A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: cniht

Number of occurrences in corpus: 8

Genesis A 2772a mann-cynne || mōdor brōhte. / Cniht wēox and þāh, || swā him
Genesis A 2801a / Āĝar fēran || and Ismael, / cniht of cȳþþe. || Iċ his cynn
Genesis A 2915b / ac þū cwicne ā·breġd || cniht of āde, / eaforan þīnne. ||
Exodus 406b e·cȳðde, || þā hē þone cniht ġe·nam / fæste mid folmum, |
Elene 339b ela: / 'Ēow ā·cenned biþ || cniht on dēagle, / meahtum mǣre, ||
The Descent into Hell 79b cȳðdest% || þā þū þone cniht / tō ūs brōhtest on Bethlem.
The Battle of Maldon 9b ahte on·cnāwan || þæt sē cniht nolde / wācian æt þām% wī
The Battle of Maldon 153a ealfe stōd || hyse unweaxen, / cniht on ġe·campe, || sē full c