Number of occurrences in corpus: 18
Genesis B 485b | and dryhtsċipes, || and him | bēon | dēaþ sċiered. / Lȳtle hwīl |
Daniel 557b | ne mid dēorum || drēamlēas | bēon, | / wēsten wunian, || and his wy |
Soul and Body I 159b | on heofonum || hēah-þungene | bēon. | / Ne þurfon wit bēon ċearie |
Soul and Body I 160a | ungene bēon. / Ne þurfon wit | bēon | ċearie || æt cyme dryhtnes, |
Homiletic Fragment I 19a | | Ǣnlīċe bēoþ, / swā þā | bēon | beraþ || būta æt·samne / ā |
Christ A 213a | olde wītedōm / on him selfum | bēon | || sōðe ġe·fylled.’ / Ēa |
Maxims I 86b | / rūne healdan, || rūm-heort | bēon | / mēarum and māðmum, || medu |
The Judgment Day I 88b | . || Ne sċeall sē tō sǣne | bēon | / ne þissa lārna tō læt, || |
The Paris Psalter 117:12 2a | ealdon || samod anlīċe / swā | bēon | bitere, || oþþe þū bærne |
The Paris Psalter 118:47 1a | ġe·trīewe, / and on þǣm ne | bēon | || ǣfre ġe·sċynded / / # / An |
The Paris Psalter 118:78 2a | þīne || efnast healde. / / # / | Bēon | þā ofer-hyġdĝan || ealle |
The Paris Psalter 148:12 1a | rðan || āhwǣr dēmeþ. / / # / | Bēon | ġē, hæġ-stealdas || and g |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 51b | ġ ne mæġ || būtan ōðrum | bēon. | / Ac sċeall wuhta ġe·hwelċ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 145b | hira ǣniġ || būtan ōðrum | bēon. | / Þēah hīe unsweotole || sam |
The Judgment Day II 133b | þe wǣron || oþþe woldon | bēon | / oþþe towearde || ġe·teald |
The Judgment Day II 187a | elnesse. / Nǣniġ spræc mæġ | bēon, | || spellum ā·reċċan% / ǣng |
The Judgment Day II 301a | | rodera weardas. / Hwæt mæġ | bēon | heardes || hēr on līfe, / ġi |
The Battle of Maldon 185b | ā fram beaduwe || þe ðǣr | bēon | noldon. / Þǣr wearþ% Oddan b |