A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: mearh

Number of occurrences in corpus: 5

Elene 55a oran, || hrēopon frīċċan, / mearh moldan trǣd. || Mæġen samn
Elene 754a þæt þæs cininges sċeall / mearh under mōdĝum || mīdlum ġe
The Wanderer 92a word ā·cwiþ: / ‘Hwǣr cōm mearh? || Hwǣr cōm maĝu? || Hwǣr
Beowulf 2264b l swinġeþ, || ne sē swifta mearh / burh-stede bēateþ. || Bealu
The Battle of Maldon 188b lēt / þe him maniġne oft || mearh ġe·sealde; / hē ġe·hlēop