Number of occurrences in corpus: 31
Genesis A 1092a | ēofum ġe·beddum, / Ādan and | Sellan | || un-ārliċ spell: / ‘Iċ o |
Genesis A 1978b | / gambum ġieldan || and gafol | sellan, | / oþþæt þā lēode || lenġ |
Andreas 272b | a lȳt, / sinċ-weorðunga, || | sellan | meahte, / þæt þū ūs ġe·b |
Andreas 366b | rne maĝu-þeġn || and mete | sellan, | / frēfran feasċeafte% || ofer |
Andreas 477b | a lȳt, / sinċ-weorðunga, || | sellan | meahte, / fǣted-sinċes. || Wo |
Andreas 1109b | wæþ hē his selfes sunu% || | sellan | wolde / on ǣht-ġe·weald, || |
Christ A 376a | þæt we siþþan forþ / þā | sellan | þinġ || simle mōten / ġe· |
Vainglory 61a | wīd-ledan%, / for·sāwon hira | sellan, | || þā hīe tō swice þōht |
Widsith 108b | on, / þæt hīe nǣfre sang || | sellan | ne hīerdon. / Þonan iċ ealne |
Maxims I 43b | ēode, || sē him mæġ wyrpe | sellan, | / hǣlu of hēofod-ġimme, || |
Maxims I 155b | sċeall ġiefan. || Mæġ God | sellan | / ēadĝum ǣhte || and eft nim |
The Order of the World 67b | sihþ / siĝora sōþ-cyning || | sellan | wolde. / Ġe·wīteþ þonne mi |
The Order of the World 102b | fyrnum, || fere him tō þām | sellan | rīċe. |
Guthlac A 278b | ses setles. || Ne mæġ þeċ | sellan | rǣd / mann ġe·lǣran || þon |
Guthlac A 492b | hton þā sǣmran || and þā | sellan | nā / dēmdon aefter dǣdum. || |
Guthlac B 1268a | ard, || ūt-sīðes ġeorn / on | sellan | ġe·setu. || Nū iċ swīðe |
Riddles 12 4b | e / swearte Wēalas, || hwīlum | sellan | menn. / Hwīlum iċ dēorum || |
Riddles 37 5b | swilteþ hē simle, || þonne | sellan | sċeall / innoþ þām ōðrum, |
Resignation 55b | n / þȳ þe hīe him selfum || | sellan | þuhten / englas ofer·hyġdiġ |
Juliana 289b | a cyninga cyning || tō cwale | sellan. | / Þā ġīen iċ ġe·cræfte |
Beowulf 2160b | ; / nā þȳ ǣr suna sīnum || | sellan | wolde, / hwatum Heoru·wearde, |
Beowulf 2729b | ah: / ‘Nū iċ suna mīnum || | sellan | wolde / gūð-ġe·wǣdu, || ð |
The Paris Psalter 107:12 2a | || mehtiġ drihten / sōþfæst | sellan | || and hē sōna mæġ / ūre f |
The Paris Psalter 59:11 2a | || mehtiġ drihten / sōþfæst | sellan | || and hē sōna mæġ / ūre f |
The Paris Psalter 88:26 2b | n milde mōd || and him meaht | sellan, | / mīne ġe·witnesse || wierð |
The Paris Psalter 88:31 3b | ēah / mīne sōþfæstnesse || | sellan | þenċe. / / # / Iċ ǣne swōr | |
The Rune Poem 33b | heofones cyning, || hrūsan | sellan | / beorhte blǣda || beornum and |
The Seasons for Fasting 218b | ċġaþ þæt hē sinlēas || | sellan | mōte / ostran tō ǣte || and |
Waldere B 25a | mē dydon. / Þēah mæġ siġe | sellan | || sē þe simle biþ / recen a |
The Battle of Maldon 38a | īne lēode || līesan wille, / | sellan | sǣ-mannum || on hira selfra |
The Battle of Maldon 46b | aþ ēow tō gafole || gāras | sellan, | / ǣtrenne ord || and ealde swe |