Number of occurrences in corpus: 39
Genesis B 783b | ipe ā·brocen. || Bāre hīe | ġe·sāwon | / hira līċ-haman; || næfdon |
Genesis A 2087b | fon, / wīf on willan. || Wīde | ġe·sāwon | / frēora feorh-banan || fuĝol |
Genesis A 2405a | ape burh, || wlītan meahton. / | Ġe·sāwon | ofer sinċe || salu hlīfian, |
Exodus 103b | fūs fyrd-ġe·trum. || Forþ | ġe·sāwon | / līfes lāt-þēow || līf-we |
Exodus 126a | eorod, || sċieldas līexton, / | ġe·sāwon | rand-wiĝan || rihte strǣte, |
Exodus 155a | -trīewe wearþ / siþþan hīe | ġe·sāwon | || of sūð-weĝum / fyrd Farao |
Exodus 572b | ras under wætera hrōfas. || | Ġe·sāwon | hīe ðǣr weallas standan, / e |
Exodus 583b | nge, / blīðe wǣron, || bōte | ġe·sāwon, | / hēdon here-rēafes, || hæft |
Daniel 473b | e, / wīse wunder Godes! || Wē | ġe·sāwon | / þæt hē wiþ cwealme ġe·b |
Christ and Satan 381b | ā hīe hǣlendes || hēafod | ġe·sāwon. | / Þonne wæs þǣm atolan || |
Christ and Satan 388b | onne we ǣfre ǣr || ēaĝum | ġe·sāwon, | / būton þā we mid englum || |
Christ and Satan 467b | hīe swā lēohtne || lēoman | ġe·sāwon. | / Ġe·sæt þā mid ðǣre fyr |
Christ and Satan 536a | dōme ġe·weorðod? / Wē þē | ġe·sāwon | || æt sumum ċierre, / þeċ% |
Christ and Satan 38b | ē on þone atolan || ēaĝum | ġe·sāwon. | / Hæfdon ġe·wunnon || Godes |
Soul and Body I 140b | an, / þæt wit englas || ealle | ġe·sāwon, | / heofona wuldor, || swelċ sw |
Elene 68b | fēonda ġe·fær || fyrmest | ġe·sāwon. | / Þā wearþ on slǣpe || self |
Elene 672b | ra / lācende līeġ. || Lēode | ġe·sāwon | / hira will-ġiefan || wunder c |
Christ B 740b | līðe / wynnum ġe·worden. || | Ġe·sāwon | wuldres þrymm, / æðelinga or |
Beowulf 221b | / þæt þā līðende || land | ġe·sāwon, | / brim-clifu blīcan, || beorĝ |
Beowulf 1023b | re māðum-sweord || maniġe | ġe·sāwon | / be·foran beorn beran. || Bē |
Beowulf 1347a | | seċġan hīerde / þæt hīe | ġe·sāwon | || swelċe twēġen / miċele m |
Beowulf 1425a | %. || Fēða eall ġe·sæt. / | Ġe·sāwon | þā aefter wætere || wyrm-c |
Beowulf 1591a | eafde be·ċearf. / Sōna þæt | ġe·sāwon | || snotere ċeorlas, / þā þe |
Beowulf 2252a | ra% þe þis līf% of·ġeaf, / | ġesāwon | sele-drēam. || Iċ nāh hwā |
Beowulf 3038a | ēaðe swealt. / Ǣr hīe ðǣr | ġe·sāwon | || seldlicran wiht, / wyrm on w |
Beowulf 3128a | rde || ǣniġne dæl / seċġas | ġe·sāwon | || on sele wunian, / lǣne liċ |
The Paris Psalter 105:35 2a | sōna miltse, / ðǣr hīe inn | ġe·sāwon | || ealle æt·gædere, / þe ē |
The Paris Psalter 106:23 1b | e dryhtnes weorc || dēaĝol | ġe·sāwon | / and his wundra wearn || on w |
The Paris Psalter 108:24 1a | ærs-hoppa. / / # / Swā hīe mē | ġe·sāwon, | || sōna hīe waĝodon, / hrēr |
The Paris Psalter 118:136 2a | e·healde. / / # / Ēaĝan mīne | ġe·sāwon, | || hū ȳða ġe·lāc, / wīd |
The Paris Psalter 138:14 1a | an wunie. / / # / Ēaĝan% þīne | ġe·sāwon | || þæt iċ ealles wæs / unfr |
The Paris Psalter 76:10 4a | || wæter sċēawedon / and þe | ġe·sāwon | || sealte ȳða; / forhte wurda |
The Paris Psalter 89:17 3a | or þǣm ġēarum þe we inn% | ġe·sāwon | || yfela fela. / / # / Be·seoh o |
The Paris Psalter 94:9 6b | aton / and min selfes weorc || | ġe·sāwon | mid ēaĝum. / / # / Nū iċ fēo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 13a | næs þā ġīeta, / ne hīe ne | ġe·sāwon | || sund-būende, / ne ymb·ūta |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 36a | wundne wer || weorold-būende / | ġe·sāwon | under sunnan. || Nǣniġ siþ |
Metrical Psalm 94:9 6b | aton / and min selfes weorc || | ġe·sāwon | mid ēaĝum. |
The Battle of Maldon 84b | t on·ġēaton || and ġeorne | ġe·sāwon | / þæt hīe ðǣr bryċġ-wear |
The Battle of Maldon 203b | Æðel·rēdes eorl; || ealle | ġe·sāwon | / heorð-ġe·nēatas || þæt |