Number of occurrences in corpus: 62
Genesis B 404a | -rīċe, nū we hit habban ne | mōton, | || ġe·dōn þæt hīe his h |
Genesis B 407b | s grimman grundas. || Þonne | mōton | we hīe ūs tō ġungrum habb |
Genesis B 422b | sint / wurðran miċele, || and | mōton | him þone welan āĝan / þe we |
Genesis A 1824b | Siþþan Ēġypte || ēaĝum | mōton | / on þīnne wlite wlītan || w |
Genesis A 2531b | ealdaþ / and mund-byrde. || Ne | mōton | wit / on wǣr-loĝum || wrecan |
Exodus 264b | æt hīe libbende || lenġ ne | mōton | / āĝnian mid iermþum || Isra |
Christ and Satan 257b | þæt wræc-lāstas || wunian | mōton, | / grymme grundas. || God selfa |
Christ and Satan 301b | ūsend engla, || ġif þider | mōton, | / and þæt on eorðan || ǣr |
Christ and Satan 311b | mid wuldor-cyninge || wunian | mōton | / āwa tō ealdre, / āĝan drēa |
Christ and Satan 448a | Nealles wuldres lēoht / habban | mōton, | || ac in helle grund, / ne hīe |
Christ and Satan 449b | / ne hīe ed-ċierres || ǣfre | mōton | / wēnan siþþan. || Him wæs |
Christ and Satan 554b | s, / and we in wynnum || wunian | mōton. | / Ūs is wuldres lēoht / torht o |
Christ and Satan 589a | urh his lǣċedōm, / ðǣr we | mōton | selfe || sittan mid drihtne, / |
Christ and Satan 612b | oþ blīðe || þā% in burh | mōton | / gangan% in Godes rīċe, / and |
Christ and Satan 633b | þæt hīe up þonan || ǣfre | mōton, | / ah ðǣr ġe·þolian sċolon |
Andreas 228b | / ðǣr sōþfæstra || sāwla | mōton | / aefter līċes hryre || līfe |
Andreas 598b | an ġe·fēan, || ðǣr frēo | mōton, | / ēadġe mid englum, || eard w |
Andreas 886b | / þe þāra blissa || brūcan | mōton. | / Þǣr wæs wuldres wynn, || w |
Andreas 916a | e friðe healde, / þæt þe ne | mōton | || man-ġe·nīðlan, / grame g |
Andreas 1215a | nāwan. / Ne maĝon hīe and ne | mōton | || ofer mīne ēst / þīnne l |
The Fates of the Apostles 99b | s on eorðan brūcaþ%. || Ne | mōton | hīe āwa æt·samne, / weorold |
Soul and Body I 158a | gæderode || æt Godes dōme. / | Mōton | wit þonne æt·samne || siþ |
Homiletic Fragment I 45b | oht / uppe mid englum || āĝan | mōton | / gāstum tō ġēoce, || þonn |
Elene 467b | is singāl sacu. || Sāwla ne | mōton | / mān-fremmende || on mīnum l |
Elene 869b | twǣm dǣlum / unġelīċe. || | Mōton | engla frēan / ġe·sēon, siĝ |
Elene 877a | , || þurh þæs dōmes fȳr. / | Mōton | þonne siþþan || sibbe brū |
Christ A 384b | wrāh || þæt we hine witan | mōton%. | / For·þon hīe, dǣd-hwate, | |
Christ A 392a | Crīst for·ġeaf, / þæt hīe | mōton | his æt-wiste || ēaĝum brū |
Christ C 1079b | weorca. || Wēl is þām þe | mōton% | / on þā grimman tīd || gode |
Christ C 1246b | / ēadġe mid englum || āĝan | mōton%. | / Þonne biþ þridde, || hū |
The Whale 81b | æs hwæles fenge || hweorfan | mōton. | / For·þon is eallinga || / dry |
The Whale 85a | t we wuldor-cyning / ġe·sēon | mōton. | || Wuton ā sibbe tō him / on |
The Whale 87b | e mid swā lēofne || on lofe | mōton | / tō wīdan fēore || wuldres |
The Partridge 16a | st / on wuldres wlite || wunian | mōton. | || Finit. |
Guthlac A 13b | r ā tō fēore || ġe·fēon | mōton%, | / drȳman mid drihten, || þā |
Guthlac A 22b | Þider sōþfæstra || sāwla | mōton | / cuman aefter cwealme, || þā |
Guthlac A 220a | les || sorĝe drēoĝaþ. / Ne | mōton | hīe on eorðan || eardes br |
Guthlac A 314a | ē mē lāðes wiht / ġe·dōn | mōton. | || Iċ eom dryhtnes þēow, / h |
Guthlac A 370b | ē mec tō wundre || wǣġan% | mōton. | / Ne mæġ min līċ-hama || wi |
Guthlac A 377b | ine sārum for·sæcen, || ne | mōton | ġē mīne sāwle grētan, / ac |
Guthlac A 595b | one lāðan līeġ || lǣdan | mōton. | / Þæt is on ġe·wealdum || w |
Guthlac A 648b | ē mec mid nīðum || nǣfre | mōton | / torn-mōde tēon || on tin-tr |
Guthlac A 675b | er sċæd sċande || sċūfan | mōton, | / nē on bǣl-blæsan || breġd |
Guthlac A 700b | ē him tō dare || ġe·dōn | mōton, | / ac ġē hine ġe·sundne ā· |
Guthlac A 790b | . / Swā sōþfæstra || sāwla | mōton | / on ēċne ġeard || up ġe·s |
Guthlac A 814b | r hīe tō weorolde || wynnum | mōton% | / godes ansīene || ġeorne be |
Guthlac B 1191b | re beorhtan byriġ || brūcan | mōton, | / ēades mid englum. || þū hi |
Riddles 16 9b | mec stīðne wiþ || stānas | mōton | / fæste ġe·habban. || Friġe |
Resignation 54b | one fore-þanc || ġe·fēon | mōton | / þȳ þe hīe him selfum || s |
The Phoenix 668a | fed || lucis auctor% / þæt we | mōton | hēr || merueri, / gōd-dǣdum |
The Phoenix 670a | n || gaudia on celo, / ðǣr we | mōton% | || maxima reġna / sēċan and |
Beowulf 395a | || hider will-cuman. / Nū ġē | mōton | gangan || on ēowrum gūð-ġ |
The Paris Psalter 105:36 4b | t we þīnne naman || nīede | mōton | / þone hālĝostan || hēr and |
The Paris Psalter 118:122 3b | mē ofer-hyġdġe || ǣfre ne | mōton | / hearm-cwiddian; || hyldu ne |
The Paris Psalter 131:13 1b | / Þonne hira suna || swelċe | mōton | / ā þisse weorolde || wynnum |
The Paris Psalter 138:17 4b | we hira burh || tō·brecan | mōton.’ | / / # / Ealle þā þe fēodon || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 70b | / folces mearce || ofer·faran | mōton. | / Þā ġe·setnesse || siĝora |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 10b | stman, || fæġen þæt hīe | mōton. | / Ac sē stearca storm, || þon |
Solomon and Saturn 147a | racoðest.’ / ‘For·hwon ne | mōton | we þonne ealle || mid an-mē |
The Menologium 206a | an hǣse, / þæt ūs wunian ne | mōton% | || wangas grēne, / foldan fræ |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 7b | es hira ēaĝum || ġe·sēon | mōton. | / Þæt mæġ sē mann be·ġie |
The Battle of Maldon 180b | e hell-sċaðan || hīenan ne | mōton.’ | / Þā hine hēowon || hǣðne |