Number of occurrences in corpus: 114
Genesis A 130b | ǣrest / þurh dryhtnes word || | dæġ | ġe·nemned, / wlite-beorhte ġ |
Genesis A 133a | frymþe || forþ-bǣru tīd, / | dæġ | ǣresta; || ġe·seah deorc s |
Genesis A 143b | r eorðan || þā cōm ōðer | dæġ, | / lēoht aefter þīestrum. || |
Genesis B 684b | tō || and spēon hine ealne | dæġ | / on þā dimman dǣd || þæt |
Genesis A 853a | frēa æl-mehtiġ / ofer midne | dæġ, | || mǣre þēoden, / on neorxna |
Exodus 47b | m, / druron dēoful-ġield. || | Dæġ | wæs mǣre / ofer middan-ġeard |
Exodus 542a | mǣst || ofer middan-ġeard, / | dæġ | dǣdum fāh. || Dryhten selfa |
Daniel 158b | . / Þā ēode Daniel, || þā | dæġ | līehte, / swefen reċċan || s |
Daniel 374b | d herġaþ! || Niht samod and | dæġ, | / and þeċ landa ġe·hwelċ, |
Christ and Satan 104b | imne and% deorce. || Nē hēr | dæġ | līehteþ% / for sċædes sċī |
Christ and Satan 165a | Ēalā middan-ġeard! / Ēalā | dæġ | lēohta%! || Ēalā drēam Go |
Andreas 818b | ’ / Þus Andreas || andlangne | dæġ | / herede hlēoðor-cwidum || h |
Andreas 1245a | ĝan sċolde. / Swā wæs ealne | dæġ | || oþ·þæt ǣfen cōm / siġ |
Andreas 1274b | æs eft swā ǣr || andlangne | dæġ | / swungen sār-sleĝum. || Swā |
Andreas 1385a | biþ ā simble / of dæġe on | dæġ | || drohtaþ strengra.’ / Þā |
Andreas 1397b | num þurh·drifen, || þenden | dæġ | līehte. / On·gann þā ġōmo |
Elene 312b | m ġe·þancum, || oþ þisne | dæġ. | / Gangaþ nū snūde, || snytru |
Elene 47b | can || and þā þȳ þriddan | dæġ | / ealles lēohtes lēoht || lib |
Elene 259b | sylċed || on þone seofoþan | dæġ, | / mēðe and metelēas, || (mæ |
Elene 784b | and mæġene || þone mǣran | dæġ, | / heortan ġe·hyġdum, || on |
Christ C 868a | e || fold-būende / sē miċela | dæġ | || meahtan dryhtnes / æt midre |
Christ C 1054b | ġe·hyġda, || ac sē mǣra | dæġ | / hreðer-locena hord, || heort |
Christ C 1064a | ġesan þrēa, / and sē hearda | dæġ | || and sēo hēa rōd, / riht |
Christ C 1656b | ġe·winne, / dōm-ēadiġra || | dæġ | būtan þīestrum, / beorht bl |
The Order of the World 83a | node, || sē þe tela cūðe, / | dæġ | wiþ nihte, || dēop wiþ hē |
The Riming Poem 72b | e mæġ, || þonne flān-hred | dæġ | / nīed-grāpum nimeþ, || þon |
The Panther 41b | elĝod%, || on þone þriddan | dæġ, | / snēome of slǣpe. || Swēġ- |
The Partridge 14b | e tō drihtne, || þenden ūs | dæġ | sċīene, / þæt swā æðelne |
Guthlac B 1038a | htoþan || ende ġe·sēċeþ / | dæġ | sċrīðende. || Þonne dōĝ |
Guthlac B 1098b | ofer duĝuþum. || Þā% sē | dæġ | be·cōm / on þām sē libbend |
Guthlac B 1106a | ðelan tīd / on þone beorhtan | dæġ | || blissum hrēmiġ, / milde an |
Guthlac B 1141b | wol-hus. || Cōm sē seofoþa | dæġ | / ieldum andweard, || þæs þe |
Guthlac B 1151a | æs þā sihste tīd / on midne | dæġ, | || wæs his mann-drihtne / ende |
Guthlac B 1256b | nes þrymm-cyme || oþ þisne | dæġ. | / Lēofost manna, || nū iċ fo |
Guthlac B 1277a | þæs hālĝan wæs / andlangne | dæġ | || oþ ǣfen forþ / oroþ up h |
Riddles 20 7a | sinċ weġe / þurh hlūtorne | dæġ, | || hand-weorc smiða, / gold of |
Riddles 58 4a | lēoĝan mæġ / þurh sċīrne | dæġ, | || ne hīe sċip fereþ, / naca |
The Wife's Lament 37b | sittan% mōt || sumor-langne | dæġ, | / ðǣr iċ wēpan mæġ || mī |
The Judgment Day I 19b | fliċ wīte, || ðǣr nǣfre | dæġ | sċīeneþ / lēohte of lyfte, |
The Judgment Day I 34b | n þus dēopne? || Sċeal sē | dæġ | weorðan / þæt we forþ bera |
The Judgment Day I 50b | rolde, || ǣr þon sē wlanca | dæġ | / bodie þurh bīeman || bryne- |
Azarias 99a | , || milde drihten, / and þeċ | dæġ | and niht, || dōmfæst cyning |
The Phoenix 334a | || on marm-stāne% / hwonne sē | dæġ | and sēo tīd || dryhtum ġe |
Juliana 495b | ċ ġe·sitte || sumor-langne | dæġ, | / eall þā earfoþu || þe iċ |
Juliana 694b | þrymme miċele || oþ þisne | dæġ | / mid þēodsċipe. || Is mē |
Beowulf 485b | t-sele drēor-fāh, || þonne | dæġ | līexte, / eall benċ-þelu || |
Beowulf 731b | hē ġe·dǣlde, || ǣr þon | dæġ | cōme, / atol āĝlǣċa, || ā |
Beowulf 2115b | ā we ðǣr inne || andlangne | dæġ | / nīede nāmon, || oþ·þæt |
Beowulf 2306b | inc-fæt dīere. || Þā wæs | dæġ | sċacen / wyrme on willan; || n |
Beowulf 2399b | en-weorca, || oþ þone ǣnne | dæġ | / þe hē wiþ þǣm wyrme || |
Beowulf 2646b | dǣda dollicra. || Nū is sē | dæġ | cumen / þæt ūre mann-drihten |
Beowulf 2894a | t eorl-weorod / morĝen-langne | dæġ | || mōd-ġōmor sæt, / bord-h |
Beowulf 3069a | sċolde. / Swā hit oþ dōmes | dæġ | || dēope be·nemdon / þēodna |
Judith 28b | wā sē inwidda || ofer ealne | dæġ | / dryht-guman sīne || drencte |
The Paris Psalter 101:6 1a | fuĝole. / / # / Hwæt, mē ealne | dæġ | || edwīt-sprǣċe% on% / mīne |
The Paris Psalter 117:22 1a | l wundorliċ. / / # / Þis is sē | dæġ | || þe hine drihten ūs / wīsf |
The Paris Psalter 139:2 1a | e wamm fremme. / / # / Þā ealne | dæġ | || inwitt and fācen / hyċġa |
The Paris Psalter 54:16 2a | ac on merġenne / and on midne | dæġ, | || mæġene seċġe / and bodie |
The Paris Psalter 55:1 2a | ē man tredeþ, / and mē ealne | dæġ | || mid unrihte / fīend on·feo |
The Paris Psalter 55:2 2a | ndas mīne, / dōþ þæt ealne | dæġ | || fram ǣr-merġenne. / / # / Fo |
The Paris Psalter 55:4 4a | spēd folĝie / ǣġhwæs ealne | dæġ; | || ēac iċ swelċe / on god dr |
The Paris Psalter 55:5 1a | wæðer. / / # / Hwæt, mē ealne | dæġ | || mīne āĝen word / selfne s |
The Paris Psalter 55:9 3a | ne ġe·līefe, / and iċ ealne | dæġ | || ēċne drihten / wordum weor |
The Paris Psalter 60:5 1a | || þurh nīed forhtaþ. / / # / | Dæġ | biþ ofer dæġe, || ðǣr bi |
The Paris Psalter 60:5 3a | c || wynnum īeced, / oþ þone | dæġ | þe hē% || on dryhtnes sċea |
The Paris Psalter 60:6 4a | hēr ā·ġielde / of dæġe on | dæġ, | || swā hit ġe·dēfe wese. |
The Paris Psalter 67:19 2a | ēafe menn; / wese of dæġe on | dæġ | || drihten ūser, / sē gōda g |
The Paris Psalter 70:7 4a | wīde mǣrsian / and þē ealne | dæġ | || ǣġhwǣr herġan. / / # / Ne |
The Paris Psalter 70:14 3a | mǣreþ, / sæġeþ þē ealne | dæġ | || ēċe hǣlu. / / # / For·þon |
The Paris Psalter 71:15 4a | ra cnēo-rissa / and hine ealne | dæġ | || ēac blētsiaþ. / / # / Þonn |
The Paris Psalter 72:11 5a | ete niste, / and iċ wæs ealne | dæġ | || ēac ġe·swungen, / wæs m |
The Paris Psalter 72:11 6b | ē lǣw-finger || be lēohtne | dæġ. | / / # / Ġif iċ self cwǣde || a |
The Paris Psalter 73:15 1a | alle ā·drīgdest%. / / # / Þū | dæġ | settest || and deorce niht, / s |
The Paris Psalter 73:20 4a | || ed·wīta fela / þurh ealne | dæġ | || oft ā·sprǣcon. / / # / Ne f |
The Paris Psalter 83:9 2a | le || tō ġe·bīdanne / ānne | dæġ | mid þē || þonne ōðerra / o |
The Paris Psalter 85:3 2a | mæġene tō þē / þurh ealne | dæġ | || elne clipode; / dō þīnes |
The Paris Psalter 87:9 3a | tō wuldres gode / þurh ealne | dæġ | || elne clipie / and mīne hand |
The Paris Psalter 87:17 1a | ·drēfde. / / # / Hīe mē ealne | dæġ | || ūtan ymb·sealdan, / swā w |
The Paris Psalter 88:14 4a | | nīede swelċe / bēoþ ealne | dæġ | || ēac on blisse / and þīne |
The Paris Psalter 89:4 3a | on anlīcost, / swā ġeostran | dæġ | || ġe·gan wǣre; / / # / And sw |
The Paris Psalter 90:6 3a | n þīestrum, / oþþe on midne | dæġ | || mǣre dēoful. / / # / Fealle |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 62b | ehteþ, || oþ·þæt mannum | dæġ | / sunne brinġeþ || ġond þā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 16a | ēastan. || Nǣneĝum þūhte / | dæġ | on þance, || ġif sēo dimme |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 57a | n siġe weorðeþ, / ofer midne | dæġ, | || mere-candel sċyfð / on of- |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 5a | man erġan sċyle / ǣġhwelċe | dæġ | || æcera þūsend, / þēah þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 14b | e wihte þon mā || on wintra | dæġ | / tō·teled tīdum, || þæt i |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 8a | ·cyndes, / nū hē ēow ǣlċe | dæġ | || onet tō-weard? / Ne maĝon |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 38b | ame þe nēar || þe on midne | dæġ, | / and þēah mannum þyncþ || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 22b | , || for·þǣm hē hæleþum | dæġ | / bodaþ aefter burgum, || bren |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 24b | l-torht sunne || samod eallum | dæġ. | / Is sē fore-rynel || fǣġer |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 35a | le tungol || emne ġe·dǣled / | dæġ | and nihte || dryhtnes meahtum |
The Battle of Brunanburh 21a | || West-Seaxe forþ / andlangne | dæġ | || ēorod-cystum / on lāst le |
The Coronation of Edgar 8a | and ċīeġaþ / Pentecostenes | dæġ. | || Þǣr wæs prēosta hēap, |
The Death of Edgar 9a | ġe·wāt / on þone eahtoþan | dæġ | || Ēadgār of līfe, / beorna |
The Rune Poem 74a | de% || blēadum oftost. / //D// | dæġ | biþ dryhtnes sand, || dēore |
Solomon and Saturn 189b | p ġe·sċeaft? || Ne mōt on | dæġ | restan, / nihtes nēðeþ, || c |
Solomon and Saturn 273b | dēaþ ā·bǣde, || ǣr sē | dæġ | cyme / þæt sīe his cālend-c |
Solomon and Saturn 280b | s þrymm, || mid þȳ þe hit | dæġ | biþ. / Þonne hine ymbe·ganga |
The Menologium 3b | mehtiġ, || on þȳ eahtoþan | dæġ | / Hǣlend ġe·hāten, || heofo |
The Menologium 13a | tō ūs cymeþ, / þone twelfta | dæġ | || tīr-ēadiġe, / hæleþ hea |
The Menologium 60a | wītĝa sang: / ‘Þis is sē | dæġ | || þone drihten ūs / wīsfæs |
The Menologium 74b | hyrste; || þæt is hēalīċ | dæġ, | / bēn-tīd brēmu. || Swelċe |
The Menologium 140a | eormen-þēodum / hlāf-mæssan | dæġ. | || Swā þæs hærfest cymþ / |
The Menologium 167b | es fær || and þȳ seofoþan | dæġ | / þæt ā·cenned wearþ || cw |
The Menologium 175a | || þēodum wīde / efen-nihtes | dæġ, | || ielda bearnum. / Hwæt, we w |
The Menologium 180b | um ġe·īewed || efen-nihtes | dæġ. | / And þæs ymbe twā niht || |
The Menologium 189a | | samod æt·gædere / on ānne | dæġ. | || Wē þā æðelingas / fyrn |
The Menologium 202a | an dryhtnes. / Siþþan wintres | dæġ | || wīde gangeþ / on siex niht |
The Judgment Day II 71a | ·hīereþ mid lustum? / Ac sē | dæġ | cymeþ || þonne dēmeþ God / |
The Gloria I 27a | ĝum tō helpe. / Þone hēahan | dæġ | || healdaþ and friðiaþ / eal |
The Gloria I 30b | od; / on dryhtnes nāmon || sē | dæġ | is ġe·weorðod. / And nū and |
The Seasons for Fasting 60a | nd sīdne wang / Pente-costenes | dæġ | || prēostas nemnaþ, / on þǣ |
The Seasons for Fasting 79b | m fæstenum || is sē feorþa | dæġ | / and siexta samod || seofoþa% |
The Battle of Maldon 198a | dōn hæfde. / Swā him Offa on | dæġ | || ǣr ā·sæġde / on þām m |