A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: stodon

Number of occurrences in corpus: 25

Genesis B 460b a / and him bi twegin || beamas stodon / þa wæron utan || ofætes ge
Exodus 111b scinan / byrnende beam || blace stodon / ofer sceotendum || scire leom
Exodus 201b fen / atol æfenleoþ || egesan stodon / weredon wælnet || þa se wom
Exodus 460a mægen wæs adrenced / streamas stodon || storm up gewat / heah to heo
Exodus 491b e / up ateah on sleap || egesan stodon / weollon wælbenna || witrod g
Exodus 566b um / sungon sigebyman || segnas stodon / on fægerne sweg || folc wæs
Daniel 64b a þe þam folce || to friþe stodon / gehlodon him to huþe || hord
Andreas 842b an / tigelfagan trafu || torras stodon / windige weallas || þa se wis
Andreas 871b / utan ymbe æþelne || englas stodon / þegnas ymb þeoden || þusen
Andreas 1157b n / mændon meteleaste || meþe stodon / hungre gehæfte || hornsalu w
Andreas 44a n wægþele || wigan unslawne / stodon him þa on ofre || æfter reo
Dream of the Rood 7b s / begoten mid golde || gimmas stodon / fægere æt foldan sceatum ||
Dream of the Rood 71a þær greotende || gode hwile / stodon on staþole || syþþan stefn
Elene 227b ymb geofenes stæþ || gearwe stodon / sælde sæmearas || sunde get
Elene 232a g || æt wendelsæ / on stæþe stodon || stundum wræcon / ofer mearc
The Wanderer 87b ase / eald enta geweorc || idlu stodon / se ðonne ðisne wealsteal ||
Beowulf 328b don / guðsearo gumena || garas stodon / sæmanna searo || samod ætg
Judith 267b rod / bælc forbiged || beornas stodon / ymbe hyra ðeodnes træf ||
The Battle of Maldon 61b hi on þam easteþe || ealle stodon / ne mihte þær for wætere ||
The Battle of Maldon 70b e flod ut gewat || þa flotan stodon gearowe / wicinga fela || wiges
The Battle of Maldon 77a t || on þa bricge stop / þær stodon mid wulfstane || wigan unforh
The Battle of Maldon 98b ær ongean gramum || gearowe stodon / byrhtnoþ mid beornum || he m
The Battle of Maldon 125a pnum || wæl feol on eorþan / stodon stædefæste || stihte hi byr
The Battle of Maldon 180b en þa beornas || þe him big stodon / ælfnoþ and wulmær || begen
The Battle of Maldon 299b ge / þær wæs stiþ gemot || stodon fæste / wigan on gewinne || wi