Number of occurrences in corpus: 41
Genesis B 317b | r / sum heard geswinc || habban | sceoldon | / worhte man hit him to wite || |
Genesis B 423b | e we on heofonrice || habban | sceoldon | / rice mid rihte || is se ræd |
Genesis B 696a | | þæt hie godes yrre / habban | sceoldon | || and hellgeþwing / þone nea |
Genesis B 775b | æt hie helle niþ || habban | sceoldon | / hynþa unrim || forþam him h |
Genesis A 1894b | egra þær / æhte habban || ac | sceoldon | arfæste / þa rincas þy || ru |
Genesis A 1977b | welf / norþmonnum ær || niede | sceoldon | / gombon gieldan || and gafol s |
Genesis A 2135a | || nymþe fea ane / þe me mid | sceoldon | || mearce healdan / him þa abr |
Genesis A 2707b | leas / mid wealandum || winnan | sceoldon | / ic þæt ilce dreah || on þi |
Daniel 62b | c eall swa þa eorlas || agan | sceoldon | / oþþæt hie burga gehwone || |
Daniel 96b | a hie þam wlancan || wisdom | sceoldon | / weras ebrea || wordum cyþan / |
Daniel 683b | / þone þa hæleþ || healdan | sceoldon | / wiste he ealdormen || in unri |
Daniel 685b | um / þa þe þy rice || rædan | sceoldon | / þa þæt gehogode || hamsitt |
Christ and Satan 233b | d him sang ymb seld || secgan | sceoldon | / þusendmælum || þa we þær |
Christ and Satan 325a | þæt wæs fæstlic þreat / ec | sceoldon | his þegnas || þær gewunian |
Christ and Satan 410b | æddran niþ || swa wit na ne | sceoldon | / gelærde unc se atola || se |
Christ and Satan 417b | þis hate scræf || hweorfan | sceoldon | / and wintra rim || wunian seo |
Christ and Satan 641b | e hie him to hihte || habban | sceoldon | / uton la geþencan || geond þ |
Andreas 137b | þære werþeode || weorþan | sceoldon | / cirmdon caldheorte || corþor |
Andreas 796b | gyrwan / faran to frean dome || | sceoldon | hie þam folce gecyþan / hwa |
The Fates of the Apostles 10b | ær hie dryhtnes æ || deman | sceoldon | / reccan fore rincum || sume on |
The Fates of the Apostles 79b | samod / an endedæg || æþele | sceoldon | / þurh wæpenhete || weorc þr |
Elene 367b | / hu ge heofoncyninge || hyran | sceoldon | / lare læstan || eow þæs lun |
Elene 398b | rne / niþ ahofun || swa hie no | sceoldon | / þær hie leahtra fruman || l |
Elene 542b | aras fysan / ricene to rade || | sceoldon | romwarena / ofer heanne holm || |
Widsith 121b | rdum / ymb wistlawudu || wergan | sceoldon | / ealdne eðelstol || ætlan le |
The Order of the World 44b | cuðe / æghwylc wið oðrum || | sceoldon | eal beran / stiðe stefnbyrd || |
Guthlac A 231b | ra oferstag / weard on wonge || | sceoldon | wræcmæcgas / ofgiefan gnornen |
Guthlac B 860b | / ðære synwræce || siððan | sceoldon | / mægð ond mæcgas || morðre |
Riddles 13 6b | ðe ðy sarre || ðeah hy swa | sceoldon | / reafe birofene || rodra weard |
The Descent into Hell 87b | e / under helle dorum || hearde | sceoldon | / bidan in bendum || bona weorc |
The Phoenix 412b | es wyn / geomormode || ofgiefan | sceoldon | / ðurh nædran nið || ða heo |
Beowulf 2257b | / ða ðe beadogriman || bywan | sceoldon | / ge swylce seo herepad || sio |
The Paris Psalter 121:4 4b | raelas / þe his naman || neode | sceoldon | / him andetnes || æghwær habb |
The Paris Psalter 73:4 2b | ton / swa hi on wege || wyrcean | sceoldon | / wundorbeacen || swa hi on wud |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 84b | ce / yrrenga ryn || a þonne hi | sceoldon | / clipian for corþre || cnihta |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 88a | a || ealle to nauhte / weorþan | sceoldon | || wraþe toslopena / þeah þa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 58b | d þas lænan worold || liban | sceoldon | / he on unscyldgum || eorla blo |
The Battle of Maldon 18a | rædde || rincum tæhte / hu hi | sceoldon | standan || and þone stede he |
The Battle of Maldon 103b | t þær fæge men || feallan | sceoldon | / þær wearþ hream ahafen || |
The Battle of Maldon 289a | | wiþ his beahgifan / þæt hi | sceoldon | begen || on burh ridan / hale t |
The Battle of Maldon 305b | þær æt þearfe || þolian | sceoldon | / unwaclice || wæpna neotan / by |