Number of occurrences in corpus: 64
Genesis B 838a | hīe habban ne mæġ. / Ac wit | þus | baru ne maĝon || bū tū æt |
Genesis A 2176b | manna tō frōfre, || nū iċ | þus | fēa-sċeaft eom? / Ne ðearf i |
Genesis A 2679a | ǣhta lǣdest, / þæt þū mē | þus | swīðe || searu reġnodest? / |
Christ and Satan 532b | coden þēodne || þæt% hit% | þus | ġe·lamp / þæt hīe sċēawo |
Christ and Satan 568b | / þūsend-mǣlum. || Þā hit | þus | ġe·lamp, / þā ġīet nerġe |
Christ and Satan 655b | in ċeastre || Cweðaþ ealle | þus: | / ‘Þū eart hæleþa helm |
Christ and Satan 51a | reordian and cweðan: / ‘Lā, | þus | bēo nū on yfele! || Noldest |
Andreas 62b | , / weoroda will-ġiefan || and | þus | wordum cwæþ: / ‘Hū mē ell |
Andreas 173b | lēac, / weoroda drihten || and | þus | wordum cwæþ: / ‘Þu sċealt |
Andreas 354b | biddan / wuldres ealdor || and | þus | wordum cwæþ: / ‘For·ġiefe |
Andreas 539b | ode, / wuldres wealdend || and | þus | wordum cwæþ: / ‘Wes þū ġ |
Andreas 686a | ned || mid his cnēo-māĝum. / | Þus | sindon hāten || hām-sittend |
Andreas 818a | , || hyġe-þances glēaw.’ / | Þus | Andreas || andlangne dæġ / he |
Andreas 1411b | / cyninga wuldor || and cwǣde | þus: | / 'Iċ þē, fæder engla, || f |
Andreas 49b | don on corðre || and cwǣdon | þus: | / ‘Ān is ēċe god || ealra |
The Fates of the Apostles 85a | lan, || ealle% for·hoĝodon. / | Þus | þā æðelingas || ende ġe |
Soul and Body I 26b | ġe·þōhtest || hū þis is | þus | lang hider. / Hwæt, þe lā en |
Soul and Body I 103a | hēr ǣr sċrife’. / Firenaþ | þus | þæt flǣsċ-hord, || sċeal |
Soul and Body I 133b | , / snotere, siġefæste || and | þus | sōðlīċe / þone līċ-haman |
Soul and Body I 155a | t wolde God, / þæt þū ǣfre | þus | lāðliċ || leġer-bedd cure |
Elene 189a | | and tō heofonum ā·stāh. / | Þus | glēawlīċe || gāst-ġe·r |
Elene 400a | eare% cunnon / þurh hwæt þū | þus | hearde, || hlæf-dīġe, ūs / |
Elene 90a | ana, || seald on heofonum.’ / | þus | mec fæder min || on fyrn-da |
Elene 681b | fram Crīste. || Hīe cwǣdon | þus: | / ‘Nū we selfe ġe·sēoþ | |
Elene 798a | earme be·þeahte. || Finit. / | Þus | iċ frōd and fūs || þurh |
Christ A 156a | þū heonan ċierre, / meniġu | þus | miċele, || ac þū miltse on |
Christ A 196b | wrāh / riht-ġe·rȳno || and | þus | reordade: / ‘Sōþ iċ seċġ |
Christ B 744a | ·fēa || æðelinges pleĝa. / | Þus | hēr on grundum || godes ēċ |
Soul and Body II 97a | unc ǣr sċrīfe.’ / Firenaþ | þus | þæt flǣsċ-hord, || sċeal |
Guthlac A 452a | wordum sæġde: / ‘Ne we þē | þus | swīðe || swenċan þorfton, |
Guthlac B 1011a | nan: / ‘Hū ġe·wearþ þē | þus, | || wine-drihten min, / fæder, |
Guthlac B 1015a | , || þyslicne ǣr / ġe·mēte | þus | mēðne. || Meaht þū mæðe |
The Judgment Day I 34a | sne cwide willaþ / on·drǣdan | þus | dēopne? || Sċeal sē dæġ |
The Judgment Day I 116a | | wyrd under heofonum, / ac hit | þus | ġe·limpan sċeall || lēoda |
Resignation 79b | mann-cynnes; || for·þon iċ | þus | bitere wearþ / ġe·witnod for |
Pharaoh 4b | be wihte, || būtan iċ wēne | þus, | / þæt ðǣr sċreoda wǣre || |
The Phoenix 482a | ne līf || lang ġe·wunien. / | Þus | ēadiġ eorl || ēċan drēam |
The Phoenix 570a | e·fēan || fæste hæbbe.’ / | Þus | frōd guma || on fyrn-daĝum / |
The Phoenix 621b | mid englum, || efen-hlēoðre | þus: | / ‘Sibb sīe þē, sōþ god |
The Phoenix 632a | esse, || heofona wealdend.’ / | Þus | reordiaþ || riht-fremmende, / |
Juliana 311b | n·sende / on wuldres wlite. || | Þus | iċ wrāðra fela / mid mīnum |
Juliana 362b | / on·sæġde synna fruman. || | Þus | iċ sōþfæstum / þurh misli |
Juliana 432a | þurh dēop ġe·hyġd / wurde | þus | wīġ-þrīst || ofer eall w |
Juliana 433a | ll wīfa cynn, / þæt þū mec | þus | fæste || fetorum ġe·bunde, |
Juliana 451b | ċ þeċ ġe·dyrstiġ || and | þus | dol-willen / sīðe ġe·sōhte |
Juliana 511a | wæs ǣniġ þāra / þæt mē | þus | þrīste, || swā þū% nū- |
Juliana 519a | Næs ǣniġ þāra / þæt mec | þus | bealdlīċe || bennum be·le |
Precepts 1a | # Precepts / / | Þus | frōd fæder || frēo-bearn l |
Beowulf 238b | endra, / byrnum weorode, || þe | þus | brantne ċēol / ofer laĝu-str |
Beowulf 337a | || Ne seah iċ ell-þēodġe / | þus | maniġe menn || mōdiġlicran |
Beowulf 430b | / frēo-wine folca, || nū iċ | þus | feorran cōm, / þæt iċ mōte |
Judith 93b | īres brytta, || þæt mē is | þus | torne on mōde, / hāte on hre |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 84b | / ġomran stemne, || ġieddode | þus: | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 205b | nd, / þēoda þrymm-cyning, || | þus | ġe·sċēope, / þæt hēo hwe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 2b | ac, / sang sōþ-cwīdas || and | þus | selfa cwæþ: / þonne sēo sun |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 3b | nn / singan sōþ-cwidas || and | þus | selfa cwæþ: / Hwæt, sēo for |
The Rune Poem 70a | wāt, || wæġn aefter earn; / | þus | heardingas || þone hæle nem |
Psalm 50 30b | te, / weoroda || drihtne || and | þus | wordum spæc: / ‘Miltsa% þū |
Thureth 2a | hine drihten / þe mē fæġere | þus | || frætwum be·leġde. / Þure |
Thureth 3b | leġde. / Þureþ tō þance || | þus | hēt mē wyrċan, / tō lofe an |
Aldhelm 1a | # Aldhelm / / | Þus | mē ġe·sette || sanctus et |
The Seasons for Fasting 95a | / Greġoriæ, || gumena pāpa. / | Þus | hē ġe·sette || self and di |
Waldere B 17a | || Feta, ġif þū dyrre, / æt | þus | heaðu-werĝan || hāre byrna |
The Battle of Maldon 57b | angen / unbefohtne, || nū ġē | þus | feorr hider / on ūrne eard || |