Number of occurrences in corpus: 28
Genesis B 525b | angre stemne, || and mē hēr | standan | hēt, / his be·bodu healdan, | |
Genesis B 548b | seah / on eorð-rīċe || Ēuan | standan, | / sċīene ġe·sċeapene, || c |
Genesis A 2928b | seah / unfeorr þonan || ānne | standan, | / brōðor Ārones, || brēmlum |
Exodus 572b | e·sāwon hīe ðǣr weallas | standan, | / ealle him brimu blōdġe þū |
Andreas 882b | , / æðelum ēacne, || ēowiċ | standan, | / twelfe ġe·tealde, || tīr- |
Andreas 993b | re, / fore hlin-dura || hierdas | standan, | / seofone æt·samne. || Ealle |
Andreas 1062a | ġe·mētte || be mearc-paðe / | standan | strǣte nēah || stapol ǣren |
Andreas 1448b | hē ġe·blōwene || bearwas | standan | / blǣdum ġe·hrodene, || swā |
Andreas 1494a | || sweras unlȳtle, / stapolas | standan, | || storme be·drifene, / eald e |
Dream of the Rood 43b | tum, || ac iċ sċolde fæste | standan. | / rōd wæs iċ ā·rǣred. || |
Dream of the Rood 62a | orlēton mē þā hilderincas / | standan | stēame be·drifenne; || eall |
Maxims I 63a | e·trume rīdan, / fæste ēða | standan. | || Fǣmne æt hire bordan ġe |
Maxims I 68a | an, / ġief-stōl ġe·ġierwed | standan, | || hwonne hine guman ġe·dǣ |
Maxims I 157a | | and eft niman. / Sele sċeall | standan, | || self ealdian. / Liċġende b |
Riddles 33 13b | ra landa ġe·hwǣm || lissum | standan.’ | |
Riddles 34 8a | an, || wyrtum fæste, / stille | standan | || on staþolwonġe, / beorhte |
Riddles 49 1b | Iċ wāt eardfæstne || ānne | standan, | / dēafne, dumban, || sē oft d |
Riddles 54 2a | ngan, || ðǣr hē hīe wisse / | standan | on winc-sele, || stōp feorra |
Riddles 88 22b | on ende / staðol weardian, || | standan% | fæste; / ne wāt hwǣr min br |
Beowulf 2271b | nd / eald ūht-sċaða || opene | standan, | / sē þe biernende || beorĝas |
Beowulf 2545a | ma, || þonne hniton fēðan, / | standan% | stān-boĝan, || strēam ūt |
Beowulf 2760b | ealdes ūht-floĝan, || orcas | standan, | / fyrn-manna fatu || feormiendl |
The Paris Psalter 110:8 2b | on weorolda weorold || wynnum | standan. | |
The Paris Psalter 147:6 4a | || ðǣr ǣniġ% ne mæġ / him | standan | || stīðe mōde. / / # / Hē his |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 54b | e / mid fæder willan || fæste | standan.’ | / Ġif þe þonne ǣfre || eft |
Maxims II 23a | h. || Gimm sċeall on hringe / | standan | stēap and ġēap. || Strēam |
Maxims II 35a | orh sċeall on eorðan / grēne | standan. | || God sċeall on heofonum, / d |
The Battle of Maldon 19a | ncum tǣhte / hū hīe sċoldon | standan | || and þone stede healdan, / a |