A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: willaþ

Number of occurrences in corpus: 43

Genesis B 284b ange ġe·nēatas, || þā ne willaþ mē æt þǣm strīðe ġe·s
Genesis B 663a wit him ġungor·dōm / lǣstan willaþ. || Hwæt sċeall þe swā lā
Genesis A 1910b Feretia, / rōfum rincum. || Ne willaþ rūmor unc / land-riht hira; ||
Genesis A 2318b -ġe·hyġdum || and be·bodu willaþ / min fullian. || Sċeal manna
Genesis A 2523b f ġit þæt fæsten || fȳre willaþ / stēape for·standan, || on
Exodus 266a ermþum || Israhēla cynn. / Ne willaþ ēow on·drǣdan || dēade f
Daniel 207a byriġ, / þā þis hīeġan ne willaþ, || ne þisne wēoh weorðian,
Christ and Satan 249a | lang-sumne rǣd, / ġif% ġē willaþ mīnre% || meahte% ġe·līef
Andreas 178b t hīe uncūðra || ǣngum ne willaþ / on þām folc-stede || fēore
Andreas 292b ē þē ēstlīċe || mid ūs willaþ / ferĝan frēolice || ofer fis
Andreas 298b ras ofer ȳþ-bord, || unnan willaþ.’ / Him þā ofostlīċe || Andre
Christ A 49b urh horsċne% || hād herġan willaþ. / Ēalā sibbe ġe·sihþ, || s
Christ B 517b Wē mid þȳslice || þrēate willaþ / ofer heofona ġe·hlidu || h
The Order of the World 36a on ferhþe ġe·nēah / and we willaþ healdan || heofon-cininges be
Guthlac A 34b e hāliġ be·bodu || healdan willaþ; / mæġ nū snotor guma || sǣl
Guthlac A 60b me him þæs hādes || hlisan willaþ / weġan on wordum || and þā
Guthlac A 124b deþ, || þām þe his ġiefe willaþ / þiċġan tō þance || and h
Guthlac A 507b ōd and mann-þēaw || mǣran willaþ. / Ġe·fēoþ on firenum, || fr
Guthlac A 567b e hīe sōþfæstra || sāwle willaþ / synnum be·swīcan || and sea
Guthlac A 587a n flǣsċ-haman. / Wē þē nū willaþ || wamma ġe·hwelċes / lēan
Wulf and Eadwacer 2a swelċe him mann lāc ġiefe; / willaþ hīe hine ā·þeċġan, ||
Wulf and Eadwacer 7a owe || weras ðǣr on īeġe; / willaþ hīe hine ā·þeċġan, ||
Riddles 16 7a slītende || sōna flīemaþ, / willaþ oþ·ferĝan || þæt iċ fri
Riddles 26 18b if min bearn wera || brūcan willaþ, / hīe bēoþ þȳ ġe·sundran
The Judgment Day I 33b um, || þām þe þisne cwide willaþ / on·drǣdan þus dēopne? ||
Azarias 91b if we ġe·earniaþ, || elne willaþ, / þonne fēran sċeall || þur
Beowulf 1818b we sǣ-līðend || seċġan willaþ, / feorran cumene, || þæt we f
The Paris Psalter 118:95 3a irenfulle || fǣcne sēċaþ, / willaþ mē lāðe || līfes ā·sē
The Paris Psalter 139:13 2a sōþfæste nū / þīnne naman willaþ || þurh nīed herġan; / sċul
The Paris Psalter 148:8 3a | ealra gāstas% / þe his word willaþ || wyrċan ġeorne. / / # / Munta
The Paris Psalter 52:5 4a wā fǣlne hlāf, / ne hēo god willaþ || ġeorne ċīeġan; / ðǣr h
The Paris Psalter 58:1 4a m || þe mē lungre on / rīsan willaþ, || nemþe þū mē rǣd ġief
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 4a sas swā same, / wēod þā þe willaþ || wēlhwǣr derian / clǣnum h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 18a e·hyċġan meaht / þæt ġē willaþ þā || on wuda sēċan / oftor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 61b wunder, || for·­þǣm hīe willaþ hīe / þǣm unþēawum || þe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 18b nġesǣlġe menn; || hine ǣr willaþ / foran tō sċēotan%, || swā
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 22a þīestre || þīnre heortan / willaþ mīnre lēohtan || lāre wiþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 13b ofer·brǣdeþ. || Baru sand willaþ / reġn for·swelgan; || swā d
The Seasons for Fasting 35b ġe·hāteþ, || ġif we his willaþ / þurh rihtne sefan || rǣdum
The Battle of Finnsburh 9b isne folces nīþ || fremman willaþ. / Ac on·wācniaþ nū, || wī
The Battle of Maldon 35a f ġē spēdaþ tō þām; / we willaþ wiþ þām golde || griþ fæ
The Battle of Maldon 40a | and niman friþ æt ūs, / we willaþ mid þām sċeatum ūs || tō
The Battle of Maldon 46a wæt þis folc sæġeþ? / Hīe willaþ ēow tō gafole || gāras sel