Number of occurrences in corpus: 8
Exodus 310b | . / Þā þæt fēorþe cynn || | fyrmest | ēode, / wōd on wǣġ-strēam, |
Elene 68b | e hīe% fēonda ġe·fær || | fyrmest | ġe·sāwon. / Þā wearþ on s |
Elene 316b | cræftġe / on ferhþ-sefan || | fyrmest | hæbben, / þā mē sōðlīċe |
Beowulf 2077b | , / feorh-bealu fǣĝum; || hē | fyrmest | læġ, / gyrded cempa; || him G |
The Paris Psalter 106:29 2b | swā hē hira willan || wiste | fyrmest, | / and hē hīe of earfoþum || |
The Paris Psalter 121:7 1b | um mæġene sibb || mǣst and | fyrmest, | / and on þīnum torrum wese || |
The Paris Psalter 72:6 4a | ĝodon and þōhton, / hū hīe | fyrmest | || fācen and unryht / on hēan |
The Battle of Maldon 323b | s, / swā hē on þām folce || | fyrmest | ēode, / hēow and hīende, || |