Number of occurrences in corpus: 25
Genesis A 201b | on-fuĝla. || Inċ is hāliġ | feoh | / and wilde dēor || on ġe·we |
Genesis A 1299a | flōd || lǣdaþ and fēdaþ, / | feoh | and fuĝolas. || Þū sċealt |
Genesis A 1517b | rðe æl-grēne || and ēacen | feoh%. | / Nǣfre ġē mid blōde || bē |
Genesis A 1650a | þā ēastan || ǣhta lǣdan, / | feoh | and feorme. || Folc wæs ān- |
Genesis A 2130a | āĝen wæs || ūssum folce, / | feoh | and frætwa. || Lǣt mē frē |
Genesis A 2720a | his brȳd ġe·nam, / gangende | feoh | || and glæd seolfor / and weor |
Genesis A 2726b | ūs fǣle frēond, || we þē | feoh | sellaþ’. / Cwæþ þā eft% |
Daniel 66a | || hord-wearda ġe·strēon, / | feoh% | and frætwa%, || swelċ ðǣr |
Soul and Body I 81b | tes tilode, / feld-gangende || | feoh | būtan snytru, / oþþe on wēs |
The Fortunes of Men 81b | hlāfordes / fōtum sittan, || | feoh | þiċġan, / and ā snellīċe |
Soul and Body II 76b | tes tilode, / feld-gangende || | feoh | būtan snytru, / ġe on wēsten |
Riddles 34 2a | || on wera burgum, / sēo þæt | feoh | fēdeþ. || Hafaþ fela tōð |
The Wanderer 108a | old under heofonum. / Hēr biþ | feoh | lǣne, || hēr biþ frēond l |
The Paris Psalter 108:11 3a | || recene ġe·dǣle, / and his | feoh | on·fōn || fremde handa. / / # |
The Rune Poem 1a | # The Rune Poem / / //F// | feoh | biþ frōfor || fīra ġe·hw |
Solomon and Saturn 16b | wā nīeten, / feld-gangende || | feoh | būtan ġe·witte, / sē þurh |
Solomon and Saturn 147b | eþ nīeten, / feld-gangende || | feoh | ġe·strūdeþ. / Hwīlum hē o |
Maxims II 47b | flōwan firġen-strēamas. || | Feoh | sċeall on eorðan / tȳdran an |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 3a | hangen; swā iċ þenċe þis | feoh | || / tō findanne, næs tō o |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 7a | , || Godes þeġn, / find þæt | feoh | || and fere þæt feoh / and ha |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 7b | þæt feoh || and fere þæt | feoh | / and hafa þæt feoh || and he |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 8a | ere þæt feoh / and hafa þæt | feoh | || and heald þæt feoh / and f |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 8b | þæt feoh || and heald þæt | feoh | / and fere hām þæt feoh. || |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 9a | æt feoh / and fere hām þæt | feoh. | || / þæt hē nǣfre næbbe l |
The Battle of Maldon 39a | mannum || on hira selfra dōm / | feoh | wiþ frēode || and niman fri |