Number of occurrences in corpus: 71
Genesis B 294b | ebban wiþ his hearran || and | spræc | healic word / dollice wiþ drih |
Genesis B 338a | ermetto || ealra swiþost / þa | spræc | se ofermoda cyning || þe ær |
Genesis B 347b | / satan maþelode || sorgiende | spræc | / se þe helle forþ || healdan |
Genesis B 609b | eofonrice || þa se forhatena | spræc | / þurh feondscipe || nalles he |
Genesis B 622b | ne || þæs fela he me laþes | spræc | / swa hire eaforan sculon || æ |
Genesis B 654b | ge || þa heo to hire hearran | spræc | / adam frea min || þis ofet is |
Genesis B 684a | egnunga || from gode come / hio | spræc | him þicce to || and speon hi |
Genesis B 701b | st || þæt heo on his willan | spræc | / wæs him on helpe || handweor |
Genesis B 704a | odes / to forlæranne # || / heo | spræc | þa to adame || idesa sceonos |
Genesis B 790b | / adam gemælde || and to euan | spræc | / hwæt þu eue hæfst || yfele |
Genesis B 821a | ic þe minum eagum geseah / þa | spræc | eue eft || idesa scienost / wif |
Genesis A 918b | lt / þa to euan god || yrringa | spræc | / wend þe from wynne || þu sc |
Genesis A 1294b | widlum gewemde || þa waldend | spræc | / nergend usser || and to noe c |
Genesis A 1483a | ire þearf ne wæs / þa to noe | spræc | || nergend usser / heofonrices |
Genesis A 1744a | metodsceaft seon / þa se halga | spræc | || heofonrices weard / to abrah |
Genesis A 2123b | sealde / godes bisceope || þa | spræc | guþcyning / sodoma aldor || se |
Genesis A 2138b | / dome and sigore || drihtlice | spræc | / ic þe gehate || hæleþa wal |
Genesis A 2263b | eard and hreþe || higeteonan | spræc | / fræcne on fæmnan || heo þa |
Genesis A 2305b | / ece drihten || wiþ abrahame | spræc | / leofa swa ic þe lære || læ |
Genesis A 2464a | h on recede || eode lungre ut / | spræc | þa ofer ealle || æþelinga |
Genesis A 2578b | ordum ær || wiþ his waldend | spræc | / frod frumgara || he geseah fr |
Genesis A 2721b | æd seolfor / and weorcþeos || | spræc | þa wordum eac / to abrahame || |
Genesis A 2795b | um on clommum || cyning engla | spræc | / to abrahame || ece drihten / l |
Genesis A 2849b | ellen wære / stiþum wordum || | spræc | him stefne to / gewit þu ofest |
Genesis A 2880a | || swegles aldor / þa abraham | spræc | || to his ombihtum / rincas min |
Exodus 258b | e / werodes wisa || wurþmyndum | spræc | / ne beoþ ge þy forhtran || |
Exodus 277b | ndra leod || þa he to leodum | spræc | / hwæt ge nu eagum to || on lo |
Exodus 418b | ldres hleoþor || word æfter | spræc | / ne sleh þu abraham || þin a |
Exodus 553b | es muþhæl || he to mænegum | spræc | / micel is þeos menigeo || mæ |
Daniel 486a | | snyttro cræftas / swa wordum | spræc | || werodes ræswa / babilone we |
Christ and Satan 247b | englum || and to him eallum | spræc | / ic can eow læran || langsumn |
Christ and Satan 534a | on || scyppend engla / þa sona | spræc | || simon petrus / eart þu þis |
Andreas 904a | t cyning || ic on brimstreame / | spræc | worda worn || wat æfter nu / h |
Andreas 1557b | n / hean hygegeomor || heofende | spræc | / nu ge magon sylfe || soþ gec |
Elene 332b | e maþelode || ond for eorlum | spræc | / gehyraþ higegleawe || halige |
Elene 404b | e maþelade || ond for eorlum | spræc | / undearninga || ides reordode / |
Elene 285b | nes oncyþig || ond on ebrisc | spræc | / dryhten hælend || þu þe ah |
Elene 286b | an-cȳðiġ || and on Ebrisċ | spræc: | / ‘Dryhten hǣlend, || þū |
Guthlac A 200b | wa him yrsade || se for ealle | spræc | / feonda mengu || no ðy forhtr |
Guthlac A 692b | for ðam egsan || ofermæcga | spræc | / dyre dryhtnes ðegn || dæghl |
Guthlac B 1294b | rmago / eadig elnes gemyndig || | spræc | to his onbehtðegne / torht to |
Riddles 39 12b | muð hafað || ne wið monnum | spræc | / ne gewit hafað || ac gewritu |
The Judgment Day I 8b | mid lige || nis ðæt lytulu | spræc | / to geheganne || hat bið onæ |
The Descent into Hell 24b | hæleð helwarum || hlyhhende | spræc | / modig to ðære mengo || ymb |
The Descent into Hell 57b | re mengo || ond to his mæge | spræc | / ond ða wilcuman || wordum gr |
Juliana 185a | lce || frecne mode / beotwordum | spræc | || bealg hine swiðe / folcagen |
Juliana 189b | ða se hererinc || hospwordum | spræc | / ðis is ealdordom || uncres g |
Juliana 246b | hæftling || to ðære halgan | spræc | / hwæt dreogest ðu || seo dyr |
Juliana 417b | foldan || ða gien seo fæmne | spræc | / saga earmsceapen || unclæne |
Beowulf 341b | nc wedera leod || word æfter | spræc | / heard under helme || we synt |
Beowulf 1168b | e / arfæst æt ecga gelacum || | spræc | ða ides scyldinga / onfoh ðis |
Beowulf 1171b | dwine gumena || ond to geatum | spræc | / mildum wordum || swa sceal ma |
Beowulf 1215b | lode || heo fore ðæm werede | spræc | / bruc ðisses beages || beowul |
Beowulf 1698b | lt ond wyrmfah || ða se wisa | spræc | / sunu healfdenes || swigedon e |
Beowulf 2510b | owulf maðelode || beotwordum | spræc | / niehstan siðe || ic geneðde |
Beowulf 2618b | fuslic || no ymbe ða fæhðe | spræc | / ðeah ðe he his broðor bear |
Beowulf 2724b | lf maðelode || he ofer benne | spræc | / wunde wælbleate || wisse he |
Judith 160b | hi gehyrdon || hu seo halige | spræc | / ofer heanne weall || here wæ |
Judith 176a | | hu hyre æt beaduwe gespeow / | spræc | ða seo æðele || to eallum |
The Paris Psalter 118:50 3a | gemete swyþe / forþon me þin | spræc | || spedum cwycade / / # / oftust |
The Paris Psalter 118:140 1a | æste wæron / / # / is þin agen | spræc | || innan fyren / sylf swiþe ha |
The Paris Psalter 118:140 2a | e wǣron. / / # / Is þīn āĝen | spræc | || innan fȳren, / self swīðe |
The Paris Psalter 76:4 4b | wæcceum / werded swyþe || ne | spræc | ic worda feala / / # / þa ic eal |
The Paris Psalter 98:7 3a | d he hi gehyrde || holde mode / | spræc | him wordum to || þurh wolcne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 81b | ol on þa flore || fela worda | spræc | / forþoht þearle || ne wende |
The Judgment Day II 187a | lces || for micelnysse / nænig | spræc | mæg beon || spellum areccan / |
Instructions for Christians 155a | | þonne he hine onmunde ær. / | Spræc | God geara || to Hieremie, / þ |
The Battle of Maldon 209b | ine þa cwæþ || he on ellen | spræc | / gemunan þa mæla || þe we o |
The Battle of Maldon 211b | þā cwæþ, || hē on ellen | spræc: | / ‘Ġe·munan% þā mǣla || |
The Battle of Maldon 272b | ro and geornful || gylpwordum | spræc | / þæt he nolde fleogan || fot |
The Battle of Maldon 274b | ġeornfull, || ġielp-wordum | spræc | / þæt hē nolde flēoĝan || |