Number of occurrences in corpus: 19
Genesis B 584b | idu; || wæs sēo hwīl þæs | lang | / þæt iċ ġeornlīċe || God |
Genesis A 1308b | es hēah || and% þrīe-hund | lang | / eln-ġe·meta, || and wiþ ȳ |
Andreas 420b | berend / lǣrde under lyfte. || | Lang | is þēs sīþfæt / ofer fealo |
Soul and Body I 5b | wǣron, / līċ and sāwle. || | Lang | biþ siþþan / þæt sē gāst |
Soul and Body I 26b | þōhtest || hū þis is þus | lang | hider. / Hwæt, þe lā enġel |
Elene 432b | āre for·lǣten%. || Ne biþ | lang | ofer þæt / þæt Israhela || |
Soul and Body II 5b | wǣron, / līċ and sāwle%. || | Lang | biþ siþþan / þæt sē gǣst |
Soul and Body II 23b | ġe·þōhtes, || hū þis is | lang | hider, / and þe þurh enġel | |
Guthlac B 904b | mra gǣsta, || ne þæt anbid | lang, | / þæt þā wrōht-smiðas || |
Guthlac B 1046b | canst / lima līf-ġe·dāl; || | lang | is þis anbid / weorolde līfes |
Riddles 39 22b | -cyninġes% / lārum libban. || | Lang | is tō seċġanne / hū hire ea |
The Phoenix 481b | þæt hīe þis lǣne līf || | lang | ġe·wunien. / Þus ēadiġ eor |
Precepts 40b | wēn, / lāðlīcre sċame, || | lang | nīþ wiþ god, / ġēotende ġ |
Beowulf 2093a | rre || up-riht ā·stōd. / Tō | lang | is tō reċċenne || hū iċ% |
Beowulf 2591b | tan lǣn-daĝas. || Næs þā | lang | tō þon / þæt þā āĝlæċ |
Beowulf 2845b | d / lǣnan līfes. || Næs þā | lang | tō þon / þæt þā hild-lata |
Beowulf 3043a | ftiġes || fōt-ġe·mearces / | lang | on leġere, || lyft-wynne hē |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 66b | āne for·lēt, || þēah hit | lang | þynċe, / dēaþ aefter dō |
The Battle of Maldon 66b | lucon laĝu-strēamas. || Tō | lang | hit him þūhte, / hwonne hīe |