Number of occurrences in corpus: 78
Genesis B 397b | lūtrum sāwlum. || Wē þæs | sċulon | hyċġan ġeorne, / þæt we on |
Genesis B 406b | īe fram his hyldu. || Þonne | sċulon | hīe þās helle sēċan / and |
Genesis B 623a | spræc’. / Swā hire eaforan | sċulon | || aefter libban: / þonne hīe |
Genesis B 624b | īe lāþ ġe·dōþ, || hīe | sċulon | lufe wyrċan, / bētan hira hea |
Genesis B 732b | -rīċe, || ac hīe tō helle | sċulon | / on þone sweartan sīþ. || S |
Genesis B 752b | leþa bearn || heofon-rīċe% | sċulon | / lēode for·lǣtan || and on |
Genesis B 805a | -sorġe || on ealle tīd. / Hū | sċulon | wit nū libban || oþþe on |
Genesis B 815b | ldend wrāð-mōd. || To hwon | sċulon | wit weorðan nū? / Nū mē mæ |
Genesis A 1911b | hira; || for·þon wit lǣdan | sċulon, | / tēon of% þisse stōwe, || a |
Genesis A 2178b | ngum mīnra, || ac mē aefter | sċulon | / mīne weorold-māĝas || wela |
Genesis A 2212a | % || wīde rīċe. / Eall þæt | sċulon | āĝan || eaforan þīne, / þ |
Genesis A 2328b | n be brȳde þīnre, || þone | sċulon | burh-sittende / ealle Īsaac h |
Christ and Satan 30a | -ġe·timbrod, / ac ġe·dūfan | sċulon | || in þone dēopan wielm / ni |
Christ and Satan 41a | | Nis nū ende feorr / þæt we | sċulon | æt·samne || sūsel þrōwia |
Christ and Satan 552b | ō ēðle, || ðǣr we āĝan | sċulon% | / dryhtnes dōmas, / and we in wy |
Andreas 614b | r·lǣrde. || Nū hīe lungre | sċulon, | / wearĝe mid wearĝum, || wræ |
Andreas 733b | eċġe sōþ-cwidum, || (þȳ | sċulon | ġe·līefan / eorlas on cȳþ |
Andreas 1487b | a gūða. || Hwæðere ġīet | sċulon | / lȳtlum stiċċum || lēoð-w |
Soul and Body I 72a | n || eardung-stōwe, / and þē | sċulon | hēr mold-wyrmas || maniġe |
Soul and Body I 101a | me. || Ac hwæt dō wit unc? / | Sċulon | wit þonne eft æt·samne || |
Elene 210b | n. || Þæs hīe on hīenþum | sċulon | / tō wīdan fēore || wierhþu |
Christ A 271b | īres wane, / ā būtan ende || | sċulon | iermþu drēoĝan, / būtan þ |
Christ A 381a | bryten-wangas / þā mid rihte | sċulon | || reord-berende, / earme eorð |
Christ B 611b | rð-welan. || Þæs we ealles | sċulon | / seċġan þanc and lof || þ |
Christ B 746b | efter muntum. || Swā we menn | sċulon | / heortan ġe·hyġdum || hlīe |
Christ B 756a | libbende god. / For·þon we ā | sċulon | || īdle lustas, / synn-wunde f |
Christ B 766a | e strǣl. / For·þon we fæste | sċulon | || wiþ þām fær-sċyte% / si |
Christ B 783a | me nēah / þæt we ġe·līċe | sċulon | || lēanum hlēotan%, / swā we |
Christ B 807b | on foldan. || Þonne frætwe | sċulon | / byrnan on bǣle; || blāc rā |
Christ B 829b | trum fā. || Þæs hīe lange | sċulon | / fergð-wērġe on·fōn || on |
Christ B 862a | ċēoles bord / hwǣr we sǣlan | sċulon | || sund-henġestas, / ealde ȳ |
Christ C 1270b | sēoþ, || on þām hīe āwa | sċulon, | / wræc winnende, || wǣrhþo d |
Christ C 1327a | āwle || libban mōte. / Nū we | sċulon | ġeorne || glēawlīċe þurh |
Christ C 1360b | ōfre. || Þæs ġē fæġere | sċulon | / lēan mid lēofum || lange br |
Christ C 1368b | and dǣda, / reord-berendum; || | sċulon | þone rihtan dōm / ānne ġe· |
Christ C 1513b | heofon-cyninge. || Þæs ġē | sċulon | hearde ā·drēoĝan / wīte t |
Christ C 1523b | mm. || On þæt ġē hrēosan | sċulon.’ | / Ne maĝon hīe þonne ġe·h |
Christ C 1525b | e·bod, / rǣdum be·rofene. || | Sċulon | ræðe feallan / on grimmne% gr |
Christ C 1605a | āð-loĝum on·ġēan, / þæt | sċulon | fiellan || firen-ġeorne menn |
Christ C 1609a | ĝum || on hearm-cwale. / Þǣr | sċulon | þēofas || and þēod-sċað |
Christ C 1630b | || for·þon hīe ā·bīdan | sċulon | / on sīn-nihte, || sār endel |
Vainglory 82a | teĝa ne lēah. / For·þon we | sċulon | ā hyċġende || hǣlu rǣdes |
Maxims I 4a | n ġe·þōhtas. / Glēawe menn | sċulon | ġieddum wrixlan. || God sċe |
Maxims I 61a | nċu, || þrīste mid cēnum, / | sċulon | bū recene || beadwe fremman. |
Maxims I 82b | n, / bunum and bēaĝum; || bū | sċulon | ǣrest / ġeofum god wesan. || |
Maxims I 124b | ·hwelċ mete ðearf, || mǣl | sċulon | tīdum gangan. / Gold ġe·rīs |
Maxims I 159a | am || lǣsest grōweþ. / Trēo | sċulon | brǣdan || and trēow weaxan, |
Maxims I 181a | tō·dǣle. || / Hīe twēġen | sċulon | tæfle ymb·sittan, || þende |
The Order of the World 31a | | godes āĝen be·bod; / ac we | sċulon | þancian || þēodne mǣrum / |
Soul and Body II 56a | ne þīnra gōda nan, / ac hēr | sċulon | ā·bīdan || bān be·rēafo |
Soul and Body II 67a | || eardung-stōwe, / and þē% | sċulon | mold-wyrmas || maniġe ċēow |
Soul and Body II 95a | ·ed-byrded || ōðre sīðe? / | Sċulon | wit þonne æt·samne || siþ |
Guthlac A 614b | seċġan, || ac ġē dēaðe | sċulon | / weallendne wēan || wōpe be |
Guthlac A 635a | || on ēċe fȳr, / ðǣr ġe· | sċulon | drēoĝan || dēaþ and þīe |
Guthlac A 680a | | Þǣr ġē gnornende / dēaþ | sċulon | drēoĝan || and iċ drēama |
Guthlac B 1072b | es leahtor, || ac on līeġe | sċulon | / sorĝ-wielmum soden || sār w |
The Judgment Day I 93b | / timbreþ torhtlīċe, || tō | sċulon | clǣne, / wamma lēase, || swā |
The Descent into Hell 98a | brēostum || tō banan handa, / | sċulon | ēac tō ūssum fēondum || f |
Azarias 27b | a, / on hæft heoru-grimmes, || | sċulon | we ðǣr hǣðenra / þrēa-nī |
Riddles 88 16a | mǣran twǣm || māĝas uncre / | sċulon | aefter cuman, || eard oþ·þ |
Juliana 195b | fian wolde. || Þe þā lēan | sċulon | / wiðer-hyċġendre%, || wīte |
Beowulf 683b | e·weorca; || ac wit on niht | sċulon | / seċġe ofer·sittan, || ġif |
Judith 287b | ēah ġe·þrungen, || þe we | sċulon | nīede% losian, / samod æt sæ |
The Paris Psalter 104:13 1a | þrēa ġeaf cyningum. / / # / Ne | sċulon | ġē mīne þā hālĝan || h |
The Paris Psalter 106:21 1a | fer manna bearn. / / # / Hīe him | sċulon | lāces lof || lustum bringan, |
The Paris Psalter 112:3 3a | o wende || on west-rodor / ġe | sċulon | dryhtnes naman || dǣdum her |
The Paris Psalter 139:13 3a | llaþ || þurh nīed herġan; / | sċulon | eard niman || on þīnre ans |
The Paris Psalter 64:7 1a | m wuniaþ. / / # / Þīnre meahte | sċulon | || muntas hīeran, / swelċe þ |
The Paris Psalter 68:7 5a | ǣr hīe eard nimaþ. / / # / Ne | sċulon | æt mē || ǣnġe habban / sċa |
The Paris Psalter 74:8 3a | dōn un·bryċe; / for·þǣm% | sċulon | ealle || drincan synfulle, / þ |
The Paris Psalter 95:4 1b | a god; || for·þon hine menn | sċulon | / elne herġan; || hē is eġes |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 36b | fen. || For·þǣm hīe simle | sċulon | / þone īlcan rȳne || eft ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 240b | ider of þē / ǣror cōmon, || | sċulon | eft tō þē. / Sċeal sē lī |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 7a | re, || mæġ ā·weorpan. / Wē | sċulon | þēah ġīeta || mid godes f |
The Rune Poem 64a | angsum ġe·þūht, / ġif hīe | sċulon | nēðan% || on nacan tealtum, |
The Menologium 68b | fte findan / hālġe daĝas. || | Sċulon | we hwæðre ġīet / martira ġ |
The Battle of Maldon 54b | , / folc and foldan. || Feallan | sċulon | / hǣðne æt hilde. || Tō hē |
The Battle of Maldon 220a | , || weorold-ġe·sǣliġ. / Ne | sċulon | mē on ðǣre þēode || þe |