Number of occurrences in corpus: 75
Genesis B 688b | ecne; || wæs sē fēond full | nēah | / þe on þā frēcnan fyrd || |
Genesis A 1029a | ldiġne, / sē mē feorr oþþe | nēah | || fǣhþe ġe·maniġe, / brō |
Genesis A 1883a | on wange || wēoh-bedd setton / | nēah | þǣm þe Abraham || ǣror r |
Genesis A 2051b | . / Hilde-wulfas || here-wīcum | nēah | / ġe·faren hæfdon. || Þā h |
Genesis A 2511a | rn wrecan. || Þǣre tīde is / | nēah | ġe·þrungen. || Ġe·wit þ |
Genesis A 2519b | wāt hêa burh || hēr āne | nēah, | / lȳtle ċeastre. || Līefaþ |
Exodus 1a | # Exodus / / Hwæt! We feorr and | nēah | || ġe·friġen habbaþ / ofer |
Exodus 114b | odon, / neowole niht-sċuwan || | nēah | ne mihton / heolstor ā·hȳdan |
Exodus 250b | e sīð-boda || sǣ-strēamum | nēah | / lēoht ofer lindum || lyft-eo |
Exodus 381b | ewan ā·sċōp; || ēac þon | nēah | and feorr% / hālġe hēapas || |
Daniel 496b | Nabochodonossor; || him þæt | nēah | ġe·wearþ. / Þūhte him þæ |
Christ and Satan 338a | e æt helle wæs / twelf mīlum | nēah, | || þæt ðǣr wæs tōða ġ |
Andreas 359b | sē hālĝa || helm-wearde% | nēah, | / æðele be æðelum. || Ǣfre |
Andreas 542a | || Ā þīn dōm lyfaþ. / Ġē | nēah | ġē feorr || is þīn nama h |
Andreas 638b | ed, || þām þe feorr oþþe | nēah | / on mōde ġe·man || hūse ma |
Andreas 821b | hran-rāde || heofon-cyninge | nēah. | / Þā ġe·lǣdan hēt || līf |
Andreas 833b | īðne bīdan || burĝ-wealle | nēah, | / his nīþ-hatum, || niht-lang |
Andreas 991b | Crīstes cempa, || carc-ærne | nēah. | / Ġe·seah hē hǣðenra || hl |
Andreas 1062a | e mearc-paðe / standan strǣte | nēah | || stapol ǣrenne. / Ġe·sæt |
Andreas 1252a | s lēoht sefa / hāliġ heortan | nēah, | || hyġe untȳdre. / Þā% sē |
Elene 66b | æðeling, || ēaġ-strēame | nēah | / on nēah-wiste || niht-langne |
Christ A 390a | an stefne, / fæġere feorr and | nēah. | || Habbaþ folĝoþa / cyst mid |
Christ B 782b | a drihten. || Is þām dōme | nēah | / þæt we ġe·līċe sċulon |
The Riming Poem 44a | ðum% sċēoh, / nīed-bisiĝum | nēah; | || ġe·wīteþ nihtes on fl |
Guthlac A 93b | on we nū nemnan || þæt ūs | nēah | ġe·wearþ / þurh hāliġne | |
Guthlac A 172b | an līfes. || Him wæs enġel | nēah, | / fǣle friðu-weard, || þām |
Guthlac A 189b | unga fela. || Him wæs fultum | nēah, | / enġel hine elne trymede, || |
Guthlac A 336b | eahtode, || (wæs him enġel | nēah), | / hū þisse weorolde || wynna |
Guthlac B 934b | ĝor / þurh nīed-ġe·dāl || | nēah | ġe·þrungen, / siþþan hē o |
Guthlac B 943b | n-cofan / aefter niht-glōme || | nēah | ġe·þrungen, / brēost-hord o |
Guthlac B 970b | niht-helma ġe·nipu. || Wæs | nēah | sēo tīd / þæt hē fyrn-ġe |
Guthlac B 998b | e þā / aefter niht-sċūan || | nēah | ġe·þīeded, / wiĝa wæl-ġ |
Guthlac B 1143a | inn ġe·sanc, / hāt, heortan | nēah, | || hilde-sċūrum% / flacor fl |
Riddles 3 23b | e ġe·mittaþ || mearc-lande | nēah | / hēa hlincas. || Þǣr biþ h |
Riddles 56 8b | lc on lyfte, || hwīlum lande | nēah. | / Trēow wæs ġe·tenġe || þ |
The Wife's Lament 25b | cer. || Sċeal% iċ feorr ġe | nēah | / mīnes fela-lēofan || fǣhþ |
Riddles 60 1b | wæs be sande%, || sǣ-wealle | nēah, | / æt mere-faroþe, || mīnum |
The Phoenix 192b | on·fōn. || Þonne feorr and | nēah | / þā swētostan || samnaþ an |
Juliana 335a | ld-weġe, / oþþe feorr oþþe | nēah | || fundne weorðen, / þæt hī |
Juliana 635b | s ġe·lǣded || land-mearce | nēah | / and tō ðǣre stōwe || ðǣ |
The Wanderer 26a | yttan, / hwǣr iċ feorr oþþe | nēah | || findan meahte / þone þe on |
The Gifts of Men 57b | ārum breġdaþ || ȳþ-borde | nēah. | / Sum biþ syndiġ, || sum sear |
Beowulf 564b | le ymb·sǣton || sǣ-ġrunde | nēah; | / ac on merġenne || mēċum wu |
Beowulf 1221b | fēred || þæt þe feorr and | nēah | / ealne wīde-ferhþ || weras e |
Beowulf 1743b | ġe·bunden, || bana swīðe | nēah, | / sē þe of flān-boĝan || fi |
Beowulf 1924b | id ġe·sīðum || sǣ-wealle | nēah. | / Bold wæs betliċ, || breĝu- |
Beowulf 2215b | ða% nāthwelċ, || sē þe% | nēah% | ġe·fēng / hǣðnum horde, || |
Beowulf 2242b | ode on wange || wæter-ȳðum | nēah, | / nīewe be næsse, || nearu-cr |
Beowulf 2290b | rnan cræfte || dracan heafde | nēah. | / Swā mæġ unfǣġe || īeðe |
Beowulf 2411b | under hrūsan || holm-wielme | nēah, | / ȳþ-ġe·winne; || sē wæs |
Beowulf 2420b | wæl-fūs, || wyrd unġemete | nēah, | / sē þone gamolan || grētan |
Beowulf 2547b | rum hāt; || ne meahte horde | nēah | / unbyrnende || ǣnġe hwīle / d |
Beowulf 2728b | ·rīmes, || dēaþ unġemete | nēah: | / ‘Nū iċ suna mīnum || sel |
Beowulf 2831b | ēas on hrūsan || hord-ærne | nēah. | / Nealles aefter lyfte || lāce |
Beowulf 2853b | ēðe-cempa, || frēan eaxlum | nēah, | / weahte hine wætere; || him w |
Beowulf 2870a | licost / ǣġhwǣr feorr oþþe | nēah | || findan meahte, / þæt hē |
Judith 287a | ðǣre tīde is / mid niþþum | nēah | ġe·þrungen, || þe we sċu |
The Paris Psalter 118:150 2b | sindon ēhtend || unġemete | nēah | ā / and þā synfullan; || sin |
The Paris Psalter 118:151 2a | wīten%. / / # / Wes mē swīðe | nēah, | || wuldres drihten; / sint eall |
The Paris Psalter 138:4 3b | mæġ iċ him on nīede || ā | nēah | cuman. / / # / Hwider mæġ iċ f |
The Paris Psalter 144:19 1a | m is || wīs and hāliġ. / / # / | Nēah | is drihten || niþþum eallum |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 7b | s his heortan || ġe·hyġde | nēah. | / / # / Hīe word hira || wēl ġ |
The Paris Psalter 57:7 1b | eþ, || ġif hit biþ wearmum | nēah | / fȳre ġe·fæstnod, || swā |
The Paris Psalter 78:4 3a | ymbsittendum, / þe ūs āhwǣr | nēah | || nū-þā sindon. / / # / Hū% |
The Paris Psalter 84:8 1b | is mid sōðe || for·swīðe | nēah | / þām% þe eġesan his || eln |
The Paris Psalter 94:10 2b | issum / wintra rīmes || wunode | nēah, | / ā and simle cwæþ || and ē |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 18a | ē is wundrum fæst%, / up-ende | nēah | || eaxe þæs rodores. / Þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 10a | īr and beorht, / ā·hwerġen | nēah | || ealla ġe·sċeafta; / ne fu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 2a | n || hwelċe ār-lēaste / ġē | nēah | ġē feorr || Nēron worhte, / |
Metrical Psalm 94:10 2b | ssum / wintra rīmes || wunode | nēah | / ā and simble cwæþ || and |
The Coronation of Edgar 15b | / seofon and twentiġ; || swā | nēah | wæs siĝora frēan / þūsend |
Solomon and Saturn 55a | ryne stīġeþ, / hyġe heortan | nēah | || hǣdre wealleþ’. / ‘Gyl |
Solomon and Saturn 130a | iþ sē þridda / stæf strǣte | nēah, | || stille bīdeþ. / //H// ōne |
The Menologium 105b | t / on Cantwarum || cyne-stōle | nēah, | / mynstre mǣrum. || Þonne mō |
The Battle of Maldon 103b | ēondum. || Þā wæs feohte% | nēah, | / tīr æt ġe·tohte. || Wæs |