Number of occurrences in corpus: 126
Genesis B 363a | , || heofon-rīċe be·numen; / | hafaþ | hit ġe·mearcod || mid mann- |
Genesis B 384b | grēate. || Mid þȳ mē God | hafaþ | / ġe·hæfted be þǣm healse, |
Genesis B 390b | ǣtu, / grymme, grundlēase. || | Hafaþ | us God selfa / for·swāpen on |
Genesis B 394b | āðes wihte || þæt hē ūs | hafaþ | þæs lēohtes be·sċierede. |
Genesis B 635b | || þonne hē his ġe·weald | hafaþ. | / Sum hēo hire on heandum bær |
Genesis A 949b | yldiġ mann, || ac sē weard | hafaþ | / meaht and strengþu, || sē |
Genesis A 1256b | Cāines, || ac mē þæt cynn | hafaþ | / sāre ā·bolĝen. || Nū mē |
Genesis A 1530a | | ǣrest ġe·sċeapen. / Ǣlċ | hafaþ | mǣg-wlite || metodes and eng |
Exodus 527a | recenod, || rǣd forþ gǣþ, / | hafaþ | wīslicu || word on fæðme, / |
Exodus 556a | t, || sē þās fare lǣdeþ; / | hafaþ | ūs% on% Cananea || cynn ġe |
Christ and Satan 586b | el, / wealdend mid wītĝum. || | Hafaþ | wuldres bearn / his selfes seld |
Christ and Satan 597a | ġen || ǣfre ġe·strēonan. / | Hafaþ | nū ġe·þingod tō ūs || |
The Fates of the Apostles 73b | ng, / ēadiġ for æfēstum. || | Hafaþ | nū ēċe līf / mid wuldor-cyn |
Homiletic Fragment I 6a | and þæt fācen swā% þēah / | hafaþ | on his heortan, || hord uncl |
Homiletic Fragment I 21a | ifan || and ǣttrenne tæġel / | hafaþ | on hindan, || huneġ on mūð |
Homiletic Fragment I 28a | hstan || nearwe be·swīcaþ, / | hafaþ | on ġe·hātum || huneġ-smæ |
Elene 386b | n-gripum / worpod wǣre. || Hē | hafaþ | wīġes lēan, / blǣd būtan b |
Elene 471a | on firenum || fæstne tealde, / | hafaþ | mec be·rēafod || rihta ġe |
Christ A 256a | Ūs is þīnra ārna ðearf. / | Hafaþ | sē ā·wierĝda || wulf tō |
Christ A 431b | ġe·hwelcum || þe ġe·mynd | hafaþ, | / þæt hē simle oftost || and |
Christ B 558a | rdes || and mæġen-þrymmes. / | ‘Hafaþ | nū sē hālĝa || helle be· |
Christ C 921b | es tō wearnunga || þām þe | hafaþ | wīsne ġe·þōht, / þæt sē |
Christ C 1005a | an sċēatas, / oþ·þæt eall | hafaþ | || ǣldes lēoma / weorold-wīd |
Christ C 1032b | ċ-haman, / ed-ġung wesan. || | Hafaþ | eall on him / þæs þe hē on |
Christ C 1035b | e·hlōd, / ġēara gangum, || | hafaþ | æt·gædere bū, / līċ and s |
Christ C 1556b | yġdiġ mann, || ne hē wihte | hafaþ | / hrēowe on mōde || þæt him |
Christ C 1564b | d gode / wann and wlitelēas || | hafaþ | wērġes blēo, / facen-tācen |
Christ C 1648a | d. || Fæder ealra ġe·weald / | hafaþ | and healdeþ || hāliġra weo |
Vainglory 48b | earn / flǣsċe ġe·fangen, || | hafaþ | frǣte līf, / grund-fūsne gǣ |
Widsith 143a | od; || lof sē ġe·wyrċeþ, / | hafaþ | under heofonum || hēahfæstn |
Maxims I 106a | him holm ġe·stīereþ, / mere | hafaþ | mundum || mæġeþ-eġesan wy |
Maxims I 168a | mōd-ġe·þancas; / ǣlċ him | hafaþ | sundor-sefan. || / Langaþ þo |
Maxims I 171a | ndum cann || hearpan grētan; / | hafaþ | him his glēowes ġiefe, || |
Maxims I 173b | bban, || / winelēas wunian || | hafaþ | him wyrd ġe·tēod; / betere h |
The Riming Poem 66b | gram-torn græfeþ, || græft | hafaþ, | / searu-hwīt sōlaþ, || sumor |
The Panther 30b | ceþ, / simle seldlicra. || Hē | hafaþ | sundor-ġe·cynd, / milde, ġe |
The Whale 49b | rlas and ȳþ-mēaras. || Hē | hafaþ | ōðre ġe·cynd, / wæter-þis |
The Whale 72a | n þām fæstenne / ġe·brōht | hafaþ, | || bealwes cræftiġ, / æt þ |
Soul and Body II 94a | t dō wit unc, / þonne hē unc | hafaþ | ġe·ed-byrded || ōðre sī |
Guthlac A 4b | . / Þonne cwiþ sē enġel, || | (hafaþ | ieldran hād), / grēteþ gǣst |
Guthlac A 87b | wuldor, / bræġd-wīs bana || | hafaþ | bēġa cræft, / eahtaþ ān-b |
Guthlac A 647a | rymm, || sē ġe·þeahtungum / | hafaþ | on heandum || heofon and eor |
Riddles 31 21a | niðan, || frætwed hyrstum. / | Hafaþ | hire on healse, || þonne hē |
Riddles 34 2b | , / sēo þæt feoh fēdeþ. || | Hafaþ | fela tōða; / nebb biþ hire |
Riddles 39 3b | ġe·sīene. || Sundor-cræft | hafaþ | / māran% miċele, || þonne hi |
Riddles 39 10a | ; || nā þȳ ēanre biþ. / Ne | hafaþ | hēo fōt ne folme% || , ne |
Riddles 39 12a | || ǣġþer twēġa, / ne mūþ | hafaþ, | || ne wiþ mannum spræc, / ne |
Riddles 39 13a | mannum spræc, / ne ġe·witt | hafaþ, | || ac ġe·writu seċġaþ / þ |
Riddles 39 16a | e·cyndum || cenned wǣre. / Ne | hafaþ | hīo sāwle ne feorh, || ac h |
Riddles 39 18a | eorold || wīde drēoĝan. / Ne | hafaþ | hēo blōd ne bān, || hwæð |
Riddles 39 27a | s wiht || wordum bēcneþ; / ne | hafaþ | hēo% ǣniġ% lim, || leofaþ |
Riddles 44 3b | þ stīþ and heard, || stede | hafaþ | gōdne; / þonne sē esne || hi |
Riddles 58 7a | -drihtne% || maniĝum tīdum. / | Hafaþ | hefiġne steort, || hēafod l |
The Judgment Day I 5a | sefan || sōþ ġe·þenċan. / | Hafaþ | him ġe·þinġed hider || þ |
Alms-Giving 1b | ām eorle || þe him on innan | hafaþ, | / rēðe-hyġdiġ wer, || rūme |
Azarias 178a | led, || ac him is enġel mid, / | hafaþ | beorhtne blǣd; || ne mæġ h |
The Husband's Message 35b | de bēaĝas. || hē ġe·nōh | hafaþ | / fædan% gold[]s || [] / []d ell |
The Husband's Message 43b | re-strēamas. || Nū sē mann | hafaþ | / wēan ofer·wunnen; || nis hi |
The Ruin 6b | der·eotone. || Eorð-grāp | hafaþ | / wealdend wyrhtan || for·weor |
Riddles 65 3a | m. || ǣġhwā mec rēafaþ, / | hafaþ | mec on headre || and min hēa |
Riddles 67 6b | mē þæt / [] || nǣnne mūþ | hafaþ | / fēt ne[] || / [] || welan oft |
Riddles 70 3b | ōh, / orþancum ġe·worht; || | hafaþ | eaxle tū / sċearp on ġe·sċ |
Riddles 84 2b | enned%, / hrēoh and rēðe, || | hafaþ | ryne strangne, / grymme grymeta |
The Phoenix 175a | , || of þæs fuĝoles naman. / | Hafaþ | þām trēowe for·ġiefen || |
The Phoenix 667a | | on ðǣre wlitiĝan byriġ. / | Hafaþ | ūs ā·līefed || lucis auct |
Juliana 68b | æbbende: || Mē þīn dohtor | hafaþ | / ġe·īewed or-wierþu. || H |
Juliana 249b | ne ūssum? || þe þēs dēma | hafaþ | / þā wierrestan || wītu ġe |
The Wanderer 31a | e·fēran, / þām þe him lȳt | hafaþ | || lēofra ġe·holena. / Wara |
The Gifts of Men 79b | s þēodne. || Sum ġe·þyld | hafaþ, | / fæst-ganġel ferhþ. || Sum |
The Gifts of Men 82b | t. / Sum biþ swīþ-snell, || | hafaþ | searuliċ gamen, / glēo-dǣda |
The Gifts of Men 85a | āc. || Sum biþ lēof-wende, / | hafaþ | mōd and word || mannum ġe· |
The Gifts of Men 91a | ġe·feoht ġearu. / Sum cræft | hafaþ | || ċiriċ-nytta fela, / mæġ |
The Gifts of Men 93b | s wealdend / hlūde herġan, || | hafaþ | hēalīċe% / beorhte stefne. | |
The Gifts of Men 102a | || mōd ā·stīġe, / ġif hē | hafaþ | ana || ofer ealle menn / wlite |
The Seafarer 47a | e ymb ȳða ġe·wealc, / ac ā | hafaþ | langunge || sē þe on laĝu |
Beowulf 474b | a ǣngum || hwæt mē Grendel | hafaþ | / hīenþu on Heorote || mid hi |
Beowulf 595a | swā þū self talast. / Ac hē | hafaþ | on·funden || þæt hē þā |
Beowulf 939b | and sċinnum. || Nū sċealc | hafaþ | / þurh dryhtnes meaht || dǣd |
Beowulf 975b | e·swenċed, || ac hine sār | hafaþ | / mid% nīed-grīpe% || nearwe |
Beowulf 1340a | hire mǣġ wrecan, / ġe feorr | hafaþ | || fǣhþe ġe·stǣled / (þæ |
Beowulf 1610b | æl-rāpas, || sē ġe·weald | hafaþ | / sǣla and mǣla; || þæt is |
Beowulf 2026a | den, || glǣdum suna Frōdan; / | hafaþ% | þæs ġe·worden || wine Sċ |
Beowulf 2265b | ede bēateþ. || Bealu-cwealm | hafaþ | / fela feorh-cynna || forþ on |
Beowulf 2453b | fe-weardas, || þonne sē ān | hafaþ | / þurh dēaðes nīed || dǣda |
The Paris Psalter 118:86 1a | on·cnēow, / swā hit þīn ǣ | hafaþ, | || ēċe drihten / / # / Wǣron |
The Paris Psalter 118:167 2a | e·bodu || bealde lufode. / / # / | Hafaþ | sāwol min || sōþ ġe·heal |
The Paris Psalter 64:4 2b | ċēoseþ || and hine clǣne | hafaþ, | / and on his eardung-stōwum || |
The Paris Psalter 68:1 3b | om iċ on lāme of·leġd, || | hafaþ | lȳtle spēd. / / # / Cōm iċ on |
The Paris Psalter 91:5 2a | ht ne cann, / ne þæs andġiet | hafaþ | || ǣniġ dysiġra. / / # / Þonn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 67b | dōĝor-rīme, || þonne hē | hafaþ | dryhtnes lēafe. / Hwæt þonne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 23a | ġe·bæt mid his brīdle, || | hafaþ | būtū || ġe·dōn, / ealle ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 29a | ðer || wille on·lǣten. / Hē | hafaþ | þe brīdle || būtū || be· |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 31a | and eall holma be·gang. / Swā | hafaþ | ġe·heaðorod || heofon-rī |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 6a | līċe || wēl ġe·metĝaþ. / | Hafaþ | swā ġe·heaðorod || heofon |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 4b | das. || Mē þēos siċettung | hafaþ | / ā·gǣled, þēs ġeoxa, || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 143a | ċeaft || þe we ymb sprecaþ / | hafaþ | his āgenne || eard onsundran |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 153a | hāwe, || is hwæðere ðǣr. / | Hafaþ | fæder engla || fȳr ġe·bun |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 189a | ræft, / for·þǣm hit nǣniġ | hafaþ | || nēat būtan mannum. / Hæf |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 191a | ōðra twā || unrīm wuhta; / | hafaþ | þā wilnunga || wēlhwelċ n |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 37b | his brīdle || ymbe·bǣted% | hafaþ | / ymb-hwyrft ealne || eorðan a |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 21a | tungol || māran ymb-hwyrft / | hafaþ | on heofonum, || sume hwīle e |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 26b | ·hāten / Saturnus sum, || sē | hafaþ | ymb þrītiġ / winter-ġe·rī |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 43a | e nū, / þæt þēos ġītsung | hafaþ | || gumena ġe·hwelċes / mōd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 46b | ġītsung || þe nǣnne grund | hafaþ | / swearte swǣfeþ || sumes anl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 63b | l nele || þe his ġe·weald | hafaþ. | |
The Rune Poem 88b | ūceþ / fōdres on foldan%, || | hafaþ | fæġerne eard, / wætere be·w |
Solomon and Saturn 57a | wide, || ġimmum ā·stǣned, / | hafaþ | seolfren leaf; || sundor mæ |
Solomon and Saturn 83a | ma, || þǣm is //P// P nama. / | Hafaþ | gūð-mæċġa || ġierde lan |
Solomon and Saturn 25b | resteþ? / Swīðe snytraþ, || | hafaþ | seofon tungan; / hafaþ tungena |
Solomon and Saturn 26a | aþ, || hafaþ seofon tungan; / | hafaþ | tungena ġe·hwelċ || [XX] o |
Solomon and Saturn 27a | ena ġe·hwelċ || [XX] orda, / | hafaþ | orda ġe·hwelċ || engles sn |
Solomon and Saturn 38b | wīsra || þe hira ġe·weald | hafaþ’. | / ‘Siġe hīe on·sendaþ || |
Solomon and Saturn 57a | | tū hund wearda. / Sē fuĝol | hafaþ | || [IIII] heafdu / medumra mann |
Solomon and Saturn 59a | middan hwælen; / ġēowes hē | hafaþ | fiðeru || and griffus fēt, / |
Solomon and Saturn 139b | ġe·līċe? || Sum tō lȳt | hafaþ, | / gōdes grǣdiġ; || hine God |
Solomon and Saturn 152b | ūtan and on·līðian || þe | hafaþ | lǣsse mæġn%.’ / ‘Ac for |
Solomon and Saturn 173a | || þonne hē ġung færeþ, / | hafaþ | wilde mōd, || wērġe heorta |
Solomon and Saturn 204a | || simble-ġe·reordu. / Lēoht | hafaþ | hēow and hād || hālġes g |
The Creed 45b | is ān God, || sē þe ealle | hafaþ | / þā þrīe naman || þinga |
A Prayer 14b | / þonne hē þā handlēan || | hafaþ | and sċēawaþ, / būte hē þ |
A Prayer 19b | / þonne hē þā handlēan || | hafaþ | and sċēawaþ, / ġif hē eall |
The Seasons for Fasting 57b | īcum lofe, || þe ġe·lesen | hafaþ | / on ðǣre% wucan || þe aefte |
The Seasons for Fasting 149a | s nerġend Crīst / ġe·hāten | hafaþ | || hām mid blisse, / ġif we |
The Seasons for Fasting 228a | % mōte, / siþþan hē mæssan | hafaþ, | || mēðiġ þiċġan, / etan o |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 23b | ow Greġorius || ġe·ġiered | hafaþ | / tō durum ēowrum || dryhtnes |
The Battle of Maldon 237b | gōd-sweord. || Ūs Godrīċ | hafaþ, | / earh Oddan bearn, || ealle be |