Number of occurrences in corpus: 118
Genesis B 721b | spon / hell and hinnsiþ || and | hæleþa | forlor / menniscra morþ || þ |
Genesis B 752a | her synt bu-tu gedon / ge þæt | hæleþa | bearn || heofonrice sculon / le |
Genesis B 757b | n / mid hearran hete || and mid | hæleþa | forlore / monnum mid morþes cw |
Genesis A 2139b | tlice spræc / ic þe gehate || | hæleþa | waldend / for þam halgan || þ |
Genesis A 2158a | || þu þe laþra ne þearft / | hæleþa | hildþræce || hwile onsittan |
Exodus 512b | lla mæst / hordwearda hryre || | hæleþa | cwenum / ac þa mægenþreatas |
Daniel 178a | ædleas || riht // / þa wearþ | hæleþa | hlyst || þa hleoþor cwom / by |
Daniel 402a | sunu metodes || sawla nergend / | hæleþa | helpend || and þec halig gas |
Daniel 625b | d wære / heofona heahcyning || | hæleþa | bearnum / ana ece gast || þa h |
Daniel 665a | n weardode || wide rice / heold | hæleþa | gestreon || and þa hean burh |
Christ and Satan 193b | ama / forþan sceal gehycgan || | hæleþa | æghwylc / þæt he ne abælige |
Christ and Satan 269b | ume sceolon hweorfan || geond | hæleþa | land / and unsibbe || oft onsty |
Christ and Satan 398b | oliaþ / hwearf þa to helle || | hæleþa | bearnum / meotod þurh mihte || |
Christ and Satan 581b | ten weoroda / help and hælo || | hæleþa | bearnum / geond middangeard || |
Christ and Satan 656a | cweþaþ ealle þus / þu eart | hæleþa | helm || and heofendema / engla |
Andreas 21a | des facne || folcstede gumena / | hæleþa | eþel || næs þær hlafes wi |
Andreas 200a | odige || ne þær æniges wat / | hæleþa | gehygdo || ne me herestræta / |
Andreas 396b | god / him of helman oncwæþ || | hæleþa | scyppend / læt nu geferian || |
Andreas 494a | h || ænigne mann / þryþbearn | hæleþa | || þe gelicne / steoran ofer s |
Andreas 545b | nna is / under heofonhwealfe || | hæleþa | cynnes / þætte areccan mæg | |
Andreas 567b | rþ / to hleo ond to hroþre || | hæleþa | cynne / eallum eorþwarum || æ |
Andreas 692b | ond iacob / swa hleoþrodon || | hæleþa | ræswan / dugoþ domgeorne || d |
Andreas 885b | alige heahenglas || þam biþ | hæleþa | well / þe þara blissa || bruc |
Andreas 907a | lodas || þæt is frofre gast / | hæleþa | cynne || þær is help gearu / |
Andreas 1197b | des cræfte / nu ge gehyraþ || | hæleþa | gewinnan / se þyssum herige m |
Andreas 1258b | ond forst / hare hildstapan || | hæleþa | eþel / lucon leoda gesetu || l |
Andreas 1269b | heofontorht onhlad || þa com | hæleþa | þreat / to þære dimman ding |
Andreas 1463b | en god / in þæt hlinræced || | hæleþa | wuldor / ond þa wine synne || |
Soul and Body I 1b | ody I / / huru þæs behofaþ || | hæleþa | æghwylc / þæt he his sawle s |
Soul and Body I 93a | dryhten sylf || dæda gehyran / | hæleþa | gehwylces || heofena scippend |
Elene 73b | es hade / hwit ond hiwbeorht || | hæleþa | nathwylc / geywed ænlicra || |
Elene 156b | æfdon / heoldon higeþancum || | hæleþa | rædas / þa þæs fricggan ong |
Elene 188a | deaþe aras || dryhten ealra / | hæleþa | cynnes || ond to heofonum ast |
Elene 412a | ara beama || bearn wealdendes / | hæleþa | hyhtgifa || hangen wære / hwæ |
Elene 413a | a bēama || bearn wealdendes, / | hæleþa | hiht-ġiefa, || hangen wǣre: |
Elene 614a | an on fultum || forþsnoterne / | hæleþa | gerædum || to þære halgan |
Elene 615a | n fultum, || forþ-snotterne, / | hæleþa | ġe·rǣdum || tō ðǣre hā |
Elene 668a | gean || þær þa æþelestan / | hæleþa | gerædum || hydde wæron / þur |
Elene 669a | ian || ðǣr þā æðelestan / | hæleþa | ġe·rǣdum || hȳdde wǣron / |
Elene 764a | te / mid iudeum || gumena wiste / | hæleþa | cynnes || to þære halgan by |
Elene 765a | mid Iūdēum || gumena wiste, / | hæleþa | cynnes, || tō ðǣre hālĝa |
Christ A 266b | and þīn hand-ġe·weorc, || | hæleþa | sċieppend, / mōte ā·rīsan |
Christ A 372b | iaþ hēanlīċe. || Cym nū, | hæleþa | cyning, / ne lata tō lange . | |
Christ C 1196b | / tō hleo and tō hrōðor || | hæleþa | cynne / weorðan on weorolde, | |
Christ C 1277b | iaþ / heofon-engla here || and | hæleþa | bearn, / ealle eorð-būend || |
Christ C 1591b | þ. / Þonne heofon and hell || | hæleþa | bearnum, / fīra ēorum, || fyl |
The Whale 40a | || þætte fīra ġe·hwelċ / | hæleþa | cynnes || on his hringe biþ / |
Soul and Body II 1b | I / / Huru, þæs be·hōfaþ || | hæleþa | ǣġhwelċ / þæt hē his sāw |
Guthlac A 683b | iht cyning, / help and hǣlu || | hæleþa | cynne, / duĝuþ and drohtaþ. |
Guthlac B 890b | , / helpe and hǣlu. || Nǣniġ | hæleþa | is / þe ā·reċċan mæġe || |
Guthlac B 1129a | swelċ snytru-cræft% / ǣnġes | hæleþa | hēr || hreðer weardode, / dry |
Guthlac B 1203b | lan: / ‘Iċ þeċ hālsie, || | hæleþa | lēofost / gumena cynnes, || þ |
Riddles 1 1a | # Riddles 1 / / Hwelċ is | hæleþa | þæs horsċ || and þæs hy |
Riddles 20 31b | rucan sceal / on hagostealde || | hæleþa | gestreona. / Oft ic wirum dol | |
Riddles 3 8a | ċe%, || ac iċ ēðel-stōl / | hæleþa | hrēre%; || horn-salu waĝia |
Riddles 40 96b | nne sē hand-wyrm, || sē þe | hæleþa | bearn, / seċġas searu-þancle |
Riddles 40 100b | þonne se hondwyrm, || se þe | hæleþa | bearn, / secgas searoþoncle, | |
Riddles 7 3b | īlum mec ā·hebbaþ || ofer | hæleþa | byht / hyrste mīne || and þē |
The Judgment Day I 108b | eþ / heofon-cyninga hīehst || | hæleþa% | dǣde. / Nǣfre mann þæs hlū |
The Descent into Hell 47b | fædera fela, || swelċe ēac | hæleþa | ġe·mōt, / wītĝena weorod, |
The Husband's Message 39a | de, / fæġre foldan || [] / []ra | hæleþa, | || þēah þe hēr min wine[] |
The Phoenix 49a | mes, || þonne dēað-reċed, / | hæleþa | heolstor-cofan, || on·hliden |
The Phoenix 135b | rnas, / ne hearpan hlynn, || ne | hæleþa | stefn / ǣnġes on eorðan, || |
The Phoenix 170b | , / be·holene and be·hȳde || | hæleþa | maniĝum. / Þǣr hē hēanne b |
Juliana 243b | nunga / on þæt hlin-reċed || | hæleþa | ġe·winna, / yfeles andwīs. | |
Juliana 345b | īen sēo hālġe on·gann || | hæleþa | ġe·winnan, / wrōhtes wyrhtan |
Beowulf 467a | d || ġinne rīċe, / hord-burh | hæleþa; | || þā wæs Heoru·gār dēa |
Beowulf 497b | dor on Heorote. || Þǣr wæs | hæleþa | drēam, / duĝuþ unlȳtel || D |
Beowulf 611a | ǣdne ġe·þōht. / Þǣr wæs | hæleþa | hleahtₒr%, || hlynn swinsod |
Beowulf 662b | ð·gār ġe·wāt || mid his | hæleþa | ġe·dryht, / eodor Sċieldinga |
Beowulf 912b | aldan, / hord and hleo-burh, || | hæleþa | rīċe, / ēðel% Sċieldinga. |
Beowulf 1047a | || mǣre þēoden, / hord-weard | hæleþa, | || heaðu-rǣsas ġeald / mēar |
Beowulf 1189b | rīċ and Hrōð·mund || and | hæleþa | bearn, / ġuĝuþ æt·gædere; |
Beowulf 1198a | lran hīerde / hord-māðᵤm% | hæleþa, | || siþþan Hāma æt·wæġ / |
Beowulf 1296b | ng. / Sē wæs Hrōð·gāre || | hæleþa | lēofost / on ġe·sīðes hād |
Beowulf 1830a | þūsenda || þeġna bringe, / | hæleþa | tō helpe. || Iċ on Hyġe·l |
Beowulf 1852a | | cyning ǣniġne, / hord-weard | hæleþa, | || ġif þū healdan wilt / mā |
Beowulf 1954b | c, / hēold hēah-lufan || wiþ | hæleþa | breĝu, / ealles mann-cynnes || |
Beowulf 2052a | n Wiðer-ġield læġ, / aefter | hæleþa | hryre, || hwate Sċieldingas? |
Beowulf 2072a | won siþþan wearþ / hand-ræs | hæleþa. | || Siþþan heofones ġimm / gl |
Beowulf 2224a | edlan || þēow% nāthwelċes / | hæleþa | bearna || hete-swenġas flēa |
Beowulf 3005a | dum || hord and rīċe / aefter | hæleþa | hryre, || hwate Sċielfingas, |
Beowulf 3111b | nes, / hæleþ hilde-dēor, || | hæleþa | maniĝum / bold-āĝendra, || |
Judith 51a | welcne || þe ðǣr inne cōm / | hæleþa | bearna || and on hine nǣniġ |
The Paris Psalter 107:4 2b | ofenas / ahafen healice || ofer | hæleþa | bearn / ys þin soþfæstnes || |
The Paris Psalter 109:6 1b | þ || / heafod he gebreceþ || | hæleþa | mæniges / and swa geweorþeþ |
The Paris Psalter 109:6 2b | / hēafod hē ġe·breceþ || | hæleþa | maniġes / and swā ġe·weorð |
The Paris Psalter 112:4 2b | e || ingeþeode / se heahsta || | hæleþa | cynnes / is ofer heofenas eac | |
The Paris Psalter 135:5 1b | c ana / / # / se heofon worhte || | hæleþa | andgit / / # / he eorþan æfter |
The Paris Psalter 141:6 1b | ær / / # / beheald mine sawle || | hæleþa | wealdend / forþon ic geeadmede |
The Paris Psalter 146:9 2b | læde lædeþ / hig to helpe || | hæleþa | bearnum / / # / se þe mete syle |
The Paris Psalter 148:13 2b | er ealle is / ahafen healice || | hæleþa | ealra / is upp ahafen || his an |
The Paris Psalter 65:3 5b | eall niþa bearn / se hehsta || | hæleþa | cynnes / / # / cumaþ nu and gese |
The Paris Psalter 88:2 4b | getimbrad / heah on heofenum || | hæleþa | bearnum / and þin soþfestnes |
The Paris Psalter 91:1 3b | man asinge / þone heahestan || | hæleþa | cynnes / / # / and þonne on morg |
The Paris Psalter 98:2 2b | a / heah and mære || ofer eall | hæleþa | folc / / # / we andetaþ þinum | |
The Paris Psalter 98:3 3b | and egeslic / halig on helpe || | hæleþa | bearnum / aare cyninges dom || |
The Paris Psalter 98:5 4b | þiaþ / forþon he halig is || | hæleþa | bearnum / / # / moyses et aaron | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 1a | of Boethius: Metre 10 / / gif nu | hæleþa | hwone || hlisan lyste / unnytne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 68b | leafe / hwæt þonne hæbbe || | hæleþa | ænig / guma æt þæm gilpe || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 32a | hirde || and hraþe siþþan / | hæleþa | gehwilcne || þe hio gehentan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 37a | || lifes wealdend / gif þonne | hæleþa | hwilc || hlutrum eagum / modes |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 49a | nus þone || sundbuende / heton | hæleþa | bearn || hæfdon þa mægþa / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 49b | an / hadrum heofone || hwæt nu | hæleþa | fela / swelces and swelces || s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 57b | lc tudor / and se hata sumor || | hæleþa | bearnum / geara gehwilce || gie |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 6b | e hroffæste || ne þearf eac | hæleþa | nan / wenan þæs weorces || þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 18a | biþ || þurst aceled / ne mæg | hæleþa | gehwæm || hus on munte / lange |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 57a | || sinra þegena / ealra þara | hæleþa | || þe on his tidum / geond þa |
The Battle of Brunanburh 25b | wyrndon / heardes hondplegan || | hæleþa | nanum / þæra þe mid anlafe | |
The Death of Edward 8b | an britnode / and healfe tid || | hæleþa | wealdend / weold wel geþungen |
Solomon and Saturn 53a | ġeþ. || Nǣniġ manna wāt, / | hæleþa | under heofonum, || hū min hy |
Solomon and Saturn 57a | gemengeþ || nænig manna wat / | hæleþa | under hefenum || hu min hige |
The Menologium 121b | l gerist / haligra tid || geond | hæleþa | bearn / petrus and paulus || hw |
The Kentish Hymn 34b | t, / and ūs hāle ġe·dō, || | hæleþa | sċieppend%, / nīða nerġend, |
A Prayer 30b | / Ne mæġ þē ā·herġan || | hæleþa | ǣniġ; / þēah ūs ġe·samni |
The Seasons for Fasting 25b | d. / Wē þæt ġe·hīerdon || | hæleþa | mæniġe / on bōc-stafum || br |
The Battle of Maldon 72a | fela || wiges georne / het þa | hæleþa | hleo || healdan þa bricge / wi |
The Battle of Maldon 74a | || wīġes ġeorne. / Hēt þā | hæleþa | hleo || healdan þā bryċġe |