A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: bana

Number of occurrences in corpus: 10

Exodus 39b ā·brocene burĝ-weardas. || Bana wīde sċrāþ, / lāþ lēod-h
Christ A 264b reċċan, || þæt sē wītes bana / on helle grund || hēan ġe·
Guthlac A 87a um īdel wuldor, / bræġd-wīs bana || hafaþ bēġa cræft, / eaht
The Descent into Hell 88b sċoldon / bīdan on bendum. || Bana weorces ġe·feah; / wǣron ūr
Beowulf 1743b st, / bisiĝum ġe·bunden, || bana swīðe nēah, / sē þe of fl
Beowulf 2082a t þā-ġīen || īdel-hende / bana blōdiġ-tōþ, || bealwa ġe
Beowulf 2506b ing on elne; || ne wæs eċġ bana, / ac him hilde-grāp || heortan
Beowulf 2613b wine-lēasum, || Wīh·stān% bana / mēċes eċġum || and his m
Beowulf 2824b ende / blēate ġe·bǣran. || Bana swelċe læġ, / eġesliċ eor
The Battle of Maldon 299b e·þrange% || hira þrēora bana, / ǣr him Wīġ·helmes bearn |