A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: waldend

Number of occurrences in corpus: 161

Genesis A 49b im seo wen geleah || siþþan waldend his / heofona heahcining || hon
Genesis A 67b of heofnum / wærleas werod || waldend sende / laþwendne here || on l
Genesis A 126b bead / þa gesundrode || sigora waldend / ofer laguflode || leoht wiþ
Genesis A 147a heofontimber || holmas dælde / waldend ure || and geworhte þa / roder
Genesis B 260a an / wiþ þone hehstan heofnes waldend || þe siteþ on þam halgan
Genesis B 298a þ monna gehwilc / þe wiþ his waldend || winnan ongynneþ / mid mane
Genesis B 300a tiga gebolgen / hehsta heofones waldend || wearp hine of þan hean st
Genesis B 303b æs þe he wann wiþ heofnes waldend / acwæþ hine þa fram his hyl
Genesis B 323a a hæfdon / gewinnes wiþ heora waldend || wite þoliaþ / hatne heaþo
Genesis B 462b ewered mid wæstme || swa hie waldend god / heah heofoncyning || hand
Genesis B 520b stm þy wlitegra || þe sende waldend god / þin hearra þas helpe ||
Genesis B 551b urde on worulde || ic wat inc waldend god / abolgen wyrþ || swa ic h
Genesis B 673a ga || god ne onsende / heofones waldend || gehyran mæg ic rume / and s
Genesis B 745a | þeowian wolden / forþon unc waldend wearþ || wraþ on mode / on hy
Genesis B 780a on || and god nemdon / heofones waldend || and hine bædon / þæt hie
Genesis B 815a arcod || ac unc is mihtig god / waldend wraþmod || to hwon sculon wi
Genesis B 817a || þæt ic bæd heofnes god / waldend þone godan || þæt he þe h
Genesis B 850b ælmihtig / and him gewisade || waldend se goda / hu hie on þam leohte
Genesis A 1043b cu / wite æfter weorce || hine waldend on / tirfæst metod || tacen se
Genesis A 1112b e sunu / sealde selfa || sigora waldend / lifes aldor || on leofes stæ
Genesis A 1203a him wæs þeoden hold / rodera waldend || se rinc heonon / on lichoman
Genesis A 1253b ægere / þa reordade || rodora waldend / wraþ moncynne || and þa wor
Genesis A 1270b e / þa geseah selfa || sigoro waldend / hwæt wæs monna || manes on
Genesis A 1294b hladene / widlum gewemde || þa waldend spræc / nergend usser || and t
Genesis A 1365a s muþ || mundum sinum / sigora waldend || and segnade / earce innan ||
Genesis A 1408a de god || mereliþende / sigora waldend || sunu lameches / and ealle þ
Genesis A 1771a ælig || swa him sigora weard / waldend usser || þurh his word abead
Genesis A 1839b oþo drihten / on woruldrice || waldend usser / an ælmihtig || swa he
Genesis A 1864a ere || gumena aldor / hwæt him waldend wræc || witeswingum / heht him
Genesis A 2139b æc / ic þe gehate || hæleþa waldend / for þam halgan || þe heofon
Genesis A 2175b / hwæt gifest þu me || gasta waldend / freomanna to frofre || nu ic
Genesis A 2201a re || ne geomra þu / ic eom se waldend || se þe for wintra fela / of
Genesis A 2221b æþlan / me þæs forwyrnde || waldend heofona / þæt ic mægburge ||
Genesis A 2295a mæte || gewit þu þinne eft / waldend secan || wuna þæm þe agon /
Genesis A 2387b / þa þæt gehyrde || heofona waldend / þæt on bure ahof || bryd ab
Genesis A 2406b dum golde || ongan þa rodera waldend / arfæst wiþ abraham sprecan
Genesis A 2506a mid þyssum wærlogan / unc hit waldend heht || for wera synnum / sodom
Genesis A 2547a him þæs lean forgeald / gasta waldend || grap heahþrea / on hæþenc
Genesis A 2578b / þær wordum ær || wiþ his waldend spræc / frod frumgara || he ge
Genesis A 2587a mhatne lig || to wræce sende / waldend usser || gemunde wærfæst þ
Genesis A 2635a r || com nihtes self / þær se waldend læg || wine druncen / ongan þ
Genesis A 2756b eft / heora rimgetel || rodora waldend / ead and æhta || ælmihtig we
Genesis A 2762a arrai || swa he self gecwæþ / waldend usser || hæfde wordbeot / leof
Genesis A 2813b gunne / wordum oþþe dædum || waldend scufeþ / frea on forþwegas ||
Genesis A 2862b ngla / word ondrysne || and his waldend leof / þa se eadga || abraham
Exodus 16b / þær him gesealde || sigora waldend / modgum magoræswan || his mag
Exodus 422a cyning alwihta / þæt þu wiþ waldend || wære heolde / fæste treowe
Exodus 433a wereþ || engla þeoden / wyrda waldend || and wereda god / soþfæst s
Daniel 13a eard || halig drihten / wuldres waldend || se þam werude geaf / mod an
Daniel 240b s wæfran liges || þa hie se waldend nerede / hreohmod wæs se hæþ
Daniel 290b um / rihte and gerume || rodora waldend / geoca user georne nu || gasta
Daniel 331a na eart || ece drihten / weroda waldend || woruldgesceafta / sigora set
Daniel 360a sceaft || ecne drihten / þeoda waldend || swa hie þry cwædon / modum
Daniel 447a gelyfde / þæt se wære mihta waldend || se þe hie of þam mirce g
Daniel 451a ætte soþ wære / mære mihta waldend || se hie of þam morþre aly
Daniel 456b s rice || siþþan hie rodera waldend / halig heofonrices weard || wi
Daniel 761a | ealra gesceafta / drihten and waldend || se him dom forgeaf / unscynd
Christ and Satan 24a lfe || swegles brytan / wuldres waldend || him þær wirse gelamp / þa
Christ and Satan 187a n || drihten of selde / weoroda waldend || sceal nu wreclastas / settan
Christ and Satan 198b ten / uppe ecne gefean || engla waldend / he þæt gecydde || þæt he
Christ and Satan 217b / þær he sylfa sit || sigora waldend / drihten hælend || in þæm d
Christ and Satan 251a || helm þone micclan / weroda waldend || agan us þis wuldres leoht
Christ and Satan 563a num || engla scyppend / weoroda waldend || þa com wolcna sweg / halig
Christ and Satan 584a || ealra gescefta / wyrhta and waldend || þurh his wuldres cræft / s
Christ and Satan 586a im on heofnum || halig encgel / waldend mid witegum || hafaþ wuldres
Christ and Satan 607a ered || þonne hælend cymeþ / waldend mid wolcnum || in þas woruld
Andreas 193a e || heofona scyppend / wuldres waldend || swa þu worde becwist / þæ
Andreas 213a þu wel þencest / wiþ þinne waldend || wære gehealdan / treowe tac
Andreas 388a ruma || lean forgilde / weoruda waldend || ond þe wist gife / heofonli
Andreas 539a þ || cyning wyrþude / wuldres waldend || ond þus wordum cwæþ / wes
Andreas 702a dangeard || mægene geswiþed / waldend ond wyrhta || wuldorþrymmes /
Andreas 855a ceole wæs || cyninga wuldor / waldend werþeode || ic his word oncn
Andreas 920b rægn / hu geworhte ic þæt || waldend fira / synnig wiþ seolfne || s
Andreas 1056a te || cyning weorþadon / wyrda waldend || þæs wuldres ne biþ / æfr
Andreas 1451b e þe þanc ond lof || þeoda waldend / to widan feore || wuldor on h
Elene 206b orhtme / on rode treo || rodora waldend / æfstum þurh inwit || swa se
Elene 421b me / on þam þrowode || þeoda waldend / eallra gnyrna leas || godes a
Elene 292b ond þu sylf sitest || sigora waldend / ofer þam æþelestan || enge
Christ A 46b on / witgena woðsong || ða se waldend cwom / se ðe reorda gehwæs ||
Christ A 163b nissum / wunast wideferh || mid waldend fæder / eala ioseph min || iac
Christ A 258b e / wide towrecene || ðæt ðu waldend ær / blode gebohtes || ðæt s
Christ A 328b t ðæt wealldor || ðurh ðe waldend frea / æne on ðas eorðan ||
Christ A 394a || swegle gehyrste / weorðian waldend || wide ond side / ond mid hyra
Christ B 474b eaf / ond ðæt word acwæð || waldend engla / gefysed frea mihtig ||
Christ B 544b nd / ærðon up stige || ealles waldend / on heofona gehyld || hwite cw
Christ B 555b uman / on heahsetle || heofones waldend / folca feorhgiefan || frætwum
Christ B 556b eorhgiefan || frætwum ealles waldend / middangeardes || ond mægenð
Christ B 577b nað / wile in to eow || ealles waldend / cyning on ceastre || corðre
Christ B 681b ong / wegas widgielle || swa se waldend us / godbearn on grundum || his
Christ B 714a gearosnottor || gæstgerynum / waldend werðeoda || ond ðæt word a
Christ B 822b æt us milde bicwom || meahta waldend / æt ærestan || ðurh ðæs e
Christ B 865b lian / ða us gerymde || rodera waldend / halge on heahðu || ða he he
Christ C 1185b swa ðeah wundrum || ða hyra waldend for / of lichoman || leode ne c
Christ C 1220b m / eall æfter ryhte || rodera waldend / ðonne beoð gesomnad || on
Christ C 1569a onne ðæs giman nele / weoruda waldend || hu ða womsceaðan / hyra ea
Christ C 1601a nne man fremmað / hwæt him se waldend || to wrace gesette / laðum le
Christ C 1613b / wærleasra weorud || ond hi waldend giefeð / feondum in forwyrd ||
Vainglory 84b lcum / ðone selestan || sigora waldend / amen ||
Maxims I 43a ðæt him ðæs edhwyrft cyme / waldend him ðæt wite teode || se hi
Guthlac A 594a tfruma || lyfan wylle / weoruda waldend || ðæt ge his wergengan / in
Guthlac A 666a ðær wyrs gelomp / ða eow se waldend || wraðe bisencte / in ðæt s
Guthlac A 763a || geond middangeard / wile se waldend || ðæt we wisdom a / snyttrum
Guthlac A 800a || heortan clæne / weorðiað waldend || habbað wisne geðoht / fusn
Riddles 2 4b r ymb ðone wælgim || ðe me waldend geaf / se me widgalum || wisað
Riddles 20 4b r ymb þone wælgim || þe me waldend geaf, / se me widgalum || wisa
Riddles 23 6a || feor aswape / siððan me se waldend || se me ðæt wite gescop / le
Riddles 4 89b gesceafta / ðara ðe worhte || waldend user / se mec ana mæg || ecan
Riddles 40 93b esceafta, / þara þe worhte || waldend user, / se mec ana mæg || ecan
Riddles 6 1b 6 / / mec gesette soð || sigora waldend / crist to compe || oft ic cwic
The Judgment Day I 85b æt ðonne geleanað || lifes waldend / heofona hyrde || æfter heona
The Judgment Day I 94b clæne / womma lease || swa se waldend cwæð / ealra cyninga cyning |
Resignation 44a aca || feorma me ðonne / wyrda waldend || in ðinne wuldordream / ond
The Descent into Hell 112b fore ðinre ðearfe || ðeoda waldend / ac for ðam miltsum || ðe ð
The Lord's Prayer I 10b ðu us freodom gief || folca waldend / from yfla gehwam || a to wida
Azarias 11b dum / ryhte mid ræde || rodera waldend / geoca us georne || gæsta scy
Azarias 48a nd || ond soð meotod / wuldres waldend || ond woruldsceafta / swa se h
Azarias 71a ceafte || ecne dryhten / ðeoda waldend || swa hi ðry cwædon / modum
Azarias 96b ht sumor / wearme wederdagas || waldend manna / frean on ferðe || frem
Azarias 104b æder forst ond snaw || folca waldend / winterbitera weder || ond wol
Azarias 120a de || ond fæder rice / forðon waldend scop || wudige moras / lofe lea
Azarias 158b / forðon us onsende || sigora waldend / engel to are || se ðe us bea
The Ruin 7a dereotone || eorðgrap hafað / waldend wyrhtan || forweorone geleore
The Phoenix 464b ld / in siða gehwane || sigora waldend / weoruda wilgiefa || ðis ða
The Phoenix 631b ihtig / in heannesse || heofuna waldend / ðus reordiað || ryhtfremmen
Juliana 213b rd / mildne mundboran || mægna waldend / se mec gescyldeð || wið ði
Juliana 291a æfte || ðæt se cempa ongon / waldend wundian || weorud to segon / ð
Juliana 305b s ær / on rode aheng || rodera waldend / meotud meahtigne || minum lar
Juliana 723a helm || helpe gefremme / meahta waldend || on ðam miclan dæge / fæde
The Wanderer 78b ederas / woriað ða winsalo || waldend licgað / dreame bidrorene || d
The Gifts of Men 92b la / mæg on lofsongum || lifes waldend / hlude hergan || hafað healic
Beowulf 183a m || herian ne cuðon / wuldres waldend || wa bið ðæm ðe sceal / ð
Beowulf 1661b pen duge / ac me geuðe || ylda waldend / ðæt ic on wage geseah || wl
Beowulf 1693b delean / ðurh wæteres wylm || waldend sealde / swa wæs on ðæm scen
Beowulf 1752a e him ær god sealde / wuldres waldend || weorðmynda dæl / hit on en
Beowulf 2741b or ðam me witan ne ðearf || waldend fira / morðorbealo maga || ðo
Beowulf 2875a hwæðre him god uðe / sigora waldend || ðæt he hyne sylfne gewr
Judith 5a tan brogan / gefriðode frymða waldend || hyre ðæs fæder on roder
Judith 61a nges gestyrde / dryhten dugeða waldend || gewat ða se deofulcunda / g
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 30b nne him rum forlæt || rodora waldend / ac he þone welegan || wædlu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 204b hwæt þu þa saule || sigora waldend / þeoda þrymcyning || þus ge
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 256a egum || bilewit fæder / þeoda waldend || to þe cuman / and þonne mi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 268b es / mid þinum leohte || lifes waldend / forþæm þu eart sio birhtu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 274b eart eallra þinga || þeoda waldend / fruma and ende || hwæt þu f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 34a m || eallum wealdeþ / nele se waldend || þæt forweorþan scylen / s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 70b hit þonne he wile || heofona waldend / and eowaþ eft || eorþbuendu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 14a and utan || ac se ælmihtega / waldend and wyrhta || weorulde gescea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 49a iaþ || mane aþas / gif þu nu waldend ne wilt || wirde steoran / ac o
The Coronation of Edgar 1b gar / / her eadgar wæs || engla waldend / corþre miclum || to cyninge
The Death of Edgar 22b / to swiþe forsewen || sigora waldend / rodera rædend || þa man his
The Judgment Day II 52a smocan || waces fleaxes / wyle waldend crist || wætere gedwæscan / h
The Lord's Prayer II 27b ld / cum nu and mildsa || mihta waldend / and us ðin rice alyf || riht
The Lord's Prayer II 35b ewurðe ðin willa || swa ðu waldend eart / ece geopenod || geond ea
The Kentish Hymn 41b esse / and on annesse || ealles waldend / hiofena heahcyninc || haliges
Psalm 50 80b ðe / ðanne bioð on wenne || waldend simle / ða gebrocenan ban || b
Psalm 50 92b and ðu rihtne gast || rodera waldend / in ferðe minum || feste geni
Psalm 50 116a fes || soðfestnesse / ontyn nu waldend god || weoloras mine / swa min
A Prayer 2b æla dema god / geara me || ece waldend / ic wat mine saule || synnum f
Thureth 7b g / and him geðancie || ðeoda waldend / ðæs ðe he on gemynde || ma
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 9a ðe ah ealles geweald / rodera waldend || ðæt he on riht mote / oð
Instructions for Christians 227a fonas and eorðan, / weoruldes waldend, || wæteres and lyfte, / and e
The Battle of Maldon 171b # || / geþancie þe || þeoda waldend / ealra þæra wynna || þe ic