A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: mægen

Number of occurrences in corpus: 85

Genesis B 398b t we on adame || gif we æfre mægen / and on his eafrum swa some ||
Genesis B 400b r willan sines || gif we hit mægen wihte aþencan / ne gelyfe ic m
Genesis A 1632b e hæfde / on þam mældagum || mægen and strengo / se wæs babylones
Exodus 101a an || werod eall aras / modigra mægen || swa him moyses bebead / mær
Exodus 131b on / modige meteþegnas || hyra mægen beton / bræddon æfter beorgum
Exodus 210a fa gehwam || hettend seomedon / mægen oþþe merestream || nahton m
Exodus 226b || feþan twelfe / moderofra || mægen wæs onhrered / wæs on anra ge
Exodus 242b onþeon / gif him modheapum || mægen swiþrade / ac hie be wæstmum
Exodus 300a um || werod eall aras / modigra mægen || mere stille bad / hofon here
Exodus 346b acna sum / morgen mæretorht || mægen forþ gewat / þa þær folcmæ
Exodus 459b r wegas lagon / mere modgode || mægen wæs adrenced / streamas stodon
Exodus 469b all astah / merestream modig || mægen wæs on cwealme / fæste gefete
Exodus 500b un yppinge / modewæga mæst || mægen eall gedreas / þa gedrencte w
Daniel 4a e wæs / siþþan þurh metodes mægen || on moyses hand / wearþ wig
Daniel 758b oda / soþum wordum || ofer sin mægen / siþþan him wuldres weard ||
Christ and Satan 489b de / næs þa monna gemet || ne mægen engla / ne witegena weorc || ne
Christ and Satan 548b on galgan || þurh his gastes mægen / forþon men sceolon || mæla
Christ and Satan 596a þre lif / þonne we on eorþan mægen || æfre gestreonan / hafaþ nu
Andreas 395a | duguþ is geswenced / modigra mægen || myclum gebysgod / him of hel
Andreas 625b dum gesecgan / maga mode rof || mægen þa he cyþde / deormod on digl
Andreas 876b lige oncneowon / ond martyra || mægen unlytel / sungon sigedryhtne ||
Andreas 1214b þola / þæt hie min on þe || mægen oncnawan / ne magon hie ond ne
Andreas 1571b gebæro / þær wæs modigra || mægen forbeged / wigendra þrym || w
Elene 55b friccan / mearh moldan træd || mægen samnode / cafe to cease || cyni
Elene 61a teres stæþ || werod samnode / mægen unrime || modsorge wæg / romwa
Elene 138b æt ende / þa wæs modigra || mægen on luste / ehton elþeoda || o
Elene 233b um wræcon / ofer mearcpaþu || mægen æfter oþrum / ond þa gehlodo
Elene 242b dese lædan / on merestræte || mægen fægerre / þær meahte gesion
Elene 283a wæs gesamnod || of sidwegum / mægen unlytel || þa þe moyses æ /
Elene 259b an dæg / meþe ond meteleas || mægen wæs geswiþrod / ic eow healsi
Elene 854a um || eaþe geþolian / modigra mægen || him gemetgaþ eall / ældes
Christ B 748a | hlypum styllan / of mægne in mægen || mærðum tilgan / ðæt we t
Christ C 902a scynan leohtor / ðonne hit men mægen || modum ahycgan / beorhte blic
Christ C 956a slic || eawed weorðeð / ðær mægen werge || monna cynnes / wornum
Christ C 1018b ond heofonbeorht || heagengla mægen / for ðære onsyne beoð || eg
Maxims I 114a f he nat hwa hine cwicne fede / mægen mon sceal mid mete fedan || m
The Riming Poem 18b m geðyhte || ðenden wæs me mægen / horsce mec heredon || hilde g
Guthlac B 977a uðlace || on ða geocran tid / mægen gemeðgad || mod swiðe heard
Guthlac B 1107b remig / milde ond gemetfæst || mægen unsofte / elne geæfnde || aras
Riddles 22 13b a hine oxa ne teah || ne esna mægen / ne fæthengest || ne on flode
Riddles 53 9a fæcnum weg / ðurh his heafdes mægen || hildegieste / oðrum rymeð
The Judgment Day I 55a | fyr onsendeð / lixeð lyftes mægen || leg onetteð / blæc byrnend
Azarias 76a || ond hluttor wæter / ond eal mægen || eorðan gesceafta / bletsige
Riddles 83 11b wundra fela / middangeardes || mægen unlytel / ac ic miðan sceal ||
Riddles 84 8b um gecyðan / hu mislic bið || mægen ðara cynna / fyrn forðgesceaf
Riddles 84 24a um gehroden || hæleðum dyre / mægen bið gemiclad || meaht gesweo
Riddles 84 33b wuldor wifeð || worldbearna mægen / ðeah ðe ferðum gleaw || / m
Riddles 84 56b ordum geopena / hu mislic sy || mægen ðara cy/
Juliana 235b te biwunden / milde modsefan || mægen unbrice / ða wæs mid clustre
Beowulf 445a n unforhte || swa he oft dyde / mægen hreðmanna || na ðu minne ð
Beowulf 518a t sunde oferflat / hæfde mare mægen || ða hine on morgentid / on h
Beowulf 1706a al ðu hit geðyldum healdest / mægen mid modes snyttrum || ic ðe
Beowulf 2654b ft to earde || nemne we æror mægen / fane gefyllan || feorh ealgia
Judith 253a him se egesa || on ufan sæte / mægen ebrea || mynton ealle / ðæt s
Judith 261b e geworden / metodes meowlan || mægen nealæhte / folc ebrea || fuhto
The Paris Psalter 101:21 2b ge worulde || þær his gewis mægen / fæste standeþ || ic þe fea
The Paris Psalter 102:20 1b an drihten || eall his bearna mægen / and his þegna þreat || þe
The Paris Psalter 106:17 2a sctan || æghwylcne mete / mode mægen heora || oþ unmihte / þæt hy
The Paris Psalter 117:16 1a swæsum muþe / / # / dyde gedefe mægen || dryhtnes swyþre / and me se
The Paris Psalter 123:4 4a t heo wel mæge / þæt swyþre mægen || sawel usser / wæteres wenan
The Paris Psalter 139:7 1b en drihten || þu eart gedefe mægen / hælo minre || and þu min he
The Paris Psalter 144:6 1a ndur || wide mære / / # / and hi mægen swylce || mære and egeslic /
The Paris Psalter 146:5 2a ure || mihtig drihten / and his mægen is micel || and mihtum strang
The Paris Psalter 53:1 2b am laþum || þurh þin leofe mægen / / # / god min gebed || gearuwe
The Paris Psalter 57:5 3a mycle habbaþ / tolyseþ leona mægen || lungre drihten / / # / ac hi f
The Paris Psalter 58:11 1b todrif || þurh þines wordes mægen / and hi wraþe toweorp || weal
The Paris Psalter 62:3 4a tywe / þæt ic þin wuldur and mægen || wis sceawige / / # / ys þin m
The Paris Psalter 65:6 1a ian || eorþan gelice / / # / his mægen wealdeþ || ofer eall manna c
The Paris Psalter 67:12 2a odspellendum / syleþ him modes mægen || se þe is mihtig cynincg / a
The Paris Psalter 70:8 3a de tid || on gesige / þonne me mægen and mod || mylte on hreþre / n
The Paris Psalter 75:7 1b forþon þe mannes geþoht || mægen andetteþ / and þonne þa lafe
The Paris Psalter 80:13 5a lde and hynde / and þæt mycle mægen || minra handa / heora ehtendas
The Paris Psalter 83:6 3a syþþan eodan / of mægene on mægen || þær wæs miht gesawen / on
The Paris Psalter 88:9 2b gehnægean || hafast þu heah mægen / þines earmes sped || wiþ ea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 35a mwise / þæt hi on þis lænan mægen || life findan / soþa gesælþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 202a es waldan / hio is þæt mæste mægen || monnes saule / and se selest
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 5a wan fore || wolcen hangaþ / ne mægen hi swa leohtne || leoman anse
The Gloria I 3a lle ðeoda || ðanc and wylla / mægen and mildse || and ealles mode
The Gloria I 6a ðu wealdan miht / eall eorðan mægen || and uplyfte / wind and wolcn
Fragment of Psalm 53 2b am laðum || ðurh ðin leofe mægen
A Prayer 51a leoht || uppe on roderum / ðyn mægen ys swa mære || mihtig drihte
The Seasons for Fasting 142a or life / ðæt we ðæs muntes mægen || mærða gestigan / swa se ea
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 6b ær ða mihtigan wif || hyra mægen beræddon / and hy gyllende ||
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 10a tum || cunne ic his mihta / his mægen and his mihta || and his mund
The Battle of Maldon 311b mod sceal þe mare || þe ure mægen lytlaþ / her liþ ure ealdor |