A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: modige

Number of occurrences in corpus: 12

Genesis A 1907a nu þu loth geþenc / þæt unc modige || ymb mearce sittaþ / þeoda
Exodus 131a hie werige || wiste genægdon / modige meteþegnas || hyra mægen be
Exodus 327b heard handplega || hægsteald modige / wæpna wælslihtes || wigend
Exodus 465b r swipode / meredeaþa mæst || modige swulton / cyningas on corþre |
Andreas 802a geweotan þa þa witigan þry / modige mearcland tredan || forlætan
Andreas 1096a at || wicgum gengan / on mearum modige || mæþelhegende / æscum deal
Andreas 1140a rohtheard || þrymman sceocan / modige maguþegnas || morþres on lu
Andreas 1515a oþfæste || syþþan heoldon / modige magoþegnas || magas sine / god
Beowulf 1876a seoððan no || geseon moston / modige on meðle || wæs him se man
Solomon and Saturn 7a æs goldwlonce / mærþa þæs modige || þær to þam moning gelom
The Menologium 82a pus and iacob || feorh agefan / modige magoþegnas || for meotudes l
The Battle of Maldon 78b nforhte / ælfere and maccus || modige twegen / þa noldon æt þam fo