Number of occurrences in corpus: 55
Genesis A 1182a | d gumum || gold bryttode. / Sē | eorl | wæs æðele, || æfēst hæl |
Genesis A 1228a | o tīd ġe·wearþ / þæt sē | eorl | on·gann || æðele cennan, / s |
Genesis A 1844b | n’. / Þā cōm ellen-rōf || | eorl | sīðian, / Abraham mid ǣhtum |
Genesis A 1887a | naman weorðode; / til-mōdiġ | eorl | || tiber on·sæġde / þēodne |
Genesis A 2086a | na. || Lōth wæs ā·hreded, / | eorl | mid ǣhtum, || idesa hwurfon, |
Genesis A 2446b | na, / swā him sē Ebrisċa || | eorl | wīsode, / inn under eodoras. | |
Genesis A 2537a | stenne. || Fēðe ne sparode / | eorl | mid idesum, || ac hē ofstum |
Exodus 412a | rǣmde || Abraham% þā%; / sē | eorl | wolde slēan || eaforan sīnn |
Andreas 460a | for·lǣteþ || libbende god / | eorl | on eorðan, || ġif his ellen |
Andreas 475a | s wīsran. || Iċ wille þē, / | eorl | unforcūþ, || ānre nū ġī |
Andreas 1254a | s || under heolstor-sċuwan, / | eorl | ellen-heard, || andlange niht |
Andreas 1263a | -rāde. || Bliþ-heort wunode / | eorl | unforcūþ, || elnes ġe·myn |
Homiletic Fragment I 3a | d misliċ || on manna drēam. / | Eorl | ōðerne || mid æf-þancum / a |
Christ A 219b | and meaht. / Nis ǣniġ nū || | eorl | under lyfte, / secg searo-þanc |
Vainglory 37a | emede, || fēoþ% his beteran / | eorl | fore æfstum, || lǣteþ inwi |
Vainglory 78b | um, / ġif þū ēað-mōdne || | eorl | ġe·mēte, / þeġn on þēode |
Widsith 12a | e·hwelċ || þēawum libban, / | eorl | aefter ōðrum || ēðle rǣd |
Maxims I 62a | bū recene || beadwe fremman. / | Eorl | sċeall on ēos bōĝe, || ē |
Guthlac B 1165a | m, || þēah hē late meahte, / | eorl | ellen-heard, || oroþe ġe·b |
Deor 2a | wræces cunnode, / ān-hyġdiġ | eorl | || earfoþu drēah, / hæfde hi |
Resignation 108a | n-cynnes || mōde ġe·lufian / | eorl | on ēðle. || Ēalā drihten |
The Descent into Hell 45a | sac and Iacob, / maniġ mōdiġ | eorl, | || Moyses and Dauid, / Esias an |
Azarias 167a | || swā hē hræðost meahte, / | eorl | ācol-mōd, || þæt hē ofer |
Azarias 181a | ām bryne gangan / an-hyġdiġ | eorl, | || þæt hē ofer þām āde |
The Phoenix 482a | ang ġe·wunien. / Þus ēadiġ | eorl | || ēċan drēames, / heofona h |
The Wanderer 84b | -hlēor / on eorþ-sċræfe || | eorl | ġe·hȳdde. / Īeðde swā þi |
The Wanderer 114a | þe hē ǣr þā bōte cunne, / | eorl | mid elne ġe·fremman. || Wē |
Beowulf 573a | || Wyrd oft nereþ / unfǣġne | eorl, | || þonne his ellen dēah. / Hw |
Beowulf 627b | amp / þæt hēo on ǣniġne || | eorl | ġe·līefde / firena frōfre. |
Beowulf 761b | ston. / Eton wæs ūt-weard; || | eorl | furður stōp. / Mynte sē mǣr |
Beowulf 795a | | Þǣr ġe·neahhost bræġd / | eorl | Bēow·ulfes || ealde lāfe, / |
Beowulf 1228a | -healdende. / Hēr is ǣghwelċ | eorl | || ōðrum ġe·trīewe, / mōd |
Beowulf 1328b | s cnysedon. || Swelċ sċolde | eorl | wesan, / æðeling% ǣr-gōd, | |
Beowulf 1512b | hton āĝlæċan. || Þā sē | eorl | on·ġeat / þæt hē on% nīþ |
Beowulf 1702b | ēðel% weard, || þæt þēs | eorl | wǣre / ġeboren betera. || Bl |
Beowulf 2695a | || þēod-cininges / andlangne | eorl | || ellen cȳðan, / cræft and |
Beowulf 2908a | ulfe, || byre Wīh·stānes, / | eorl | ofer ōðrum || unlibbendum, / |
Beowulf 2951a | -ġōmor, || fæsten sēċan, / | eorl | Angen·þēow, || ufor on·ċ |
Beowulf 3015b | , / ǣled þeċċan, || nealles | eorl | weġan / māðum tō ġe·myndu |
Beowulf 3063a | īċe. || Wundor hwǣr þonne / | eorl | ellen-rōf || ende ġe·fēre |
Beowulf 3077a | stānes sunu: / ‘Oft sċeall | eorl | maniġ || ānes willan / wræc |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 78a | l be·cōm. / Wæs þā or-mōd | eorl, | || āre ne wende, / ne on þām |
The Death of Alfred 3a | t him ne ġe·þafode Godwine | eorl, | ne ēac ōðre || / menn þe m |
Solomon and Saturn 169b | en and for·cȳðed || Caldea | eorl. | / Hwæðre wæs on sǣlum || s |
Solomon and Saturn 185a | / ‘Hwæt. Him mæġ ēadiġ | eorl | || ēaðe ġe·ċēosan / on hi |
Solomon and Saturn 213b | or cōm. / Hit biþ eallinga || | eorl | tō ġe·sihþe, / þǣm þe ġ |
The Seasons for Fasting 106b | , / and hit ǣrest on·gann || | eorl | sē gōda, / mǣre Moyses, || |
The Seasons for Fasting 120b | ihten selleþ. / Eft Helias, || | eorl | sē mǣra, / him on wēstenne | |
The Battle of Maldon 6a | | ǣrest on·funde, / þæt sē | eorl | nolde || ierhþe ġe·þolian |
The Battle of Maldon 51b | æt hēr stent unforcūþ || | eorl | mid his weorode, / þe wile eal |
The Battle of Maldon 89a | , || fēðan lǣdan. / Þā sē | eorl | on·gann || for his ofer-mōd |
The Battle of Maldon 132b | stōp. / Ēode swā ān-rǣd || | eorl | tō þām ċeorle, / ǣġþer h |
The Battle of Maldon 146b | an stōd / ǣtterne ord. || Sē | eorl | wæs þȳ blīðra, / hlōh þ |
The Battle of Maldon 203a | folces ealdor, / Æðel·rēdes | eorl; | || ealle ġe·sāwon / heorð- |
The Battle of Maldon 233a | || nū ūre þēoden liġeþ, / | eorl | on eorðan. || Ūs is eallum |