Number of occurrences in corpus: 16
Genesis A 1507b | fde / and on ġuĝuþ-hāde || | gōdum | dǣdum / ǣr ġe·earnod || þ |
Christ C 910a | | unġelīċe. / Hē biþ þām | gōdum | || glæd-mōd on ġe·sihþe, |
Christ C 1575a | leofaþ. / Ne biþ ðǣr ǣngum | gōdum | || gnorn æt-īewed, / ne nǣng |
Guthlac A 394b | stes lof / on Gūð·lāces || | gōdum | mōde / wēox and wunode || and |
The Judgment Day I 87a | erde, || aefter heonan-sīðe / | gōdum | dǣdum, || þæs þe hē swā |
Beowulf 1861a | e·mǣne, || maniġ ōðerne / | gōdum | ġe·ġrētan || ofer ganotes |
Beowulf 2178b | owes, / guma gūþum cūþ, || | gōdum | dǣdum, / drēah aefter dōme, |
Beowulf 3036a | lum; || þā wæs ende-dæġ / | gōdum | ġe·gangen, || þæt sē gū |
Beowulf 3114a | an fereden, || folc-āĝende, / | gōdum | tō·ġēanes: || ‘Nū sċe |
The Paris Psalter 104:23 4b | ðdon cnēo-māgum || cystum | gōdum, | / oþ·þæt hīe ġe·fōron | |
The Paris Psalter 106:8 2b | and þā hungrian || hēr mid | gōdum | / fæste ġe·fylleþ || tō f |
The Paris Psalter 108:23 2a | īðe ā·hielded, / oþ-lǣded | gōdum | || swā sē gærs-hoppa. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 115:3 2a | ldan drihtne / for eallum þǣm | gōdum | || þe hē mē ǣror dyde? / / # |
The Paris Psalter 147:8 2a | ord ēac || ǣr mid wīsdōme / | gōdum | Iacobe || ġeara foresæġde, |
The Paris Psalter 64:5 1b | Ealle we þīn hūs || ēċum | gōdum | / fæġere fyllaþ; || fæste i |
The Battle of Maldon 4b | tō heandum || and tō% hyġe | gōdum. | / Þā% þæt Offan mǣġ || ǣ |