | n mōten%. || Is þēs% atola | hām | / fȳre% on·ǣled. || Iċ eom |
Christ and Satan 99a | ne maĝon. / Is þēs% wālica | hām | || wītes ā·fylled; / naĝan% |
Christ and Satan 110b | meniġu || tō þissum dimman | hām. | / Ac% iċ sċeall on flyġe || |
Christ and Satan 147b | / þā iċ mōt tō hæftum || | hām | ġe·ferian, / bringan tō bold |
Christ and Satan 177b | m lēohte || in þone lāðan | hām. | / Ne mæġ iċ þæt ġe·hyċ |
Christ and Satan 215a | r is brāde land, / hyhtlicra% | hām | || in heofon-rīċe, / Crīste |
Christ and Satan 218b | hǣlend, || in þǣm dēoran | hām, | / and ymb% þæt hēah-setl || |
Christ and Satan 255b | ·drīfan || of þǣm dēoran | hām, | / cyning of ċeastre. || Cūþ |
Christ and Satan 275b | ld, / þonne iċ on heofonum || | hām | staðolode, / hwæðer ūs sē |
Christ and Satan 277b | re wille / on heofona rīċe || | hām | ā·līefan, / ēðel% tō ǣht |
Christ and Satan 293b | ūs sē torhta || trumlicne | hām, | / beorhte burĝ-weallas. || Beo |
Christ and Satan 336b | d nǣdran || and þone dimman | hām. | / For·þon mihte ġe·hīeran, |
Christ and Satan 344b | ġd, / þā hēo on heofonum || | hām | staðolodon, / þæt hīe woldo |
Christ and Satan 361b | on / ā tō ealdre, || uplicne | hām, | / beorhtne% burh-stede%. || Bl |
Christ and Satan 413a | t wit blǣd āhton, / hāliġne | hām, | || heofon tō ġe·wealde. / Þ |
Christ and Satan 425a | niht cōm || þeġn hǣlendes / | hām | tō helle; || is nū hæftum |
Christ and Satan 429b | selfa God / wolde hell-warum || | hām | ġe·līehtan. / A·rās þā |
Christ and Satan 502b | eniġu || on% þǣm% mīnnan% | hām | / lange þæs þe iċ of hæftu |
Christ and Satan 503b | e þæs þe iċ of hæftum || | hām | ġe·lǣdde / up tō earde, || |
Christ and Satan 551b | æs þe hē ūs of hæftum || | hām | ġe·lǣdde / up tō ēðle, || |
Christ and Satan 566a | rþ lǣdde / tō þǣm hālĝan | hām | || heofona ealdor. / Him ymb-fl |
Christ and Satan 658b | dest% || tō þissum ēadĝan | hām’. | / Swā wuldres weard || wordum |
Andreas 227b | ardes weard%, || þone mǣran | hām, | / ðǣr sōþfæstra || sāwla |
Andreas 978b | inga cyning, || þone clǣnan | hām, | / ēaþ-mēdum up, || ðǣr is |
Andreas 16a | d unmǣte, / tō þām hālĝan | hām | || heofona rīċes, / ðǣr fæ |
The Fates of the Apostles 92b | || þonne iċ sċeall langne | hām, | / eard-wīc uncūþ, || ana ġe |
Dream of the Rood 148a | īf forġeaf, / heofon·līċne | hām. | || hiht wæs ġe·nīewod / mid |
Elene 143b | ōn be·cōm / Hūna herġes || | hām | eft þonan. / Þā wæs ġe·s |
Elene 148b | Ġe·wāt þā herġa helm || | hām | eft þonan, / hūðe hrēmiġ, |
Elene 482a | ē hǣlend mē / on þām engan | hām | || oft ġe·tȳnde, / ġōmrum |
Christ A 305a | s ġe·steald / on þām ēċan | hām | || eall sċēawode. / Wlāt þ |
Christ A 350b | -wesende || on þām æðelan | hām. | / Næs ǣniġ þā ġīet || en |
Christ B 647b | ahtum strang, || þone māran | hām, | / hwīlum hē tō eorðan || ef |
Christ C 897b | and sweartra, || swā him is | hām | sċeapen / unġelīċe, || engl |
Widsith 7b | man sīðe / Hrēð-cininges || | hām | ġe·sōhte / ēastan of Angle, |
Widsith 94b | hleo-drihtne, || þā iċ tō | hām | be·cōm, / lēofum tō lēane, |
Maxims I 96b | cumen || and hire ċeorl tō | hām, | / āĝen æt-ġeofa || and hēo |
Maxims I 105a | ne him eft ġe·byre weorðe, / | hām | cymeþ, ġif hē hāl leofaþ |
Guthlac A 10a | tīd-fara / tō þām hālĝan | hām.’ | || Þǣr nǣfre hrēow cymeþ |
Guthlac A 69b | ēowiaþ || and þæs dēoran | hām | / wilniaþ be ġe·wyrhtum. || |
Guthlac A 98a | iċ æðelu, || up ġe·munde / | hām | on heofonum. || Him wæs hiht |
Guthlac A 149b | a cōm / sē ðǣr hāliġne || | hām | ā·rǣrde, / nealles þȳ hē |
Guthlac A 271b | t ġe·hātest || þæt þū | hām | on ūs% / ġe·ġān wille, || |
Guthlac A 654b | bryrded || tō þām beteran | hām, | / limum on·līehted || tō |
Guthlac A 677b | helle hūs, || ðǣr ēow is | hām | sċeapen, / sweart sīn-nihte, |
Guthlac B 834b | ne lissa || on þām lēohtan | hām | / þurh ielda tīd || ende ġe |
Guthlac B 871a | ġe·sċōd / on þām dēoran | hām. | || Dēaþ rīcsode / ofer fold- |
Riddles 29 4a | e·ġierwed, / hūðe tō þām | hām | || of þām here-sīðe; / weal |
Riddles 29 9b | e þā þā hūðe || and tō | hām | be·drāf% / wreċċan ofer wil |
Riddles 34 4b | ūðeþ holdlīċe || and tō | hām | tīehþ, / wǣðeþ ġond weall |
Riddles 43 6b | fæte, || hīe ġe·sunde æt | hām | / findaþ witode him || wiste a |
The Judgment Day I 24a | na hīehst, / ne noht hyhtliċ | hām, | || ac ðǣr is helle grund, / s |
Riddles 78 6b | | swā iċ him[] / [] || ne æt | hām | ġe·sæt / [] || flote cwealde |
The Phoenix 244b | an wæstmas% / on hærfeste || | hām | ġe·lǣdeþ, / wiste wynsume, |
The Phoenix 593a | sum hrēmġe, / on þām gladan | hām, | || gæstas ġe·corene, / ēċe |
The Phoenix 599b | līceþ || on þām blīðan% | hām | / fore ansīene || ēċan dryht |
Juliana 323a | ider on·sende / of þām engan | hām, | || sē is yfela ġe·hwæs / on |
Juliana 530a | ol-rǣdenne / on þām rēongan | hām.’ | || þā sē ġe·rēfa hēt, / |
Juliana 683b | eġnas || on þām þīestran | hām, | / sēo ġe·nēat-sċolu || on |
The Gifts of Men 76a | gōd. || Sum biþ bielda til / | hām | tō hebbanne%. || Sum biþ he |
The Seafarer 117b | uton we hyċġan || hwǣr we% | hām | āgen, / and þonne ġe·þenċ |
Beowulf 124b | ·wāt / hūðe hrēmiġ || tō | hām | faran, / mid ðǣre wæl-fylle |
Beowulf 194a | niht-bealwa mǣst. / Þæt fram | hām | ġe·fræġn || Hyġe·lāces |
Beowulf 374a | Eċġþēow hāten, / þǣm tō | hām | for·ġeaf || Hrēðel Ġēat |
Beowulf 717b | / þæt hē Hrōð·gāres || | hām | ġe·sōhte; / nǣfre hē on ea |
Beowulf 1147b | lu slīðen || æt his selfes | hām, | / siþþan grimne grīpe || Gū |
Beowulf 1156a | nges, / swelċe hīe æt Finnes | hām | || findan meahton / siġla, sea |
Beowulf 1248a | || ān-wīġ-ġearwe, / ġe æt | hām | ġe on herġe, || ġe ġe·hw |
Beowulf 1407b | āra þe mid Hrōð·gāre || | hām | eahtode. / Ofer·ēode þā || |
Beowulf 1601b | ċieldingas; || ġe·wāt him | hām | þonan / gold-wine gumena. || |
Beowulf 1923b | lāc Hrēðling, || ðǣr æt | hām | wunaþ / selfa mid ġe·sīðum |
Beowulf 2325b | sōðe, || þæt his selfes | hām%, | / bolda sēlest, || bryne-wielm |
Beowulf 2992b | ðles eafora, || þā hē tō | hām | be·cōm, / Eofore and Wulfe || |
Judith 121a | ende forþ / on þǣm heolstran | hām, | || hiht-wynna lēas. / Hæfde |
Judith 131b | ·ġeaf, / hyġe-þancolre, || | hām | tō beranne, / Iudith ġiengran |
The Paris Psalter 106:35 1b | an. / / # / Þǣr hē hungrium || | hām | staðolode, / and ðǣr ġe·se |
The Menologium 150b | ·suna sibbe, || siġefæstne | hām | / on% neorxna-wange; || hæfde |
The Seasons for Fasting 33b | lled, / and mid heofon-warum || | hām | ġe·sōhte, / eard mid englum |
The Seasons for Fasting 149b | Crīst / ġe·hāten hafaþ || | hām | mid blisse, / ġif we þæt fæ |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 9a | and heald þæt feoh / and fere | hām | þæt feoh. || / þæt hē nǣ |
The Battle of Maldon 251b | g, / þæt iċ hlāfordlēas || | hām | sīðie, / wende fram wīġe, | |