A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: gramum

Number of occurrences in corpus: 9

Genesis B 582a æt iċ sēo tēonum ġeorn, / gramum ambiht-secg, || nealles Godes
Elene 43a sē cāsere hēt / on·ġēan gramum || gūþ-ġelācan / under earh
Juliana 628a o ēadġe be·seah / on·ġēan gramum, || Iuliana%, / ġe·hīerde hē
Beowulf 424a (wēan āscodon), / for·grand gramum || and nū wiþ Grendel sċea
Beowulf 1034a þonne sċield-freca / onġēan gramum || gangan sċolde. / Hēt þā
The Paris Psalter 113:1 3b lle fōron / Iacobes hūs || of gramum folce, / þā ell-reordġe || e
The Paris Psalter 124:5 1b ā þe ġearwe bēoþ || tō gramum bendum, / eft hīe ġe·lǣdeþ
The Paris Psalter 79:1 3b þē Ioseph swā sċēap || gramum wiþ·lǣdest. / / # / Þū þē
The Battle of Maldon 100a linda bǣron. / Þǣr onġēan gramum || ġearwe stōdon / Byrht·nō