A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: spell

Number of occurrences in corpus: 15

Genesis A 995b tan on·gunnon. || Wē þæt spell maĝon, / wæl-grymme wyrd, ||
Genesis A 1092b dan and Sellan || un-ārliċ spell: / ‘Iċ on morðor of·slōh |
Genesis A 2407b ecan, || sæġde him unlȳtel spell: / ‘Iċ on þisse byriġ || be
Genesis A 2568b sē manlica || þæt is mǣre spell / stille wunode, || ðǣr hīe
Exodus 203a ē wōma cōm. / Fluĝon frecne spell, || fēond wæs ān-mōd, / weor
Daniel 478b wende spēd, || þǣm þe his spell beraþ. / For·þon wīteĝað
Andreas 815a aniġ nū-ġīet / miċel mǣre spell || þe sē maĝa fremede, / rod
Widsith 54b mæġ singan || and seċġan spell, / mǣnan fore meniġu || on med
Riddles 4 12b wordum min / on spēd mæġe || spell ġe·seċġan.
Beowulf 873b yrġan / and on spēd wrecan || spell ġe·rāde, / wordum wrixlan. |
Beowulf 2109b sārliċ, || hwīlum seldliċ spell / reahte aefter rihte || rūm-h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 53a biþ. / For·þǣm hit is riht spell || þæt ūs reahte ġō / eald
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 1a Metre 25 / / Ġe·hīer nū ān spell || be þǣm ofer·mōdum / unri
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 73b gunnon wyrċan || wer-þēoda spell, / sæġdon þæt hēo sċolde |
The Battle of Maldon 50b um lēodum || miċele lāðre spell, / þæt hēr stent unforcūþ |