Number of occurrences in corpus: 8
Andreas 154a | wiste || and tō will-þeġe, / | fǣġes | flǣsċ-haman. || Feorh ne be |
Andreas 1182a | d, || eodor-ġeard% sċieran, / | fǣġes | feorh-hord. || Gāþ framlī |
Andreas 1332a | ·mǣl, || inn ġe·dūfan / on | fǣġes | ferhþ. || Gāþ framlīċe, / |
Guthlac B 1346a | . || Hē þā wyrd ne māþ, / | fǣġes | forþ-sīþ. || Fūs-lēoþ |
The Phoenix 221a | aman; || līf biþ on sīðe, / | fǣġes | feorh-hord, || þonne flǣsċ |
Beowulf 1527a | ta, || helm oft ġe·sċær, / | fǣġes | fyrd-hræġl; || þā wæs fo |
Solomon and Saturn 151b | / Hwīlum hē ġe·feteraþ || | fǣġes | mannes, / handa ġe·hefeĝaþ |
The Battle of Maldon 297a | mede; || gār oft þurh·wōd / | fǣġes | feorh-hūs. || Forþ% þā% |