Number of occurrences in corpus: 476
Daniel 67a | ǣr funden wæs, / and þā mid | þām | ǣhtum || eft sīðodon, / and |
Daniel 153a | ma || earmre lāfe / ðǣre þe | þām | hǣðnan || hīeran sċolde. / |
Andreas 14a | um wrītan || wunder-cræfte. / | Þām | hāliġ god || hlȳt ġe·tē |
Andreas 22a | s ðǣr hlāfes wist / werum on | þām | wange, || ne wæteres drinc / t |
Andreas 47b | ), / ierre æsċ-berend, || tō | þām | or-leġe. / Hīe þām hālĝan |
Andreas 48a | , || tō þām or-leġe. / Hīe | þām | hālĝan ðǣr || handa ġe· |
Andreas 90a | || swelċe hādre seġl% / tō | þām | carc-ærne. || Þǣr ġe·cȳ |
Andreas 119b | hta, / engla sċieppend, || tō | þām | upplican / ēðel-rīċe%. || H |
Andreas 179a | ðra || ǣngum ne willaþ / on | þām | folc-stede || fēores ġe·un |
Andreas 184a | || þīnne siġe-brōðor / mid | þām | burĝ-warum || bendum fæstne |
Andreas 209b | , / breĝu-stōl brēme, || mid | þām | burĝ-warum, / ġif hit worde b |
Andreas 294a | ofer fisċes bæþ / efene tō | þām | lande || ðǣr þe lust myne |
Andreas 314a | e. || Is sē drohtaþ strang / | þām | þe laĝu-lāde || lange || c |
Andreas 381a | s him cūþ þā-ġīet / hwā | þām | sǣ-flotan || sund wīsode. / H |
Andreas 467b | , / hrēoh holm-þracu. || Þā | þām | hālĝan wearþ / aefter gryre- |
Andreas 598a | || and þurh lāre spēon / tō | þām | fǣġeran ġe·fēan, || ðǣ |
Andreas 638b | yhte, / ferhþ ā·frēfred, || | þām | þe feorr oþþe nēah / on mō |
Andreas 658a | ēanes, || god herġende, / tō | þām | mæðel-stede || maniġe cōm |
Andreas 666b | lf. / Þā we be·cōmon || tō | þām | cyne-stōle, / ðǣr ġe·timbr |
Andreas 683a | æt is duĝuþum cūþ / hwonan | þām | ord-fruman || æðelu on·wō |
Andreas 697a | ·wāt || þeġna hēape / fram | þām | mæðel-stede || meahtum ġe |
Andreas 699b | . / Hē þurh wundra fela || on | þām | wēstenne / cræfta ġe·cȳðd |
Andreas 718b | / þæs brēmestan || þe% mid | þām | burĝ-warum / on ðǣr ċeastre |
Andreas 728b | heofon-hāliġ gǣst, || fore | þām | here-mæġene: / 'Nū iċ be·b |
Andreas 795b | ǣm fæstan. || Hēt hīe tō | þām | sīðe ġierwan, / faran tō fr |
Andreas 796b | rēan dōme. || Sċoldon hīe | þām | folce ġe·cȳðan / hwā æt f |
Andreas 854a | welan || æðeling ferede. / In | þām | ċēole wæs || cyninga wuldo |
Andreas 885b | nde, / hālġe hēah-englas. || | þām | biþ hæleþa wēl / þe þāra |
Andreas 889a | næs ðǣr ǣngum ġe·winn. / | Þām | biþ wræc-sīþ witod, || w |
Andreas 909b | , / siĝor-spēd ġe·seald, || | þām | þe sēċeþ tō him.’ / Þā |
Andreas 980b | ·lang / fīra ġe·hwelcum, || | þām | þe hīe findan cann. / Þā w |
Andreas 988a | n. || Hæfde siĝora weard / on | þām | wang-stede || wǣre be·tolde |
Andreas 1004b | . / Ġe·seah hē Matheus || on | þām | morðor-cofan, / hæleþ hyġe- |
Andreas 1008b | sæt / ġiehþum ġōmor || on | þām | gnorn-hofe. / Ġeseah þā unde |
Andreas 1014a | || Sibb wæs ġe·mǣne / bām | þām | ġe·brōðrum, || bliss ed· |
Andreas 1029b | es. / Swelċe sē hālĝa || on | þām | hearm-locan / his god grētte% |
Andreas 1034a | ǣdde || of liðu-bendum / fram | þām | fæstenne || on friþ dryhtne |
Andreas 1043a | on, || nealles lenġ bidon / on | þām | gnorn-hofe || gūþ-ġe·þin |
Andreas 1068b | s, / folces frum-gāras. || Tō | þām | fæstenne / wǣrlēasra weorod |
Andreas 1080a | | lāþ-spell beran, / sæġdon | þām | folce || þæt ðǣr feorr-cu |
Andreas 1086a | Þā wearþ forht maniġ / for | þām | fǣr-spelle || folces rǣswa, |
Andreas 1098a | || Þā wæs eall ġeador / tō | þām | þinġ-stede || þēod ġe·s |
Andreas 1118b | brēostum on·bryrded. || Tō | þām | beadu-lāce / wæs þæt wēa-t |
Andreas 1130a | en || āre findan, / friðe æt | þām | folce, || þe him fēores wol |
Andreas 1142a | n ǣninga, || ellen-rōfe, / on | þām | hyse-beorðre || heafolan ġe |
Andreas 1146a | wera || weaxe ġe·līcost / on | þām | or-leġe || eall for·meltan, |
Andreas 1154b | ġearu / frēod% unhwīlen, || | þām | þe hīe findan cann. / Þā w |
Andreas 1205a | mblum, || corðre miċele / tō | þām | or-leġe, || ordum and bordum |
Andreas 1219a | Iċ þē mid wunie.’ / Æfter | þām | wordum cōm || weorod unmǣte |
Andreas 1222a | de; || bǣron ūt hræðe / and | þām | hālĝan ðǣr || handa ġe· |
Andreas 1226a | || ðǣr wæs secg maniġ / on | þām | wæl-wange || wīġes of·lys |
Andreas 1298a | loĝa. || Wīġend lǣrde / for | þām | here-mæġene || helle dēofu |
Andreas 1315a | um be·rēafod, / on·gann þā | þām | hālĝan || hosp-word sprecan |
Andreas 1322b | īn. / Cyne-þrymm ā·hōf, || | þām | wæs Crīst nama, / ofer middan |
Andreas 1339b | / wurdon hīe þā ācle || on | þām | on-fenge, / forhte, ā·fǣrde |
Andreas 1351a | ġif þū furður dearst / tō | þām | ān-haĝan || ealdre ġe·nē |
Andreas 1353a | aðe, || eorla lēofost, / æt | þām | secg-pleĝan || sēlre ġe·l |
Andreas 1356a | , || weald, hū þe sǣle / æt | þām | ġeġn-sleġe. || Ūtan ganga |
Andreas 1359a | . || Habbaþ word ġearu / wiþ | þām | ǣĝlǣċan || eall ġe·trah |
Andreas 1369a | -cwale. || Seċġas mīne / tō | þām | gūþ-pleĝan || ġearwe sind |
Andreas 1436b | eþ / maniġ æt mæðele || on | þām | miċelan dæġe, / þæt þæt |
Andreas 1460a | can, || æðeling lǣddon / tō | þām | carc-ærne, || woldon cræfta |
Andreas 1544a | || Ne meahte beorna hlōþ / of | þām | fæstenne || flēame spōwan. |
Andreas 1646a | rǣred, || rǣd on lande / mid | þām | ċeaster-warum, || ċiriċe |
Andreas 1649b | re beorhtan byriġ || bisċop | þām | lēodum, / and ġe·hālĝode | |
Andreas 1650b | m, / and ġe·hālĝode || fore | þām | here-mæġene / þurh apostol-h |
Andreas 1659a | || sēċan wolde. / Þæt wæs | þām | weorode || weorc% tō ġe·þ |
Andreas 1662a | n. || Þā him wuldres god / on | þām | sīþ-fæte || selfum æt·ī |
Andreas 16a | wuldre || weorod unmǣte, / tō | þām | hālĝan hām || heofona rī |
Andreas 35b | du-cwealm ġe·bād. || Þæt | þām | banan ne wearþ / hleahtre be· |
The Fates of the Apostles 106a | þū cunnon meaht / hwā% on% | þām% | wordum% wæs || werum on·cȳ |
Soul and Body I 16b | grimmlīċe || sē gāst tō | þām | dūste: / ‘Hwæt, druh þū d |
Homiletic Fragment I 9b | le þū mē æt·samne || mid | þām | synfullum / on wīta for·wyrd, |
Homiletic Fragment I 11b | ē on līfe for·lēos || mid | þām | lyġe-wyrhtum, / þām þe full |
Homiletic Fragment I 12a | s || mid þām lyġe-wyrhtum, / | þām | þe full smēðe || sprǣċe |
Homiletic Fragment I 43a | || sāwle rǣdes. / Wuton tō | þām | beteran, || nū we bōt% cunn |
Dream of the Rood 9a | e ðǣr fīfe wǣron / uppe on | þām | eaxle–ġespanne. || behēol |
Dream of the Rood 50a | s gāst onsended. / fela iċ on | þām | beorĝe || ġe·biden hæbbe / |
Dream of the Rood 58a | r fūse || feorran cōmon / tō | þām | æðelinge. || iċ þæt eall |
Dream of the Rood 59b | rēfed, || hnāh iċ hwæðre | þām | seċġum tō handa, / ēað–m |
Dream of the Rood 69a | don eft sīðian, / mēðe fram | þām | mǣran þēodne. || ræste h |
Dream of the Rood 111a | r ǣniġ || unforht wesan / for | þām | worde || þe sē wealdend cwi |
Dream of the Rood 114b | nbierġan, || swā hē ǣr on | þām | bēame dyde. / ac hīe þonne f |
Dream of the Rood 122a | .” / ġebæd iċ mē þā tō | þām | bēame || blīðe mōde, / elne |
Dream of the Rood 129b | eorðian. || mē is willa tō | þām | / miċel on mōde, || and min m |
Dream of the Rood 143b | wunian on wuldre, || wēl mid | þām | hālgum / drēames brūcan. || |
Dream of the Rood 146a | n eorðan || ǣr þrōwode / on | þām | ġe·algtrēowe || for guman |
Dream of the Rood 149b | mid blǣdum and mid blisse || | þām | þe ðǣr bryne þolodon. / sē |
Dream of the Rood 150b | sunu wæs siĝorfæst || on | þām | sīþfæte, / mehtiġ and spēd |
Dream of the Rood 154a | englum tō blisse / and eallum | þām | hālgum || þām þe on heofo |
Dream of the Rood 154b | e / and eallum þām hālgum || | þām | þe on heofonum ǣr / wunodon o |
Elene 93a | ‘Mid þȳs bēacne þū / on | þām | frēcnan fære || fēond ofer |
Elene 133a | fte || ealdor ġe·neredon / on | þām | here-sīðe. || Sume healf-cw |
Elene 146a | no || cyning æl-mehtiġ / æt | þām | dæġ-weorce, || dōm-weorðu |
Elene 168b | sweotole ġe·seċġgan || be | þām | siġe-bēacne. / Þā þā wīs |
Elene 170a | sestan || wordum cwǣdon / for | þām | here-mæġene || þæt hit he |
Elene 175a | fēa wǣron), / þæt hīe for | þām | cāsere || cȳðan mōston / g |
Elene 191b | luestre / lǣrde wǣron. || Æt | þām | sē lēod-fruma / fulwihte on· |
Elene 212b | an. / þā wæs Crīstes lof || | þām | cāsere / on ferhþ-sefan, || f |
Elene 265a | īene || sinċ-ġimm locen / on | þām | here-þrēate, || hlāfordes |
Elene 277a | e·bēodan || burĝ-sittendum / | þām | snotorestum || sīde and wīd |
Elene 337b | wurde, / meahta wealdend. || Be | þām | Moyses sang, / and þæt word% |
Elene 342a | || þurh weres friġe.’ / Be | þām | Dauid cyning || dryht-lēoþ |
Elene 354b | ġungne / and bearn cēnde, || | þām | iċ blǣd for·ġeaf, / hālġe |
Elene 369a | lungre ā·þrēat, / and ġē | þām | rihte || wiþ·roten hæfdon, |
Elene 415a | t sēo synn wǣre / þe hīe on | þām | folce || ġe·fremed hæfdon / |
Elene 416a | e || ġe·fremed hæfdon / wiþ | þām | cāsere, || þe him sēo cwē |
Elene 418b | e, / ġiedda ġearu-snottor, || | (þām | wæs Iudas nama, / wordes cræf |
Elene 420b | þæt hēo wile sēċan || be | þām | siġe-bēame / on þām þrōwo |
Elene 421a | n || be þām siġe-bēame / on | þām | þrōwode || þēoda wealdend |
Elene 437b | fæder / siġe-rōf sæġde, || | (þām | wæs Sachius nama), / frōd fyr |
Elene 6a | n || and ġe·flitu rǣran / be | þām | siġe-bēame || on þām sō |
Elene 6b | n / be þām siġe-bēame || on | þām | sōþ-cyning / ā·hangen wæs, |
Elene 92b | rde, / sēpte sōþ-cwīdum, || | (þām | wæs Symon nama), / guma ġieh |
Elene 112a | | Þā cōm þeġna hēap / tō | þām | here-mæðele. || Hrēopon fr |
Elene 148b | ġieddum ġearu-snottorne, || | (þām | wæs Iudas nama / cenned for cn |
Elene 166b | eġde. / Elene maðelode || tō | þām | ān-haĝan, / tīr-ēadiġ cwē |
Elene 227b | r / sæġdest sōðlīċe || be | þām | siġe-bēame / lēodum þīnum |
Elene 268b | e mæġ, / ne lenġ helan || be | þām | līfes trēo, / þēah iċ ǣr |
Elene 274a | || and of nīed-clifan, / fram | þām | engan hofe, || up for·lēte. |
Elene 294a | t, || siĝora% wealdend, / ofer | þām | æðelestan || enġel-cynne, / |
Elene 311b | cweðaþ / clǣnum stefnum, || | (þām | is ceruphīn% nama): / 'Hāliġ |
Elene 315b | tācnod.’ || Sindon tū on | þām, | / siĝor-cynn on sweġele, || |
Elene 348a | , meahta god, / ġe·īewdest% | þām | eorle || on þā æðelan tī |
Elene 355a | r·lǣt nū, līfes fruma, / of | þām | wang-stede || wynsumne up / und |
Elene 389b | n þā will-fæġen || aefter | þām | wuldres trēo, / elnes ān-hyġ |
Elene 395a | . || Hē ðǣr [III] mēte / on | þām | rēonian hofe || rōda æt·s |
Elene 422b | , / sweotole ġe·cȳðan || be | þām | siġe-bēame, / on hwelcne% sē |
Elene 428b | iġ / wunder for weorodum || be | þām | wuldres trēo. / Ġe·sǣton si |
Elene 456a | alra ġe·sċeafta. / þā wæs | þām | folce || on ferhþ-sefan, / inn |
Elene 482a | || Hwæt, sē hǣlend mē / on | þām | engan hām || oft ġe·tȳnde |
Elene 488a | | wiðer·ċierr siþþan% / of | þām | wearh-trafum, || iċ ā·weċ |
Elene 495b | / þone ā·hangnan cyning, || | þām | þū hīerdest ǣr.’ / Him þ |
Elene 545a | holm || hālford sēċan / and | þām | wīġende || will-spella mǣs |
Elene 550b | nan, / crīstnum folce. || Þā | þām | cyninge wearþ / þurh þā mǣ |
Elene 555b | e·worden on weorolde || æt | þām | will-spelle, / hliehhende hyġe |
Elene 570a | þæt hīo ċiriċan ðǣr / on | þām | beorh-hliðe || bēġra rǣdu |
Elene 582b | on% / stān-ġe·fōĝum, || on | þām | stede-wange / ġierwan godes te |
Elene 586a | ċan || and ġimm-cynnum, / mid | þām | æðelestum || eorcnan-stānu |
Elene 601b | ċēas, / wuldres wynne || and | þām | wiersan wiþ·sōc, / dēoful- |
Elene 617b | erdhād / on Ierusalem || Iudas | þām | folce / tō bisċope || burgum |
Elene 626a | mǣran wyrd, / ġe·nēahhe for | þām | næġlum || þe þæs nerġen |
Elene 628a | and his folme swā same, / mid | þām | on rōde wæs || rodera weald |
Elene 629b | æstnod, frēa mehtiġ. || Be | þām | friġnan on·gann / crīstenra |
Elene 634a | and þæt word ā·cwæþ / tō | þām | bisċope, || beald reordode: / |
Elene 665a | þāra næġla swīðost / on | þām | wang-stede || wēnan þorfte. |
Elene 689b | ēoda, / nīewan stefne. || Hē | þām% | næġlum% on·fēng, / eġesan |
Elene 735a | . || Þū þās næġlas hāt / | þām | æðelestan || eorþ-cyninga / |
Elene 750b | ðed / wǣpen æt wīġe. || Be | þām | sē witĝa sang, / snottor sear |
Elene 778a | mre, || simle hǣlu ðǣr / æt | þām | bisċope, || bōte fundon / ē |
Elene 782a | and þā eallum be·bēad / on | þām | gum-rīċe || god herġendum, |
Elene 785b | , / heortan ġe·hyġdum, || on | þām | sēo hālġe rōd / ġe·meted |
Elene 818a | || on ġe·writum cȳðan / be | þām | siġe-bēacne. || Ā wæs sec |
Elene 852a | Sōþfæste bēoþ / yfemest on | þām | āde, || ēadiġra ġe·dryht |
Elene 858b | þ, / māne ġe·menġde, || on | þām | middle þrǣd, / hæleþ hyġe- |
Elene 865a | īpe. || Gode nā siþþan / of | þām | morðor-hofe || on ġe·mynd |
Elene 867a | || ac hīe worpene bēoþ / of | þām | heaðu-wielme || on helle-gru |
Elene 868b | , / torn-ġe·nīðlan. || Biþ | þām | twǣm dǣlum / unġelīċe. || |
Christ A 102a | , || ā tō weorolde forþ / on | þām | upplican || engla drēame / mid |
Christ A 141b | bringend, / lāra lǣdend, || | þām | lange his / hyhtan hider-cyme, |
Christ A 268a | san || and on riht cuman / tō | þām | up-cundan || æðelan rīċe, |
Christ A 273a | tlicor, || ēċe drihten, / æt | þām | lēod-sċaðan, || libbende g |
Christ A 305a | æt hē līfes ġe·steald / on | þām | ēċan hām || eall sċēawod |
Christ A 350b | fyrn wǣre / efen-wesende || on | þām | æðelan hām. / Næs ǣniġ þ |
Christ A 436a | da || hǣlend selfa, / efene on | þām | ēðle || ðǣr hē ǣr ne c |
Christ B 459a | d. || Hȳ þæs lārēowes / on | þām | wil-dæġe || word ne ġe·hi |
Christ B 497a | ġīen || lāst weardodon% / on | þām | þinġ-stede, || þeġnas ġe |
Christ B 640b | rðan / dierne and dēaĝol, || | þām | þe deorc ġe·witt / hæfdon o |
Christ B 667b | l fela / singan and seċġan || | þām | biþ snytru cræft / be·folen |
Christ B 749a | mǣrþum tilian / þæt we tō | þām | hīehstan || hrōfe ġe·stī |
Christ B 766b | on we fæste sċulon || wiþ | þām | fær-sċyte% / simbe wǣrlīċe |
Christ B 782b | deþ, / duĝuða drihten. || Is | þām | dōme nēah / þæt we ġe·lī |
Christ B 799a | htend, || sprecan rēðe word / | þām | þe him ǣr on weorolde || w |
Christ B 802a | Þǣr sċeall forht maniġ / on | þām | wang-stede || wēriġ bīdan / |
Christ B 820a | ðian || sāwol on līċe, / on | þām | gǣst-hofe. || Sċyle gumena |
Christ B 843b | , / ðǣr hē hine selfne || on | þām | siġe-þrēate / be·hȳdan mæ |
Christ B 848b | þæt we gæstes wlite || ǣr | þām | gryre-brōĝan / on þās gǣsn |
Christ C 879a | fēowerum || foldan sċeatum, / | þām | ȳtemestum || eorðan rīċes |
Christ C 910a | rmum || unġelīċe. / Hē biþ | þām | gōdum || glæd-mōd on ġe· |
Christ C 911b | itiġ, wynsumliċ, || weorode | þām | hālĝan, / on ġe·fēan fǣġ |
Christ C 916b | es cyme, / mæġen-cininges, || | þām | þe him on mōde ǣr / wordum a |
Christ C 918a | wēl ġe·cwēmdon. / Hē biþ | þām | yflum || eġesliċ and grimml |
Christ C 920a | sēonne, || synneĝum mannum, / | þām | ðǣr mid firenum cumaþ, || |
Christ C 921b | mæġ wītes tō wearnunga || | þām | þe hafaþ wīsne ġe·þōht |
Christ C 963a | m, || lēode ġōmre, / ac fore | þām | mǣstan || mæġen-earfoþum, |
Christ C 1050a | c ðǣr biþ drihtne cūþ / on | þām | miċelan dæġe, || hū manna |
Christ C 1075a | de suna || sāwle% bringen / of | þām | ēðle || þe hīe inn lifdon |
Christ C 1079b | uldorlēan weorca. || Wēl is | þām | þe mōton% / on þā grimman t |
Christ C 1091b | eþ, / þēodum tō þrēa, || | þām | þe þanc gode / wōm-wyrċende |
Christ C 1096b | e, / þēoden mann-cynne, || on | þām | dæġe, / mid þȳ weorðe, || |
Christ C 1135a | m || god-webba cyst / þæt ǣr | þām | hālĝan || hūse sċolde / tō |
Christ C 1162a | weorod ā·ġeaf, / hlōðe of | þām | hātan hreðre. || Hyġe wear |
Christ C 1182a | | heah-ġe·timbru, / eall fore | þām | ānum || unrōt ġe·wearþ, / |
Christ C 1204a | nesse || āĝan mosten? / Swā | þām | biþ grorne || on þām grimm |
Christ C 1204b | / Swā þām biþ grorne || on | þām | grimman dæġe / dōmes þæs m |
Christ C 1205b | ġe / dōmes þæs miċelan, || | þām | þe dryhtnes sċeall, / dēaþ- |
Christ C 1252a | flum, || byrnendra sċole. / Of | þām | him ā·weaxeþ || wynsum ġe |
Christ C 1260b | / Swā sċeall ġe·wrixled || | þām | þe ǣr wēl hēoldon / þurh m |
Christ C 1262a | | metodes willan. / Þonne biþ | þām | ōðrum || un-ġe·līċe / wil |
Christ C 1270b | wīte / andweard sēoþ, || on | þām | hīe āwa sċulon, / wræc winn |
Christ C 1281a | leahtra firene, / ġe·sēon on | þām | sāwlum. || Bēoþ þā singa |
Christ C 1310b | ǣniġ be·hēlan mæġ || on | þām | heardan dæġe / wamm unbēted% |
Christ C 1329b | m, / innan% uncyste. || Wē mid | þām | ōðrum ne maĝon, / hēafod-ġ |
Christ C 1337a | m || and fore el-þēodum / tō | þām | ēadĝostum || ǣrest mæðle |
Christ C 1347b | e ġē þā līf-welan || mid | þām | lēofostum%, / swǣse sweġel-d |
Christ C 1357a | te, || ādle ġe·bundne, / tō | þām | ġē holdlīċe || hyġe sta |
Christ C 1362a | n.’ / On·ġinneþ þonne tō | þām | yfelum || un-ġe·līċe / word |
Christ C 1371b | ierred / þēod-būendum, || on | þām | dæġe, / þæs æl-mihtĝan, | |
Christ C 1400a | r·ġiefen hæfde / and þē on | þām | eallum || ēades tō lȳt / mō |
Christ C 1427a | e hāliġ sċīnan / ēadiġ on | þām | ēċan līfe, || for·þon i |
Christ C 1474b | e āscie iċ nū || āwiht be | þām | biteran / dēaðe mīnum || þe |
Christ C 1501a | d-rīċe || ēl ā·rēten / of | þām | ǣhtum || þe iċ ēow on eor |
Christ C 1560a | | fore metode forht, / deorc on | þām | dōme standeþ || and dēaðe |
Christ C 1590a | sileþ || tō siĝor-lēanum / | þām | þe him on gǣstum || ġeorne |
Christ C 1651a | re || dryhtnes ansīen / eallum | þām | ġe·sǣlĝum || sunnan lēoh |
Vainglory 6a | iþþan meahte / on·ġietan be | þām | ġealdre || godes āĝen bear |
Vainglory 67a | feohte tō grimm / þonne biþ | þām | ōðrum || un-ġe·līċe / sē |
Vainglory 74b | an / on engla eard. || Ne biþ | þām | ōðrum swā, / sē þe on ofer |
Vainglory 79b | mēte, / þeġn on þēode, || | þām | biþ simle / gǣst ġe·gædero |
Widsith 91a | af, || burĝ-warena fruma, / on | þām | siex hund wæs || smǣtes gol |
Widsith 127a | || nemnan sċolde. / Ful oft of | þām | hēape || hwīnende flēah / ġ |
Maxims I 69a | ġe·dǣlen. / Gīfre biþ sē | þām | golde on·fēhð, || guma |
Maxims I 70b | ġif we lēoĝan nellaþ, || | þām | þe ūs þās lisse ġe·tēo |
Maxims I 136a | t we inn libbaþ, / and eft æt | þām | ende || eallum wealdeþ / manna |
Maxims I 194a | s þæt ān-dæġe nīþ, / of | þām | wrōht-dropan || wīde ġe·s |
The Order of the World 9a | e·hwǣm || or-ġiete tācen, / | þām | þurh wīsdōm || weorold eal |
The Order of the World 41a | le ġe·sċeafte, / þā nū on | þām | þrēam || þurh þēodnes ha |
The Order of the World 51a | īċe || frēan ēċe word / on | þām | frum-stōle || þe him frēa |
The Order of the World 58b | or standeþ, / ealra dēmena || | þām | ġe·dēfestan, / þe ūs þis |
The Order of the World 88b | te / miċelum meaht-locum || on | þām | mæġen-þrymme / mid þām sī |
The Order of the World 89a | on þām mæġen-þrymme / mid | þām | sīe ā·hefed || heofon and |
The Order of the World 95b | ·nōh. / Nis him wihte wan, || | þām | þe wuldres cyning / ġe·sē |
The Order of the World 102b | synna fyrnum, || fere him tō | þām | sellan rīċe. |
The Panther 15a | | on ġe·writum cȳðaþ% / be | þām | ān-stapan. || Sē is ǣġhw |
The Panther 17a | tiġ, || būtan dracan ānum, / | þām | hē on ealle tīd || and-wrā |
The Panther 33b | ǣngum% ġe·æfnan || būtan | þām | ātor-sċaðan, / his fyrn-ġe |
The Panther 36a | onne fōdor þiġeþ, / aefter | þām | ġe·reordum || ræste sēċe |
The Panther 45a | tefne || stenċ ūt cymeþ / of | þām | wang-stede, || wynsumra stēa |
The Panther 66a | d weorold ealle. / Siþþan tō | þām | swicce || sōþfæste menn / on |
The Whale 3b | an / þurh mōd-ġe·mynd || be | þām | miċelan hwæle. / Sē biþ unw |
The Whale 6b | dum, / niþþa ġe·hwelcum; || | þām% | is nama cenned, / fyrn-strēama |
The Whale 14a | aþ || hēah-stefn sċipu / tō | þām | unlande || ancor-rāpum, / setl |
The Whale 21a | e, || frēcnes ne wēnaþ, / on | þām | ēa-lande || ǣled weċċaþ, |
The Whale 37a | ·þæt hīe fæste ðǣr / æt | þām | wǣr-loĝan || wīċ ġe·ċ |
The Whale 44b | hēr / firenum fremmaþ, || mid | þām | hē fǣringa, / heoloþ-helme b |
The Whale 69a | -sīðe || helle on·tȳneþ, / | þām | þe lēaslīċe || līċes wy |
The Whale 71b | rǣd. / Þonne sē fǣcna || on | þām | fæstenne / ġe·brōht hafaþ, |
The Whale 73a | þ, || bealwes cræftiġ, / æt | þām | ed-wielme || þā þe him inn |
Soul and Body II 16b | eþ grimmlīċe || gǣst tō | þām | dūste: / ‘Hwæt, drūg% þū |
Soul and Body II 47a | ċenta || sċame þrōwian / on | þām | miċelan dæġe, || þonne ma |
Soul and Body II 83a | c bū || andwyrdan sċealt / on | þām | miċelan dæġe, || þonne ea |
Soul and Body II 111b | t. / Gīfer hātte sē wyrm, || | þām | þā ġeaflas bēoþ / nǣdle s |
Soul and Body II 113b | ðeþ tō / ǣrest ealra || on | þām | eorð-sċræfe; / hē þā tung |
Guthlac A 3b | nan drēamas || and hēo wiþ | þām | līċe ġe·dǣleþ. / Þonne c |
Guthlac A 10a | ed. || Eart nū tīd-fara / tō | þām | hālĝan hām.’ || Þǣr n |
Guthlac A 19a | bru || þe nā% tȳdriaþ, / ne | þām | fore iermþum || þe ðǣr in |
Guthlac A 91b | ā ġe·costan cempan || þā | þām | cyninge þēowaþ, / sē nǣfre |
Guthlac A 92b | fre þā lēan ā·leġeþ || | þām | þe his lufan ā·drēoĝeþ. |
Guthlac A 98b | eofonum. || Him wæs hiht tō | þām, | / siþþan hine on·liehte || s |
Guthlac A 124b | a lēan / ġeorne ġieldeþ, || | þām | þe his ġiefe willaþ / þiċ |
Guthlac A 136b | wæs ġe·flīemed; || sīþ | þām | frōfre gǣst / on Gūð·lāce |
Guthlac A 161a | | oft þurh reorde ā·bēad, / | þām | þe þrōwera || þēawas luf |
Guthlac A 173b | nēah, / fǣle friðu-weard, || | þām | þe fēara sum / mearc-land ġe |
Guthlac A 192a | wearfum, / cwǣdon þæt hē on | þām | beorĝe || beornan sċolde / an |
Guthlac A 196a | , || ġif hē manna drēam / of | þām | or-leġe || eft ne wolde / self |
Guthlac A 203a | ac him god sealde / ellen wiþ | þām | eġesan || þæt þæs eald-f |
Guthlac A 241a | þ ġe·hāten, / mec wile wiþ | þām | nīðum ġe·nerġan || sē |
Guthlac A 333b | / þonne hē tō eorðan || on | þām | ānade / hlēor on·hield. || H |
Guthlac A 346b | s gǣst beran / oft on andan || | þām | þe eahtan wile / sāwla ġe·h |
Guthlac A 356b | lċ, / þonne hine enġel || on | þām | ānade / ġeornost grētte || a |
Guthlac A 427b | don hine þā of lyfte || tō | þām | lēofostan / earde on eorðan, |
Guthlac A 443a | | þæt him fēondes hand / æt | þām | ȳtmestan || ende ne sċōde, |
Guthlac A 445a | dryhtnes || dōm wīsode / tō | þām | nīehstan || nīed-ġe·dāle |
Guthlac A 458a | || ēaðe ġe·sċielde, / for | þām | mierċelse || þe þeċ manne |
Guthlac A 460a | || æðelum ā·hwierfde. / In | þām | mæġ-wlite || maniġe libba |
Guthlac A 496b | maĝon þā aefter-ield || on | þām | ǣrestan / blǣde ġe·beran, | |
Guthlac A 548a | | þeġnas grymme, / ealle hīe | þām | fēore || fiell ġe·hēton. / |
Guthlac A 589a | || ðǣr þe lāðast biþ / on | þām | grymmestan || gǣst-ġe·winn |
Guthlac A 622a | ndre || sprǣċe ġe·lǣded, / | þām | þe on his weorcum || willan |
Guthlac A 642a | len-weorc || ān-for·lǣtan, / | þām | iċ lange || on līċ-haman / a |
Guthlac A 654b | / brēostum on·bryrded || tō | þām | beteran hām, / limum on·lī |
Guthlac A 655b | , / limum on·līehted || tō | þām | lēofostan / ēċan earde, || |
Guthlac A 661a | || ā·ġiefen weorðeþ, / for | þām | ofer-hyġdum || þe ēow on m |
Guthlac A 681b | wynn / āĝan mid englum || on | þām | uplican / rodera rīċe, || ð |
Guthlac A 688a | t hræðe || unsċyldiġne / of | þām | wræc-sīðe || wuldres cempa |
Guthlac A 692a | rþ fēonda þrēat / ācol for | þām | eġesan. || Ofer-mæċġa spr |
Guthlac A 728a | ēadiġ || dryhtnes cempa / tō | þām | anwillan || eorðan dǣle. / H |
Guthlac A 733a | iġe-hrēðiġ cōm / bytla tō | þām | beorĝe. || Hine blētsodon / m |
Guthlac B 831a | | ne dēaðes cyme, / ac hē on | þām | lande || libban mōste / ealra |
Guthlac B 834b | þorfte / līfes ne lissa || on | þām | lēohtan hām / þurh ielda tī |
Guthlac B 836b | dan, / ac aefter fierste || tō | þām | færestan / heofon-rīċes ġe |
Guthlac B 866a | ard. || Nǣniġ manna wæs / of | þām | siġe-tūdre || siþþan ǣfr |
Guthlac B 871a | þæt him bām ġe·sċōd / on | þām | dēoran hām. || Dēaþ rīcs |
Guthlac B 889a | Wæs sē drohtaþ strang / æt | þām | godes cempan || ġearwe fundo |
Guthlac B 894a | ĝuþum ġe·fremede. / Oft tō | þām | wīcum || weorode cōmon / dēo |
Guthlac B 899a | līċe || maniĝum reordum / on | þām | wēstenne || wōðe hōfon / hl |
Guthlac B 921b | , / and ðǣr sīþ-frame || on | þām | siġe-wange / æt þām hālĝa |
Guthlac B 922a | e || on þām siġe-wange / æt | þām | hālĝan þēowan% || helpe |
Guthlac B 942b | ta / blīðe on burgum. || Wæs | þām | bān-cofan / aefter niht-glōme |
Guthlac B 960a | m. || Hē his mōd-sefan / wiþ | þām | fǣr-haĝan || fæste trymede |
Guthlac B 993b | ·openaþ. || Ne mæġ ǣniġ | þām | / flǣsċe be·fangen || fēore |
Guthlac B 1075a | an, || wilna be·sċierede / on | þām | dēaþ-sele || duĝuþa ġe· |
Guthlac B 1079a | niman || ed-lēana% ġeorn / on | þām | ēċan ġe·fean, || ǣr-ġe |
Guthlac B 1084a | drēam, || drihten andweard, / | þām | iċ ġeorne || gæst-ġe·rȳ |
Guthlac B 1090b | fundaþ / of līċ-fæte || tō | þām | langan ġe·fēan / on ēad-wel |
Guthlac B 1099a | | Þā% sē dæġ be·cōm / on | þām | sē libbenda || on līċ-hama |
Guthlac B 1110a | hræðost meahte, / mēðe for | þām | miċelan bisiĝum. || On·gan |
Guthlac B 1114b | his þeġne on·gann, || swā | þām | þēodne ġe·rās, / þurh gæ |
Guthlac B 1147a | eġn, || æðeles nēosan / tō | þām | hālĝan hofe, || fand þā h |
Guthlac B 1167a | arn, || nis nū swīðe feorr / | þām | ȳtmestan || ende-dōĝor / nī |
Guthlac B 1181a | fostan, || on langne weġ / tō | þām | fǣġeran ġe·fēan || forþ |
Guthlac B 1186b | lnode / þæt wit unc eft || on | þām | ēċan ġe·fēan / on sweġel- |
Guthlac B 1264a | . || Nū of hreðer-locan / tō | þām | sōðan ġe·fēan || sāwol |
Guthlac B 1269b | ġe·wērĝod.’ || Þā tō | þām | wǣĝe ġe·sāh, / hafolan on |
Guthlac B 1307a | -weġ. || Englas feredon% / tō | þām | langan ġe·fēan, || līċ c |
Guthlac B 1348b | þ: / ‘Ellen biþ sēlost || | þām | þe oftost sċeall / drēoĝan |
Guthlac B 1354b | n þonan / ġōmor hweorfan. || | Þām | biþ gamenes wana / þe þā ea |
Guthlac B 1371b | t / þæt ġit ā mosten || on | þām | ēċan ġe·fēan / mid þā si |
Riddles 13 10a | || Hræġl biþ ġe·nīewod / | þām | þe ǣr forþ-cumene || fræt |
Riddles 15 26a | þ, || ne tō·sǣleþ him / on | þām | ġeġn-paþe || gūð-ġe·m |
Riddles 15 29b | depilum / lāþ-ġe·winnum, || | þām | þe iċ lange flēah. |
Riddles 16 2a | iþ winde feohtan, / samod wiþ | þām | sæċċe, || þonne iċ sēċ |
Riddles 20 23a | dlēas || hweorfan mōte / fram | þām | healdende || þe mē hringas |
Riddles 26 5a | r iċ swīðe be·lēas / herum | þām | þe iċ hæfde. || Heard mec |
Riddles 29 4a | tum ġe·ġierwed, / hūðe tō | þām | hām || of þām here-sīðe; |
Riddles 29 4b | , / hūðe tō þām hām || of | þām | here-sīðe; / wealde hire on |
Riddles 3 7a | || Nāh iċ hwierft-weġes / of | þām | āĝlǣċe%, || ac iċ ēðel |
Riddles 37 6a | þonne sellan sċeall / innoþ | þām | ōðrum, || ac him eft cymeþ |
Riddles 42 7a | n-stafas || rincum seċġan, / | þām | þe bēċ witan, || bēġa æ |
Riddles 43 2b | dierne / ġiest on ġeardum, || | þām | sē grymma ne mæġ / hungor s |
Riddles 43 6a | || sē þe āĝan sċeall / on | þām | sīþ-fæte, || hīe ġe·sun |
Riddles 47 6b | hte þȳ glēawra, || þe hē | þām | wordum swealh. |
Riddles 49 4a | ġīfrum lācum. / Hwīlum on% | þām | wīcum || sē wanna þeġn, / s |
Riddles 50 10a | on lissum. || Lēanaþ grymme / | þām% | þe hine wlancne || weorðan |
Riddles 56 9b | h. / Trēow wæs ġe·tenġe || | þām | ðǣr torhtan stōd / lēafum b |
The Wife's Lament 28b | bearwe, / under āc-trēo || on | þām | eorþ-sċræfe. / Eald is þēs |
The Wife's Lament 52b | / wynlicran wīċ. || Wā biþ | þām | þe sċeall / of langoþe || l |
The Judgment Day I 6a | ed hider || þēoden ūser / on | þām | mǣstan dæġe, || mæġen-cy |
The Judgment Day I 18a | elle sēċaþ, / flēoĝaþ mid | þām | fēondum. || Him biþ fȳr on |
The Judgment Day I 25b | grund, / sārliċ sīþfæt || | þām | þe sibbe full oft / tō·mǣld |
The Judgment Day I 28a | būtan ende || ēċe standeþ / | þām | þe ðǣr for his synnum || o |
The Judgment Day I 33b | standeþ / clǣnum heortum, || | þām | þe þisne cwide willaþ / on· |
The Judgment Day I 59a | ċeaft, || brandas lācaþ / on | þām | dēopan dæġe, || dyneþ up- |
The Judgment Day I 83a | re wyrde, || wuldres ealdor, / | þām | þe his synna nū || sāre ġ |
The Judgment Day I 103a | nd bān-sele, / ġe·samnod tō | þām | sīðe. || Sōþ þæt wile c |
The Judgment Day I 104b | nne we ūs ġe·mittaþ || on | þām | mǣstan dæġe, / rincas æt ð |
The Judgment Day I 113a | s word; || wangas bifiaþ / for | þām | ǣrende || þæt hē tō ūs |
The Judgment Day I 118a | nende līeġ. / Siþþan aefter | þām | līeġe || līf biþ ġe·sta |
Resignation 57a | st. / Ġe·luĝon hīe him æt | þām | ġe·lēafan; || for·þon h |
Resignation 73a | -weġ || and fundian / self tō | þām | sīðe || þe iċ ā·settan |
Resignation 103a | s, || þe mē ġe·fylste / tō | þām | sīþ-fæte, || nū iċ mē s |
The Descent into Hell 8a | wǣron mōdġe, / þe hīe æt | þām | beorĝe || blīðe% fundon%. / |
The Descent into Hell 14a | þ Iudea; / wendan þæt hē on | þām | beorĝe || bīdan sċolde, / an |
The Descent into Hell 38b | , / ne hē byrn-wīġend || tō | þām | burĝ-ġeatum / lǣdan ne wolde |
The Descent into Hell 40a | ā locu fēollon, / clūstor of | þām | ċeastrum; || cyning inn oþ |
The Descent into Hell 68a | ġe·līefeþ, / þæt hine of | þām | bendum || biċġan wille. / Sw |
The Descent into Hell 113a | , || þēoda wealdend, / ac for | þām | miltsum || þe þū mann-cynn |
Alms-Giving 1a | # Alms-Giving / / Wēl biþ | þām | eorle || þe him on innan haf |
Azarias 61a | līċe ne sċōd, / ac wæs on | þām | ofene%, || þā sē enġel c |
Azarias 65a | d dæġes hwīle. / Sē wæs on | þām | fȳre || for frēan meahtum / h |
Azarias 114a | ealle wer-þēode, / libbaþ be | þām | lissum || þe ūs sē lēofa |
Azarias 130a | gang, || lēohtes hīerde, / on | þām | wuniaþ || wīd-ferende / sīð |
Azarias 142a | hrēraþ || hrēo wǣġas / on | þām | brādan brime, || brēmen dri |
Azarias 179b | ġne wuldor-haman.’ || þā | þām | wordum swealh / breĝu Caldea, |
Azarias 180b | Caldea, || ġe·wāt þā tō | þām | bryne gangan / an-hyġdiġ eorl |
Azarias 181b | diġ eorl, || þæt hē ofer | þām | āde ġe·stōd. / Hēt þā of |
Azarias 182a | āde ġe·stōd. / Hēt þā of | þām | līeġe || libbende bearn / Nab |
Azarias 186a | n ġe·hīerdon, / ac ēodon of | þām | fȳre, || feorh unwemme, / wuld |
Riddles 60 11b | s dæl, / on sefan searuliċ || | þām | þe swelċ ne cann, / hū mec s |
Riddles 70 1b | dles 70 / / Wiht is wrǣtliċ || | þām | þe hire% wīsan ne cann. / Sin |
Riddles 73 28a | || hē fūs þonan / wendeþ of | þām | wīcum. || Wiġa sē þe mīn |
Riddles 88 31a | iċ ġe·wendan ne mæġ. / Æt | þām | spore findeþ || spēd sē þ |
The Phoenix 8a | l, || wynnum ġe·blissod / mid | þām | fæġerostum || foldan stencu |
The Phoenix 50a | liden weorðaþ. / Nis ðǣr on | þām | lande || lāþ-ġe·nīðla, / |
The Phoenix 76a | e, || ac ðǣr wrætlīċe / on | þām | trēowum simle || telĝan ġe |
The Phoenix 78a | d-nīewe, || on ealle tīd / on | þām | græs-wange || grēne standa |
The Phoenix 89a | fre him dēaþ sċieðeþ / on | þām | will-wange, || þenden weorol |
The Phoenix 104b | wā sē æðela fuĝol || æt | þām | ǣ-springe / wlitiġfæst wuna |
The Phoenix 107a | f sīðum hine / be·baðaþ on | þām | burnan || ǣr þæs bēacnes |
The Phoenix 109a | lle% || and simle swā oft / of | þām | wilsuman || wiell-ġe·spryng |
The Phoenix 134a | renca ġe·hwelcum. / Ne maĝon | þām | breahtme || bīeman ne hornas |
The Phoenix 175a | þæs fuĝoles naman. / Hafaþ | þām | trēowe for·ġiefen || tīr- |
The Phoenix 188a | weorodum līehteþ, / þonne on | þām | telĝum || timbran on·ġinne |
The Phoenix 195a | ynsume || and wudu-blēda / tō | þām | eard-stede, || æðel-stenċa |
The Phoenix 201b | / ðǣr sē wilda fuĝol || on | þām | wēstenne / ofer hēanne bēam |
The Phoenix 204a | nd ġe·wīcaþ ðǣr / self on | þām | solore || and ymb·seteþ ūt |
The Phoenix 205a | e || and ymb·seteþ ūtan / on | þām | leaf-sċade || līċ and feð |
The Phoenix 207a | wǣre || hālĝum stencum / and | þām | æðelostum || eorðan blǣdu |
The Phoenix 230a | ē bryne sweðraþ. / Þonne of | þām | āde || æpples ġe·līċnes |
The Phoenix 232a | n biþ || eft ġe·mēted, / of | þām | weaxeþ wyrm, || wundrum fǣ |
The Phoenix 250b | aþ / winter-ġe·wǣdum. || Of | þām | wæstmum sċeall / eorla ēad-w |
The Phoenix 287a | ræftiġ || bān and yslan / on | þām | êa-lande. || Bið him ed·n |
The Phoenix 328a | ieppendes ġiefe / fæġere on | þām | fuĝole, || swā him æt frum |
The Phoenix 353a | n. || Fuĝolas ċierraþ / fram | þām | gūþ-frecan || ġōmor-mōde |
The Phoenix 388a | cynd || fela ġe·līċes / be | þām | ġe·cornum || Crīstes þeġ |
The Phoenix 392a | m || and him hēanne blǣd / on | þām | upplican || ēðle ġe·strī |
The Phoenix 400a | r-cwide, || healdan woldon / on | þām | nīewan ġe·fēan. || Þǣr |
The Phoenix 430a | leo || hēah ġe·mēteþ, / on | þām | hē ġe·timbreþ || tānum a |
The Phoenix 431a | timbreþ || tānum and wyrtum / | þām | æðelostum || eard-wīc nīe |
The Phoenix 447b | Þæt is sē hēa bēam || on | þām | hālġe nū / wīċ weardiaþ, |
The Phoenix 463b | a mǣst / dǣda ġe·fremme; || | þām | biþ drihten sċield / on sīð |
The Phoenix 470a | st ġe·wyrċeþ. / Swā nū on | þām | wīcum || willan fremmaþ / mō |
The Phoenix 474a | for·ġieldan. / Bēoþ him of | þām | wyrtum || wīċ ġe·staðolo |
The Phoenix 516b | wuldres ġimm. || Wēl biþ | þām | þe mōt / on þā ġōmran tī |
The Phoenix 529b | an sind / wyrta wynsume, || mid | þām | sē wilda fuĝol / his selfes n |
The Phoenix 538a | him wuldor-cyning / mehtiġ æt | þām | mæðele || milde ġe·weorð |
The Phoenix 582a | , || ðǣr ǣniġ ne mæġ / on | þām | lēodsċipe || lǣþþum hwō |
The Phoenix 593a | dode, || blissum hrēmġe, / on | þām | gladan hām, || gæstas ġe· |
The Phoenix 599b | hwæs / beorhte blīceþ || on | þām | blīðan% hām / fore ansīene |
The Phoenix 611a | fæder engla. / Ne biþ him on | þām | wīcum || wiht tō sorĝe, / wr |
The Phoenix 636a | e || sōþfæstra ġe·dryht, / | þām | ānum is || ēċe weorðmynd / |
The Phoenix 657a | e him tō heofonum biþ, / tō | þām | mildan gode, || mōd ā·fȳs |
The Phoenix 663b | blǣd, / ār and anweald, || on | þām | uplican / rodera rīċe. || Hē |
Juliana 152a | nīðlum || gafol on·hāte, / | þām | wierrestum || wītes þeġnum |
Juliana 184a | le ġe·sċeafta.’ / Þā for | þām | folce || frecne mōde / bēot-w |
Juliana 225a | æt is sōþ cyning.’ / Þā | þām | folc-toĝan || fracuðliċ þ |
Juliana 240a | an, || heofon-rīċes god, / on | þām | nīed-clafan, || nerġend fir |
Juliana 267b | / Þā wæs sēo fǣmne || for | þām | fǣr-spelle / eġesan ġe·ācl |
Juliana 323a | cyning, || hider on·sende / of | þām | engan hām, || sē is yfela |
Juliana 324a | || sē is yfela ġe·hwæs / on | þām | grorn-hofe || ġeornfulra þo |
Juliana 377b | ĝan tō / lāðne ġe·lde || | þām | þe iċ līfes of·ann, / lēoh |
Juliana 455a | ċīene || wuldres candel / tō | þām | wǣr-loĝan% || wordum mǣlde |
Juliana 500b | orman menn, / Adam and Aeue, || | þām | iċ ealdor oþ·þrang, / and h |
Juliana 517b | te, || hwæðere iċ gang tō | þām | / āĝan mōste. || Næs ǣniġ |
Juliana 530a | ċeariġ || gafol-rǣdenne / on | þām | rēongan hām.’ || þā sē |
Juliana 532a | lĝ-mōd guma, || Iulianan / of | þām | engan hofe || ūt ġe·lǣdon |
Juliana 568b | ōd, / mæġeþa bealdor, || on | þām | middle ġe·sund. / Þæt þām |
Juliana 569a | þām middle ġe·sund. / Þæt | þām | weleĝan wæs || weorc tō þ |
Juliana 646b | e·lang / ēċe tō ealdre, || | þām | þe āĝan sċeall. / For·þon |
Juliana 653b | / lēohte ġe·lēafan, || tō | þām | libbendum / stāne stīþ-hyġd |
Juliana 670b | / ā·lǣded of līċe || tō | þām | langan ġe·fēan / þurh sweor |
Juliana 683b | þorfton þā þeġnas || on | þām | þīestran hām, / sēo ġe·n |
Juliana 684b | / sēo ġe·nēat-sċolu || on | þām | neolwan sċræfe, / tō þām f |
Juliana 685a | n þām neolwan sċræfe, / tō | þām | frum-gāre || feoh-ġe·steal |
Juliana 723b | remme, / meahta wealdend, || on | þām | miċelan% dæġe, / fæder, fr |
The Wanderer 31a | biþ || sorh tō ġe·fēran, / | þām | þe him lȳt hafaþ || lēofr |
The Wanderer 56a | a. || Cearu biþ ġe·nīewod / | þām | þe sendan sċeall || swīðe |
The Wanderer 114b | ne ġe·fremman. || Wēl biþ | þām | þe him āre sēċeþ, / frōfr |
Precepts 6b | s / frēa and fultum, || fēond | þām | ōðrum / wiersan ġe·wyrhta. |
Precepts 20a | mid wīte ġieldeþ, / swelċe | þām | ōðrum || mid ēad-welan.’ |
The Seafarer 51b | s fūsne / sefan tō sīðe, || | þām | þe swā þenċeþ / on flōd-w |
The Seafarer 122b | ht on heofonum. || Þæs sīe | þām | hālĝan þanc, / þæt hē ūs |
The Paris Psalter 84:8 2a | sōðe || for·swīðe nēah / | þām% | þe eġesan his || elne heald |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 44a | æs þæt hærliċ dǣd. / Ēac | þām | wæs unrīm || ōðres manes / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 72a | s him hrēoh sefa, / eġe fram | þām | eorle. || Hē hine inne hēt / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 79a | eorl, || āre ne wende, / ne on | þām | fæstene || frōfre ġe·mund |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 70a | || þæt hēo wolde cuman / tō | þām | earde || þe hēo of be·cōm |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 89a | || ġe·līcost wæs, / būtan | þām | cyninge, || þe sēo cwēn lu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 48a | wǣfeþ || sumes anlice / efene | þām | munte || þe nū manna bearn / |
The Battle of Brunanburh 29a | ·feohte. || Fīfe lāĝon / on | þām | camp-stede || cyningas ġunge |
Solomon and Saturn 178a | ; || locaþ ġe·nēahhe / fram | þām | unlǣdan || āĝen% hālford. |
The Judgment Day II 282a | s hēalīċ ġiefu, / ġe·mang | þām | ǣnlican || engla weorode / and |
The Battle of Maldon 10a | t sē cniht nolde / wācian æt | þām% | wīġe%, || þā hē tō wǣp |
The Battle of Maldon 28a | | brim-līðendra / ǣrende tō | þām | eorle, || ðǣr hē on ōfre |
The Battle of Maldon 34b | an, || ġif ġē spēdaþ tō | þām; | / we willaþ wiþ þām golde | |
The Battle of Maldon 35a | þ tō þām; / we willaþ wiþ | þām | golde || griþ fæstnian. / Ġi |
The Battle of Maldon 40a | friþ æt ūs, / we willaþ mid | þām | sċeatum ūs || tō sċipe ga |
The Battle of Maldon 63a | beornas gangan, / þæt hīe on | þām | êa-stæðe || ealle stōden. |
The Battle of Maldon 64b | ǣr for wætere || weorod tō | þām | ōðrum; / ðǣr cōm flōwende |
The Battle of Maldon 81a | ġe twēġen, / þā noldon æt | þām | forda || flēam ġe·wyrċan, |
The Battle of Maldon 121a | ēoden || þanc ġe·sæġde, / | þām | būr-þeġne, || þā hē byr |
The Battle of Maldon 132b | ode swā ān-rǣd || eorl tō | þām | ċeorle, / ǣġþer hira ōðru |
The Battle of Maldon 136a | ālford; / hē sċēaf þā mid | þām | sċielde, || þæt sē sċeaf |
The Battle of Maldon 142a | || hand wīsode / þæt hē on | þām | fǣr-sċaðan || feorh ġe·r |
The Battle of Maldon 154a | ē full cāflīċe / bræġd of | þām | beorne || blōdiġne gār, / Wu |
The Battle of Maldon 159b | þā ġe·sierwed || secg tō | þām | eorle; / hē wolde þæs beorne |
The Battle of Maldon 190a | || þe āhte his hālford, / on | þām | ġe·rǣdum || þe hit riht n |
The Battle of Maldon 193a | ne ġīemdon, / ac wendon fram | þām | wīġe || and þone wudu sōh |
The Battle of Maldon 199a | n dæġ || ǣr ā·sæġde / on | þām | mæðel-stede, || þā hē ġ |
The Battle of Maldon 227a | | ānne ġe·rǣhte / flotan on | þām | folce, || þæt sē on foldan |
The Battle of Maldon 240a | ē on mēare rād, / on wlancan | þām | wiċġe, || þæt wǣre hit |
The Battle of Maldon 245b | bord tō ġe·beorĝe; || hē | þām | beorne on·cwæþ: / ‘Iċ þ |
The Battle of Maldon 268b | ma. / Hē ne wandode nā || æt | þām | wīġ-pleĝan, / ac hē fȳsde |
The Battle of Maldon 278b | t hē his sinċ-ġiefan || on | þām | sǣ-mannum / weorðlīċe wrec, |
The Battle of Maldon 300b | him Wīġ·helmes bearn || on | þām | wæle lǣġe. / Þǣr wæs stī |
The Battle of Maldon 323a | þā wīċingas, / swā hē on | þām | folce || fyrmest ēode, / hēow |