A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: beornas

Number of occurrences in corpus: 35

Exodus 375b e·hwelċ / on bearm sċipes || beornas feredon, / þāra þe under heo
Daniel 231b þā hyssas / in bǣl-blyse, || beornas ġunge. / Ġearu wæs sē him
Daniel 427a nd heofona. / A·bann þū þā beornas, || breĝu Caldea, / ūt of ofen
Christ and Satan 508b ingode / þā mē on bēame || beornas sticodon, / gārum on gealĝum%
Andreas 399b ten, / and þonne ġe·bidan || beornas þīne, / āras on earde, || hw
Andreas 447b e-þissan / beorht bāsnode. || Beornas wurdon / forhte on mōde, || fr
Andreas 660a dend. || Simble ġe·fǣĝon, / beornas blīð-heorte, || burĝ-weard
Andreas 690a n æðelum || ōðre twēġen / beornas ġe·borene, || brōðor-sibb
Andreas 848a n grēote || ġiengran sīne, / beornas beadu-rōfe, || bī-rihte him
Andreas 1094b ·samne / burĝ-ware bannan. || Beornas cōmon, / wīġendra þrēat, |
Andreas 1160a eċed, || welan ne be·nohton / beornas tō brūcanne || on þā bitr
The Fates of the Apostles 78a rame, || Simon and Thaddeus%, / beornas beadu-rōfe. || Him wearþ b
Dream of the Rood 32a rgas hebban. / bǣron mē ðǣr beornas on eaxlum, || oþ·þæt hīe
Dream of the Rood 66a nnon him þā moldern wyrċan / beornas on banan ġe·sihþe; || curf
Christ C 991b ecaþ brāde ġe·sċeaft. || Beornas grētaþ, / wēpaþ wānende ||
Riddles 22 18a ċierde; || brōhte hwæðere / beornas ofer burnan || and hira blanc
Riddles 31 15b / þæs þe him æt blisse || beornas habbaþ%. / Dēor dōmes ġeorn
Beowulf 211b ðum, / bāt under beorĝe. || Beornas ġearwe / on stefn stiĝon; ||
Beowulf 856a re mōdġe || mēarum rīdan, / beornas on blancum. || Þǣr wæs Bē
Judith 213a ba. || Stōpon heaðu-rincas, / beornas tō beadwe, || bordum be·þe
Judith 267b rod, / bielċ for·bīġed. || Beornas stōdon / ymbe hira þēodnes t
The Paris Psalter 104:11 3b e, / oþ·þæt bīĝenġum || beornas on·wōcon; / cynn aefter cynn
The Paris Psalter 134:21 4b drihten / blīðe blētsien; || beornas ealle, / þā on līfes hūs ||
The Paris Psalter 134:22 2b eġesan, / blētsien drihten || beornas ealle; / sē drihten is || dīe
The Paris Psalter 95:2 2b e naman / bealde blētsiaþ; || beornas seċġaþ / fram dæġe tō dæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 75a olde || mid hire sċīnlāce / beornas for·breġdan || and mid beal
The Coronation of Edgar 5a īeġ-būend || ōðre worde / beornas Baðan nemnaþ. || Þǣr wæs
The Battle of Maldon 17b ǣr Byrht·nōþ on·gann || beornas trymian, / rād and rǣdde, ||
The Battle of Maldon 62b .’ / Hēt þā bord beran, || beornas gangan, / þæt hīe on þām
The Battle of Maldon 92b wæter / Byrht·helmes bearn || (beornas ġe·hlyston): / ‘Nū ēow is
The Battle of Maldon 111b Biter wæs sē beadu-rǣs, || beornas fēollon / on ġe·hwæðre han
The Battle of Maldon 182a ne sċealcas / and bēġen þā beornas || þe him biġ stōdon, / Ælf
The Battle of Maldon 277b e bord-weall || and wiþ þā beornas feaht, / oþ·þæt hē his sin
The Battle of Maldon 305b ēġen þā ġe·brōðru, || beornas trymedon, / hira wine-maĝas ||
The Battle of Maldon 311b ahte; / hē full bealdlīċe || beornas lǣrde: / ‘Hyġe sċeall þȳ