Number of occurrences in corpus: 32
Genesis A 87b | ldor-spēdum weliġ, || wīde | stōdon | / ġiefum grōwende || on Godes |
Genesis B 460b | d him bi twēġen% || bēamas | stōdon | / þā wǣron ūtan || ofetes |
Exodus 111b | n, / biernende bēam. || Blāce | stōdon | / ofer sċēotendum || sċīre |
Exodus 136b | m, / ōht inn-lende. || Eġesan | stōdon, | / wæl-gryre weoroda; || wræc- |
Exodus 201b | atol ǣfen-lēoþ, || eġesan | stōdon, | / weorodon wæl-nett, || þā s |
Exodus 460a | wæs ā·drenċed. / Strēamas | stōdon, | || storm up ġe·wāt / hēah t |
Exodus 491b | tēah, inn slēap. || Eġesan | stōdon, | / wēollon wæl-benna. || Wī-t |
Exodus 566b | on siġe-bīeman, || (seġnas | stōdon), | / on fæġerne swēġ; || folc |
Daniel 64b | þe þǣm folce || tō friðe | stōdon. | / Ġe·hlōdon him tō hūðe | |
Andreas 842b | ġel-fāĝan trafu, || torras | stōdon, | / windġe weallas. || Þā sē |
Andreas 871b | Ūtan ymbe æðelne || englas | stōdon, | / þeġnas ymb þēoden, || þ |
Andreas 1157b | ndon mete-lēaste, || mēðe | stōdon, | / hungre ġe·hæfte. || Horn-s |
Andreas 45a | ġ-þele || wiĝan unslāwne. / | Stōdon | him þā on ōfre || aefter r |
Dream of the Rood 7b | ·goten mid golde. || ġimmas | stōdon | / fæġere æt foldan sċeatum, |
Dream of the Rood 71a | r grēotende || gōde hwīle / | stōdon | on staðole, || siþþan stef |
Elene 227b | b ġeofenes stæþ || ġearwe | stōdon, | / sǣlde sǣ-mēaras, || sunde |
Elene 232a | || æt Wendel-sǣ / on stæðe | stōdon. | || Stundum wrǣcon / ofer mearc |
Christ A 252b | m / full lange ǣr || be·locen | stōdon, | / heofona hēah-frēa, || hāt |
Guthlac A 191b | an%, / frecne fȳres wielme. || | Stōdon | him on fēðe-hwearfum, / cwǣd |
Guthlac A 724b | fde / godes ǣrendu. || Ġearwe | stōdon | / hæftas hīersume, || þā þ |
The Ruin 38a | | brādan rīċes. / Stān-hofu | stōdon, | || strēam hāte wearp / wīdan |
Riddles 88 11a | þȳ weorðra || þe wit inn | stōdon, | || / hyrstum þȳ hīerra. || |
The Wanderer 87b | eald enta ġe·weorc || īdlu | stōdon. | / Sē þonne þisne weall-steal |
Beowulf 328b | gūþ-searu gumena; || gāras | stōdon, | / sǣ-manna searu, || samod æt |
Beowulf 3047a | || ende ġe·nyttod. / Him bī | stōdon | || bunan and orcas, / discas l |
Judith 267b | elċ for·bīġed. || Beornas | stōdon | / ymbe hira þēodnes træf || |
The Battle of Maldon 72b | ūt ġe·wāt; || þā flotan | stōdon | ġearwe, / wīċinga fela, || w |
The Battle of Maldon 79a | on þā bryċġe stōp. / Þǣr | stōdon | mid Wulf·stāne || wiĝan un |
The Battle of Maldon 100b | r onġēan gramum || ġearwe | stōdon | / Byrht·nōþ mid beornum; || |
The Battle of Maldon 127a | m; || wæl fēoll on eorðan. / | Stōdon | stede-fæste; || stihte hīe |
The Battle of Maldon 182b | þā beornas || þe him biġ | stōdon, | / Ælf·nōþ and Wulf·mǣr || |
The Battle of Maldon 301b | ǣr wæs stīþ ġe·mōt; || | stōdon | fæste / wiĝan on ġe·winne, |