Number of occurrences in corpus: 47
Genesis A 15a | e. || Wæs hira blǣd miċel. / | Þeġnas | þrymfæste || þēoden hered |
Genesis B 641a | ele morþ || menn ne þorfton / | þeġnas | þolian. || Ac hē þēoda ġ |
Genesis A 2628b | fde. / Þā sē þēoden his || | þeġnas | sende, / hēt hīe% bringan || |
Exodus 170b | um of þǣm weorode || wlance | þeġnas | / mǣton mīl-paðas || mēara |
Daniel 205a | hē him tō Gode ġe·tēode. / | Þeġnas | þēodne sæġdon || þæt h |
Christ and Satan 325a | iċ þrēat; / ac sċeoldon his | þeġnas | || ðǣr ġe·wunian / atolan |
Christ and Satan 660a | dres weard || wordum herġaþ / | þeġnas | ymb þēoden, || ðǣr is þr |
Andreas 3a | r-ēadġe hæleþ, / þēodnes | þeġnas. | || Nā hira þrymm ā·læġ / |
Andreas 43b | dræġ, || siþþan dēofles | þeġnas% | / ġe·āsċodon || æðelinges |
Andreas 237b | ste on ġe·þance || and his | þeġnas | mid, / gangan on grēote. || G |
Andreas 245b | ardas, / þrymmlīċe þrīe || | þeġnas | ġe·mētte%, / mōdlīċe menn |
Andreas 323b | oden þrymfæst. || Wē his% | þeġnas | sint / ġe·coren tō cempum. | |
Andreas 344a | drihten: / ‘Ġif ġē sindon | þeġnas | || þæs þe þrymm ā·hōf / |
Andreas 363b | ton, / þēodnas þrymfulle, || | þeġnas | wlitie. / Þā reordode || rī |
Andreas 376b | stōd / þrēata þrȳðum. || | Þeġnas | wurdon / ācol-mōde. || Ǣniġ |
Andreas 391b | st. / Nū sint ġe·þrēade || | þeġnas | mīne, / ġunge gūþ-rincas. | |
Andreas 402a | las || ā·ġēafon andsware, / | þeġnas | þroht-hearde, || þafian ne |
Andreas 462b | pa, / þēawum ġe·þancol. || | Þeġnas | lǣrde / ēadiġ ōretta, || eo |
Andreas 726b | ·writen on wealle || wuldres | þeġnas.’ | / Þā-ġīen worde cwæþ || w |
Andreas 872a | e æðelne || englas stōdon, / | þeġnas | ymb þēoden, || þūsend-mǣ |
Andreas 1026b | ter þissum wordum || wuldres | þeġnas, | / bēġen þā ġe·brōðor, | |
The Fates of the Apostles 87b | ĝon on ġe·witte || wuldres | þeġnas. | / Nū iċ þonne bidde || beorn |
Dream of the Rood 75b | | hwæðre mē ðǣr dryhtnes | þeġnas, | / frēondas ġe·frugnon, / and |
Christ A 283a | || on heofonum ēac, / Crīstes | þeġnas, | || cweðaþ and singaþ / þæt |
Christ B 470b | nnan / þurh his þrōwinga. || | Þeġnas | heredon, / lufodon lēof-wendum |
Christ B 497b | on% / on þām þinġ-stede, || | þeġnas | ġe·corene. / Ġe·sēon hīe |
Christ B 541a | t-sefa. || Bidon% ealle ðǣr / | þeġnas | þrymfulle || þēodnes ġe· |
Christ B 553b | e, / on þæs þēodnes burh || | þeġnas | cōmon, / weorod wlite-sċīene |
Guthlac A 547b | de. / Þrēa wǣron þearle, || | þeġnas | grymme, / ealle hīe þām fēo |
Guthlac A 696a | | meahtum spēdiġ, / þīestra | þeġnas | || þrēa-niīdlum% band, / nī |
Juliana 12a | || swā hē be·boden hæfde, / | þeġnas | þrȳþfulle. || Oft% hīe þ |
Juliana 299b | þā ġe·corenan || Crīstes | þeġnas, | / and þā hālĝan weras || ho |
Juliana 303b | ā·cwellan hēt || Crīstes | þeġnas, | / Petrus and Paulus. || Pilatus |
Juliana 333a | sendeþ || ġond sīdne grund / | þeġnas | of þīestrum, || hāteþ þr |
Juliana 683a | lle sōhton. / Ne þorfton þā | þeġnas | || on þām þīestran hām, / |
Beowulf 1081a | | Wīġ ealle for·nam / Finnes | þeġnas | || nefne fēam ānum, / þæt h |
Beowulf 1230a | milde, || mann-drihtne hold%; / | þeġnas | sindon ġe·þwǣre, || þēo |
Beowulf 3121b | eġde of corðre || cininges | þeġnas | / seofone%tō·samne%, || þā |
Judith 10a | bealdor / ealle þā ieldestan | þeġnas; | || hīe þæt ofostum miċelu |
Judith 306a | ġremede, || guman Ebreisċe; / | þeġnas | on þā-tīd || þearle ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 103:5 2a | æðele gāstas / and his frame | þeġnas | || fȳr byrnende. / / # / Hē ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 30b | rāf / þæt Þēod·rīċe || | þeġnas | and eorlas / hīeran sċoldon. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 72b | ġe; / ac ġe·þwǣrod sint || | þeġnas | tō·gædere, / cininges cempan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 77a | n || on wildra līċ / cininges | þeġnas, | || cyspan siþþan / and mid ra |
The Battle of Maldon 205b | ðǣr wendon forþ || wlance | þeġnas, | / unearge menn || efston ġeorn |
The Battle of Maldon 220b | ulon mē on ðǣre þēode || | þeġnas | æt·wītan / þæt iċ of þis |
The Battle of Maldon 232a | , hafast || ealle ġe·manode / | þeġnas | tō þearfe, || nū ūre þē |