A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ord

Number of occurrences in corpus: 27

Genesis A 1111a ċe. || Þā word ā·cwæþ / ord mann-cynnes: || ‘Mē ēċe
Genesis A 1278a fruman ā·weahte, / æðelinga ord, || þā hē Ādam sċōp, / cw
Genesis A 2877a iddan up || ofer dēop wæter / ord ā·rǣmde. || Þā sē ēad
Daniel 162a n·ġeat || swīþ-mod cyning / ord and ende || þæs þe him īe
Christ and Satan 113b ā, / þe þēs ofer-hyġdes || ord on·stealdon%. / Ne þurfon we
Andreas 1330b æt gūðe. || Lǣtaþ gāres ord, / earh ātre ġe·mǣl, || inn
Elene 393a || cenned wǣre%, / æðelinga ord. || Þēah ġē þā ǣ cūðo
Elene 748a n ġe·coste, / beraþ bord and ord. || Þis biþ beorna ġe·hwǣ
Christ B 515a ard ġe·stīĝan, / æðelinga ord, || mid þās engla ġe·dryht
Christ B 741a on wuldres þrymm, / æðelinga ord, || ēðles nēosan, / beorhtra
Christ B 768a healdan, / þȳ læs sē attres ord || inn ġe·būĝe, / biter bor
Christ B 845a onne herġa fruma, / æðelinga ord, || eallum dēmeþ, / lēofum ġ
Widsith 48b ċinga cynn / and Inġeldes || ord for·bīeġdon, / for·hēowon
Maxims I 202b eafte, / eċġ on swurde || and ord spere, / hyġe heardum menn. ||
The Descent into Hell 56b bealdlīċe || burĝ-warena ord / mōdiġ fore ðǣre meniġu |
Riddles 60 12a elċ ne cann, / hū mec seaxes% ord || and sēo swīðre hand, / eo
Riddles 60 13b / eorles inn-ġe·þanc || and ord samod, / þingum ġe·þīedan,
Juliana 471a lme for·bræġd / þurh attres ord || ēaĝna lēoman / sweartum s
Beowulf 1549a þæt ġe·bearh fēore, / wiþ ord and wiþ eċġe || ingang for
Beowulf 2791b weorpan, || oþ·þæt wordes ord / brēost-hord þurh·bræc. ||
The Battle of Maldon 47a le || gāras sellan, / ǣtrenne ord || and ealde sweord, / þā her
The Battle of Maldon 60a nċ ġe·ġangan; / ūs sċeall ord and eċġ || ǣr ġe·sēman,
The Battle of Maldon 69a asse be·stōdon, / East-Seaxna ord || and sē æsċ-here. / Ne mea
The Battle of Maldon 110b n; / boĝan wǣron bisiġe, || b ord ord on·fēng. / Biter wæs sē
The Battle of Maldon 146a im æt heortan stōd / ǣtterne ord. || Sē eorl wæs þȳ blīðr
The Battle of Maldon 157a rdne || faran eft on·ġēan; / ord inn ġe·wōd, || þæt sē o
The Battle of Maldon 253a ac mē sċeall wǣpen niman, / ord and iren.’ || Hē full ierr