Number of occurrences in corpus: 23
Exodus 227b | . / Wæs on ānra ġe·hwǣm || | æðelan | cynnes / ā·lesen under lindum |
Christ and Satan 237b | a ord-fruma, || and tō þǣm | æðelan | / hniĝon him sanctas; || siġe |
Andreas 642b | s, / engla ēðel || þurh þā | æðelan | meaht.’ / Ǣdre him Andreas | |
Andreas 1476b | s eft swā ǣr || þurh þā | æðelan | meaht / lof lǣdende || and on |
Elene 275b | orlas ǣsċ-rōfe || mid þā | æðelan | cwēn. / Hēt þā ġe·bēodan |
Elene 107a | and witan snytru, / sē ðǣre | æðelan | sċeall || andwyrde ā·ġief |
Elene 348b | wdest% þām eorle || on þā | æðelan | tīd / under beorh-hliðe || b |
Elene 635b | mē, eorla hlēow, || þone | æðelan | bēam, / rōde rodera cininges% |
Christ A 268b | cuman / tō þām up-cundan || | æðelan | rīċe, / þonan ūs ǣr þurh |
Christ A 350b | ǣre / efen-wesende || on þām | æðelan | hām. / Næs ǣniġ þā ġīet |
Christ B 455a | ræġlum oþ·īewden / on þā | æðelan | tīd, || swā hīe eft dydon / |
Christ B 719b | eorð-būend, || þurh þone | æðelan | stiell.’ / Wæs sē forma hl |
Christ C 1198b | ades ord-fruma, || þurh þā | æðelan | cwēn. / Hwæs wēneþ sē || |
Guthlac B 926b | a ġe·hwelċes || þurh þā | æðelan | meaht, / þe hine sēosliġe || |
Guthlac B 1105b | ā sē ēadĝa wer || on þā | æðelan | tīd / on þone beorhtan dæġ |
Guthlac B 1301a | ġe·reorded, / ēað-mōd þȳ | æðelan | ġiefle, || swelċe hē his |
Riddles 59 9b | na ġe·sihð, || ġif þæs | æðelan | / goldes tācen || on·ġietan |
The Phoenix 281b | hine ǣrest god || on þone | æðelan | wang / siĝorfæst sette. || H |
The Phoenix 528b | āĝnum dǣdum. || Þæt þā | æðelan | sind / wyrta wynsume, || mid þ |
Beowulf 2234b | a nāthwelċ, / eormen-lāfe || | æðelan | cynnes, / þanc-hyċġende || |
The Paris Psalter: Psalm 136 2b | / his āĝen bearn || on þone | æðelan | stān. |
The Kentish Hymn 19b | m wunast / on ðǣre uplican || | æðelan | ċeastre, / frēa folca ġe·hw |
The Battle of Maldon 151a | forþ ġe·wāt / þurh þone | æðelan | || Æðel·rēdes þeġen. / Hi |