Number of occurrences in corpus: 155
Genesis A 865a | ne tō || rīċe þēoden / his | sunu | gangan. || Him þā selfa on |
Genesis A 873a | dswarode: / ‘Saĝa mē þæt, | sunu | min, || for hwon sēċest þ |
Genesis A 924b | d cennan / þurh sār miċel || | sunu | and dohtor’. / A·bēad ēac |
Genesis A 1064a | ldesta wæs || Īared hāten, / | sunu | Ēnoses. || Siþþan wōcon, / |
Genesis A 1081b | hte, / swin-siġende swēġ, || | sunu | Lāmehes. / Swelċe on ðǣre m |
Genesis A 1086a | es ġe·mynd || manna ǣrest, / | sunu | Lāmehes, || sulh-ġe·weorce |
Genesis A 1106a | || ōðer fēded, / sōþfæst | sunu, | || þǣm wæs Seth nama. / Sē |
Genesis A 1111b | mann-cynnes: || ‘Mē ēċe | sunu% | / sealde% selfa || siĝora weal |
Genesis A 1158b | ne hund-seofontiġ || ǣr him | sunu | wōce. / Þā wearþ on ēðle |
Genesis A 1163a | | fēorum ġe·īehte / Ēnoses | sunu. | || Ealra niĝun-hund / wintra h |
Genesis A 1171b | earna strīenan. || Him brȳd | sunu | / mēowle tō mannum brōhte. | |
Genesis A 1187a | l ġe·wearþ / þæt his wīf | sunu | || on weorold brōhte; / sē ea |
Genesis A 1224b | a / and hund-seofontiġ tō. || | Sunu | aefter hēold, / Lāmech lēod- |
Genesis A 1229a | l on·gann || æðele cennan, / | sunu | and dohtor. || Siþþan lifde |
Genesis A 1240b | cweðaþ. / Sēm wæs hāten || | sunu | Nōes, / sē ieldesta, || ōðe |
Genesis A 1286b | of, / swīðe ġe·sǣliġ, || | sunu | Lāmeches, / dōmfæst and ġe |
Genesis A 1368a | rġend ūser. || Nōe hæfde, / | sunu | Lāmeches, || siex-hund wintr |
Genesis A 1408b | īðende, / siĝora wealdend || | sunu | Lāmeches / and ealle þā wōc |
Genesis A 1425a | n. || Þǣr sē hālĝa bād, / | sunu | Lāmeches, || sōðra ġe·h |
Genesis A 1441a | elum ēac || eorðan tūdres / | sunu | Lāmeches || sweartne flēoĝ |
Genesis A 1543b | .” / Þā wæs sē snotora || | sunu | Lāmehes / of fere ā·cumen || |
Genesis A 1589a | || Þā of slǣpe on·bræġd / | sunu | Lāmehes, || and þā sōna o |
Genesis A 1606a | rð-weorod || hēafod-māĝa, / | sunu | and dohtra. || Hē wæs selfa |
Genesis A 1612b | , / swǣsum and ġe·sibbum, || | sunu | Iāfeþes; / þæs tēames wæs |
Genesis A 1615a | e·sċeafta. / Swelċe Chāmes | sunu | || cende wurdon, / eaforan on |
Genesis A 1800b | ðe-mōd || and his brōðor | sunu | / forþ ofer·fōron || folc-m |
Genesis A 1928a | e·ċēas || and ēðel-setl / | sunu | Ārones || on Sōdoma byrġ; / |
Genesis A 2180a | ryttian. / Ne sealdest þū mē | sunu; | || for·þon mec sorh dreċe |
Genesis A 2197b | m ā·sǣled%. || Ġīen þē | sunu | weorðeþ, / bearn of brȳde || |
Genesis A 2285b | sċealt, Āĝar, || Abrahame | sunu | / on weorold bringan. || Iċ þ |
Genesis A 2301b | ra hæfde / [VI] and [LXXX]. || | Sunu | wēox and þāh, / swā sē en |
Genesis A 2327b | ġe·lēafan. || Þū sċealt | sunu | āĝan, / bearn be brȳde þīn |
Genesis A 2344a | || bringan meahte / on weorold | sunu; | || wiste ġearwe / þæt þæt |
Genesis A 2356a | d || on woruld bringan / Sarra | sunu, | || sōþ forþ gān / wyrd aeft |
Genesis A 2372a | be frēan hǣse / on his selfes | sunu, | || hēt þæt seġn weġan% / h |
Genesis A 2429b | ġe·mitton / selfne sittan || | sunu | Ārones, / þæt þǣm glēawan |
Genesis A 2465a | alle || æðelinga ġe·dryht / | sunu | Ārones, || snytra ġe·myndi |
Genesis A 2500a | ere tō Lōthe: / ‘Ġif þū | sunu | āĝe || oþþe swǣsne mǣġ |
Genesis A 2608b | l-ġe·sweostor || on weorold | sunu | / hira ealdan fæder. || Þāra |
Genesis A 2774b | d-tēontiġ% || þā him wīf | sunu | / on þanc ġe·bær. || Hā þ |
Genesis A 2793a | ē on wræc drīfe / his selfes | sunu, | || þā cōm sōþ metod / fram |
Genesis A 2853a | ealt Īsaac mē / on·seċġan, | sunu | þīnne, || self tō tibre. / S |
Genesis A 2858a | þīnum, || and blōtan self / | sunu | mid sweordes eċġe, || and |
Genesis A 2885b | æðeling || and his āĝen | sunu | / tō þæs ġe·mearces || þe |
Genesis A 2887b | an ofer wealdas. || Wudu bær | sunu, | / fæder fȳr and sweord. || Þ |
Genesis A 2906b | be ġe·hiltum, || wolde his | sunu | cwellan / folmum sīnum, || fȳ |
Exodus 332a | || flota mōdġade, / Rūbenes | sunu. | || Randas bǣron / sǣ-wīċing |
Exodus 341a | aefter him || folca þrȳðum / | sunu | Simeones || swēotum cōmon; / |
Exodus 389b | non. / Þǣr eft sē snotra || | sunu | Dauides, / wuldor-fæst cyning, |
Exodus 402a | | beorna sēlost, / his swǣsne | sunu | || tō siġe-tībre, / āngan o |
Exodus 420a | raham, || þīn āĝen bearn, / | sunu | mid swurde! || Sōþ is ġe· |
Exodus 426a | nswīcendu. / Hū ðearf mannes | sunu | || māran trēowe? / Ne be·hwi |
Daniel 401a | || fæder æl-mehtiġ, / sōþ | sunu | metodes, || sāwla nerġend, / |
Christ and Satan 63b | ūs tō sōðe || þæt þīn | sunu | wǣre / metod mann-cynnes; || h |
Christ and Satan 118b | es% and wīta, || wealdendes% | sunu. | / For·þon iċ sċeall% hēan |
Christ and Satan 142b | e, / sang on sweġele, || ðǣr | sunu | metodes / habbaþ ēadġe% bear |
Christ and Satan 172b | ! / Þæs iċ wolde of selde || | sunu | metodes, / drihten ā·drīfan, |
Christ and Satan 241b | welcne, || and his sē dēora | sunu, | / gasta sċieppend. || God self |
Christ and Satan 394b | rōwian. / Hit is sē selfa || | sunu | wealdendes, / engla drihten. || |
Christ and Satan 526b | ġēaton% hāliġne || Godes | sunu | / swā hēo ġe·sǣĝon || hw |
Christ and Satan 527b | ā hēo ġe·sǣĝon || hwǣr | sunu | metodes / þā% on% up ġe·st |
Christ and Satan 579b | nū on þā swīðran hand || | sunu | his fæderes; / dǣleþ dōgra |
Christ and Satan 646b | ttaþ / selfe% mid sweġele, || | sunu% | hǣlendes! / ðǣr is ġeat gyl |
Andreas 879b | / ēadiġ ōretta, || Essaġes | sunu, | / for Crīst cumen, || cyning I |
Andreas 1109a | reorde, / cwæþ hē his selfes | sunu% | || sellan wolde / on ǣht-ġe· |
Andreas 17a | ona rīċes, / ðǣr fæder and | sunu | || and frōfre gǣst / on þrī |
Dream of the Rood 150a | þe ðǣr bryne þolodon. / sē | sunu | wæs siĝorfæst || on þām |
Elene 9a | snūde ġe·cȳþ, / min swǣs | sunu, | || ǣr þeċ swylt nime. / Ne m |
Elene 23a | , || cyning on roderum, / sōþ | sunu | metodes, || sāwla nerġend? |
Elene 36b | / on sefan sōhton || hū hīe | sunu | metodes / ā·hēngon, helm wer |
Elene 126a | oden || ġe·þrōwade, / sōþ | sunu | metodes, || for sāwla lufan. |
Elene 154b | cræftes wīs || and wītĝan | sunu, | / beald on mæðele; || him ġe |
Elene 248b | þæt ġe·swerġe || þurh | sunu | metodes, / þone ā·hangnan go |
Elene 339a | gla, || (ġif hē þīn nǣre / | sunu | synna lēas, || nǣfre hē s |
Elene 453b | rðodon, / and þone sōðan || | sunu | wealdendes / wordum heredon. || |
Christ A 91a | mrende || ġīehþum mǣnaþ, / | sunu | Solimæ% || samod his dohtor? |
Christ A 110a | of gode || ġearu ā·cenned, / | sunu | sōðan fæder, || sweġeles |
Christ A 126b | todes bearn || and sē mannes | sunu | / ġe·þwǣre on þēode. || W |
Christ A 143a | him ġe·hāten wæs, / þætte | sunu | metodes || selfa wolde / ġe·f |
Christ A 197b | ‘Sōþ iċ seċġe || þurh | sunu | metodes, / gǣsta ġēocend, || |
Christ A 205a | s þrymm / ġe·beran, beorhtne | sunu, | || bearn ēacen godes, / torhte |
Christ A 210a | a ēċne þanc / mǣrum metodes | sunu | || þæt iċ his mōdor ġe· |
Christ A 236b | ng. / Selfa sette || þæt þū | sunu | wǣre / efen-eardiende || mid |
Christ A 297b | snūde cȳðan, || þæt þū | sunu | dryhtnes / þurh clǣne ġe·by |
Christ A 339a | folcum cȳðe, / þīnre selfre | sunu. | || Siþþan we motan% / ān-mō |
Christ B 451b | ōðne ġe·fēan, || þætte | sunu | wǣre / on middan-ġeard || met |
Christ B 464b | þon up stiġe || ān·cenned | sunu, | / efen-eċe bearn, || āĝnum f |
Christ B 589a | under wolcnum, / mǣre metodes | sunu, | || þæt nū manna ġe·hwel |
Christ B 629b | u-tūdre. || Siþþan metodes | sunu | / engla ēðel || up ġe·stī |
Christ B 635b | lofode, / and mid sibb-lufan || | sunu | wealdendes / frēo-naman cende |
Christ B 712b | nes. / Be þon Salomon sang, || | sunu | Dauiðes, / ġiedda ġearu-snot |
Riddles 37 8a | || blǣd biþ ā·rǣred; / hē | sunu | wyrċeþ, || biþ him selfa f |
Riddles 40 72a | re hreðre; / is% þæs gōres | sunu | || gange hrǣdra, / þone we w |
Azarias 157a | er on heofonum, / þone sōðan | sunu | || and þone siġefæstan gǣ |
Riddles 84 10b | / ōr and ende, || swelċe ān | sunu, | / mǣre metodes bearn, || þurh |
The Phoenix 375a | | Biþ him self ġe·hwæðer / | sunu | and swǣs fæder || and simle |
Juliana 725b | da dēmend || and sē dēora | sunu, | / þonne sēo þrīness || þry |
Precepts 15a | de trymmen.’ / Fæder eft his | sunu | || frōd ġe·ġrēte / ōðre |
Precepts 52b | d.’ / Seofeþan sīðe || his | sunu | lǣrde / fæder, frōd guma, || |
Beowulf 268a | ne hyġe || hālford þīnne, / | sunu | Healf·denes, || sēċan cōm |
Beowulf 344b | ma. / Wille iċ ā·seċġan || | sunu | Healf·denes, / mǣrum þēodne |
Beowulf 524a | ĝas. || Bēot eall wiþ þē / | sunu | Bēan·stānes || sōðe ġe |
Beowulf 590b | eċġe iċ þe tō sōðe, || | sunu | Eċġ·lāfes, / þæt nǣfre G |
Beowulf 645a | wēġ, || oþ·þæt samnunga / | sunu | Healf·denes || sēċan wolde |
Beowulf 947b | eċ, / secg betosta, || mē for | sunu | wille / frēoĝan on ferhþe; | |
Beowulf 980b | / Þā wæs swīġra secg, || | sunu | Eċġ·lāfes% / on ġielp-spr |
Beowulf 1009b | healle gēong || Healf·denes | sunu; | / wolde self cyning || simble |
Beowulf 1040b | , / þonne sweorda ġe·lāc || | sunu | Healf·denes / efnan wolde. || |
Beowulf 1089b | feoh-ġiftum || Folc·wealdan | sunu | / dōgra ġe·hwelċe || Dene w |
Beowulf 1115a | æt Hnæfes āde / hire selfre | sunu | || sweoloðe be·fæstan, / bā |
Beowulf 1175b | sæġde || þæt þū þe for | sunu | wolde / here-rinċ% habban. || |
Beowulf 1278b | ān wolde / sorhfulne sīþ, || | sunu | dēaþ% wrecan. / Cōm þā tō |
Beowulf 1485a | || Ġēata drihten, / ġesêon | sunu | Hrǣdles, || þonne hē on þ |
Beowulf 1550b | . / Hæfde þā for·sīðod || | sunu | Eċġ·þēowes / under ġinne |
Beowulf 1652b | t. we þe þās sǣ-lāc, || | sunu | Healf·denes, / lēod Sċieldin |
Beowulf 1699a | āh. || Þā sē wīsa spræc / | sunu | Healf·denes || (swīĝodon e |
Beowulf 1808a | sē hearda || Hrunting beran / | sunu | Eċġ·lāfes, || hēt his sw |
Beowulf 2013a | īnne cūðe, / wiþ his selfes | sunu | || setl ġe·tǣhte. / Weorod w |
Beowulf 2119b | mōdor, / sīðode sorhfull; || | sunu | dēaþ for·nam, / wīġ-hete W |
Beowulf 2147a | | ac hē mē māðmas% ġeaf, / | sunu | Healf·denes, || on mīnne% s |
Beowulf 2367b | amm þā sioloþa be·gang || | sunu | Eċġ·þēowes, / earm ān-ha |
Beowulf 2386b | hlēat / sweordes swenġum, || | sunu | Hyġe·lāces, / and him eft ġ |
Beowulf 2394b | e·stīepte / ofer sǣ sīde || | sunu | Ōht·heres, / wīĝum and wǣp |
Beowulf 2398b | de, / slīðra ġe·sliehta, || | sunu | Eċġ·þēowes, / ellen-weorca |
Beowulf 2447b | sāriġne sang, || þonne his | sunu | hangaþ / hræfne tō hroðre | |
Beowulf 2602b | wæs hāten || Wīh·stānes | sunu, | / lēofliċ lind-wiĝa, || lēo |
Beowulf 2752b | ā iċ snūde ġe·fræġn || | sunu | Wīh·stānes / aefter word-cwi |
Beowulf 2862b | f maðelode, || Wīh·stānes | sunu, | / seċ%, sāriġ-ferþ || seah |
Beowulf 2971b | erde. / Ne meahte sē snella || | sunu | Wan-rǣdes / ealdum ċeorle || |
Beowulf 3076b | f maðelode, || Wīh·stānes | sunu: | / ‘Oft sċeall eorl maniġ || |
Beowulf 3120b | ode.’ / Hūru sē snotora || | sunu | Wīh·stānes / ā·ċīeġde o |
The Paris Psalter 115:6 3a | ambihte / and þīnre þēowan | sunu | || on þē ā·cenned. / / # / Þ |
The Paris Psalter 143:4 3a | ȳðan woldest, / oþþe mannes | sunu, | || þæt hit ġe·met wǣre, / |
The Paris Psalter 79:14 6a | æt frymþe, / and ofer mannes | sunu, | || þe þū his meahte ǣr / un |
The Paris Psalter 79:16 2a | r sōðne wer / and ofer mannes | sunu; | || þū his meahta þē / ġeag |
The Paris Psalter 85:15 4a | þīnum; / dō þīnre þēowan | sunu, | || drihten, hālne. / / # / Dō |
The Battle of Brunanburh 42b | ġen æt sæċċe || and his | sunu | for·lēt / on wæl-stōwe || w |
The Death of Alfred 2a | a æðeling, || Æðelrǣdes / | sunu | cynges, hider inn and wolde t |
Solomon and Saturn 6b | ter. / Selle% iċ þe ealle, || | sunu | Dauides, / þēoden Israela%, | |
Solomon and Saturn 168b | . / Hæfde þā sē snotora || | sunu | Dāuides / for·cumen and for· |
Solomon and Saturn 126b | þū mē, Salomon cyning, || | sunu | Dāuides, / hwæt bēoþ þā f |
The Menologium 129b | telra and ġe·synra || þurh | sunu | metodes, / ealdor-þeġnas. || |
The Menologium 227a | t || þætte fæder engla / his | sunu | sende || on þās sīdan ġe |
The Judgment Day II 86a | willan. / Glæd biþ sē Godes | sunu, | || ġif þū gnorn þrōwast / |
The Judgment Day II 279a | || hēan ġe·reġnaþ%. / His | sunu | blīðe, || siĝores brytta, / |
The Judgment Day II 298a | fæder, / be·tweox fæder and | sunu, | || frēolicum weorode, / and be |
The Gloria I 10b | od fram synnum, || swā þīn | sunu | mǣre / þurh clǣne ġe·cynd, |
The Creed 9a | anst || mǣrra tungla. / Iċ on | sunu | þīnne || sōðne ġe·līef |
The Kentish Hymn 16a | welċes, / þū eart siġefæst | sunu | || and sōþ hǣlend / ofer eal |
The Gloria II 3a | ġere ġe·mǣne, / mid selfan | sunu | || and sōðum gāste. || Ame |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 10a | e·hǣle mē æl-mehtiġ% and | sunu | || and% frōfre gāst, / ealles |
The Battle of Finnsburh 33a | | eorð-būendra, / Gūðlāfes | sunu, | || ymbe hine gōdra fela, / hwe |
The Battle of Maldon 76b | cynne, || þæt wæs Ċēolan | sunu, | / þe þone forman mann || mid |
The Battle of Maldon 115a | d billum wearþ, / his sweostor | sunu, | || swīðe for·hēawen. / Þǣ |
The Battle of Maldon 298a | ode Wī·stān, / Þur·stānes | sunu%, | || wiþ þās seċġas feaht; |