Number of occurrences in corpus: 247
Genesis B 500b | ofætes æte || cwæþ þæt | þin | abal and cræft / and þin mods |
Genesis B 501a | æt þin abal and cræft / and | þin | modsefa || mara wurde / and þi |
Genesis B 502a | in modsefa || mara wurde / and | þin | lichoma || leohtra micle / þin |
Genesis B 503a | þin lichoma || leohtra micle / | þin | gesceapu scenran || cwæþ þ |
Genesis B 508b | fian on his leohte || and ymb | þin | lif sprecan / swa þu læstan s |
Genesis B 521a | egra || þe sende waldend god / | þin | hearra þas helpe || of heofo |
Genesis B 564b | ses ofetes || þonne wurþaþ | þin | eagan swa leoht / þæt þu mea |
Genesis B 738a | || and þystre land / and þurh | þin | micle mod || monig forleton / o |
Genesis B 750b | e forgeaf / monna cynne || mæg | þin | mod wesan / bliþe on breostum |
Genesis A 877b | t sceome / gesyhst sorge || and | þin | sylf þecest / lic mid leafum | |
Genesis A 912b | / hataþ under heofnum || and | þin | heafod tredeþ / fah mid fotum |
Genesis A 1900b | re to lothe || ic eom fædera | þin | / sibgebyrdum || þu min suhter |
Genesis A 2168b | icla þina || ne læt þu þe | þin | mod asealcan / wærfæst willan |
Genesis A 2189b | daþ þine / eafora yrfe || ac | þin | agen bearn / frætwa healdeþ | |
Genesis A 2190b | rn / frætwa healdeþ || þonne | þin | flæsc ligeþ / sceawa heofon | |
Genesis A 2196b | cbearnum frome || ne læt þu | þin | ferhþ wesan / sorgum asæled | |
Genesis A 2259b | fiaþ bu / arna lease || ac þu | þin | agen most / mennen ateon || swa |
Genesis A 2260b | agen most / mennen ateon || swa | þin | mod freoþ / þa wearþ unbliþ |
Genesis A 2311b | geo / frofre to wedde || þæs | þin | ferhþ bemearn / þu scealt hal |
Genesis A 2398a | sted || þu on magan wlitest / | þin | agen bearn || abraham leofa / g |
Genesis A 2504b | fe sien / ofestum miclum || and | þin | ealdor nere / þy læs þu forw |
Genesis A 2511b | þrungen || gewit þu nergean | þin | / feorh foldwege || þe is frea |
Genesis A 2533b | ynn || ær þon þu on sægor | þin | / bearn gelæde || and bryd som |
Genesis A 2644a | æfre || engla þeoden / þurh | þin | yrre wilt || aldre lætan / hea |
Genesis A 2663b | e / þeawfæst and geþyldig || | þin | abeodan / þæt ic þe lissa || |
Genesis A 2683a | | sægdest wordum / þæt sarra | þin | || sweostor wære / lices mæge |
Genesis A 2730a | e on edwit || abraham settan / | þin | freadrihten || þæt þu flet |
Genesis A 2810a | r seleþ || snytru mihtum / and | þin | mod trymeþ # || / godcundum g |
Genesis A 2852a | s lecgan || and þe læde mid / | þin | agen bearn || þu scealt isaa |
Genesis A 2914b | lde / abraham leofa || ne sleah | þin | agen bearn / ac þu cwicne abre |
Genesis A 2922b | his / sibb and hyldo || þonne | þin | sylfes bearn / ad stod onæled |
Exodus 419b | spræc / ne sleh þu abraham || | þin | agen bearn / sunu mid sweorde | |
Exodus 421a | weorde || soþ is gecyþed / nu | þin | cunnode || cyning alwihta / þ |
Daniel 284b | wiþ / niþas to nergenne || is | þin | nama mære / wlitig and wuldorf |
Daniel 326b | itiga þinne wordcwyde || and | þin | wuldor on us / gecyþ cræft an |
Daniel 562a | n tida || sæde eft onfon / swa | þin | blæd liþ || swa se beam gew |
Daniel 583a | fan tide || sæde onfenge / swa | þin | rice || restende biþ / anwalh |
Daniel 753a | wa þe wurþan sceal / no þæt | þin | aldor || æfre wolde / godes go |
Christ and Satan 61a | nd we englas mid þec / atol is | þin | onseon || habbaþ we alle swa |
Christ and Satan 63b | / segdest us to soþe || þæt | þin | sunu wære / meotod moncynnes | |
Andreas 70a | ncynnes || mod in hreþre / gif | þin | willa sie || wuldres aldor / þ |
Andreas 194a | orde becwist / þæt mæg engel | þin | || eaþ geferan / halig of heof |
Andreas 216b | cealt þa fore geferan || ond | þin | feorh beran / in gramra gripe | |
Andreas 541b | ancynnes / dryhten hælend || a | þin | dom lyfaþ / ge neh ge feor || |
Andreas 542b | m lyfaþ / ge neh ge feor || is | þin | nama halig / wuldre gewlitegad |
Andreas 604a | c soþ wite / hwæþer wealdend | þin | || wundor on eorþan / þa he g |
Andreas 940b | gong / under burglocan || þær | þin | broþor is / wat ic matheus || |
Andreas 952b | / heardum heoruswengum || scel | þin | hra dæled / wundum weorþan || |
Andreas 954b | ccost / faran flode blod || hie | þin | feorh ne magon / deaþe gedæla |
Andreas 1295b | æft / leahtrum belecgan || þa | þin | lof beraþ / þa þær ætywde |
Andreas 1317b | ra geweald || hwæt is wuldor | þin | / þe þu oferhigdum || upp ar |
Andreas 1321b | ond leode || swa dyde lareow | þin | / cyneþrym ahof || þam wæs c |
Andreas 1418b | and / þu þæt gehete || þurh | þin | halig word / þa þu us twelfe |
Andreas 1441b | eoh nu seolfes swæþe || swa | þin | swat aget / þurh bangebrec || |
Soul and Body I 59b | an / ne þinre bryde beag || ne | þin | boldwela / ne nan þara goda || |
Soul and Body I 62b | fod / besliten synum || ond þe | þin | sawl sceal / minum unwillum || |
Soul and Body I 136b | as gyt / gifre gretaþ || nu is | þin | gast cumen / fægere gefrætewo |
Elene 50b | t on blæde || þonne broþor | þin | / onfeng æfter fyrste || fulwi |
Elene 158b | / þurh þa myclan miht || swa | þin | mod lufaþ / hio on sybbe forle |
Elene 330b | / þeowned þolian || þær he | þin | ne mæg / word aweorpan || is i |
Elene 333a | e fruma || susle gebunden / gif | þin | willa sie || wealdend engla / |
Elene 337b | s had / þeoden engla || gif he | þin | nære / sunu synna leas || næf |
Elene 342b | weorodum || gif he in wuldre | þin | / þurh þa beorhtan || bearn n |
Elene 344b | fæder engla || forþ beacen | þin | / swa þu gehyrdest || þone ha |
Elene 349b | roda wyn || gif hit sie willa | þin | / þurg þæt beorhte gesceap | |
Elene 373a | m || ond swa manweorcum / þurh | þin | wuldor inwrige || wyrda geryn |
Elene 488b | e / oþerne cyning || se ehteþ | þin | / ond he forlæteþ || lare þi |
The Paris Psalter 100:2 2a | ealuwe || ealre heortan / þurh | þin | hus middan || halig eode / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 101:2 4a | swenced sy || þu swæs to me / | þin | eare onhyld || and me ofestli |
The Paris Psalter 101:10 2a | wunast || awa drihten / wunaþ | þin | gemynd || þenden woruld stan |
The Paris Psalter 101:13 3a | rþbuend || egsan habbaþ / and | þin | wuldor ongitaþ || wise cynin |
The Paris Psalter 101:24 2a | þu ær wære / ne beoþ winter | þin | || wiht þe sæmran / / # / bearn |
The Paris Psalter 102:4 1a | ealle gehælde / / # / he alysde | þin | lif || leof of forwyrde / fylde |
The Paris Psalter 102:8 3a | drihten || swa þu a wære / is | þin | milde mod || mannum cyþed / / # |
The Paris Psalter 102:16 1a | ær elles || ænige stowe / / # / | þin | mildheortnes || mihtig drihte |
The Paris Psalter 105:5 4a | þær blissian / and þæt yrfe | þin | || æghwær herige / / # / we gef |
The Paris Psalter 107:4 1a | gan || swyþe geneahhe / / # / is | þin | mildheort mod || mycel oþ he |
The Paris Psalter 107:4 3a | ice || ofer hæleþa bearn / ys | þin | soþfæstnes || seted oþ wol |
The Paris Psalter 107:5 2a | as || halig drihten / is wuldur | þin | || wide swylce / ofer þas eor |
The Paris Psalter 107:6 1a | | clæne and alysde / / # / do me | þin | swyþre hand || swylce halne / |
The Paris Psalter 108:21 3a | þam mæran naman / swa þu oft | þin | milde mod || manegum cyþdest |
The Paris Psalter 108:26 1b | æt hi soþ witan || þæt si | þin | sylfes hand / and þu þas gedy |
The Paris Psalter 108:27 4a | r sceande || sylfe agon / wese | þin | esne on þe || ungemete bliþ |
The Paris Psalter 114:2 1a | || bene gehyrdest / / # / and þu | þin | eare to me || eadmodlice / hold |
The Paris Psalter 115:6 1a | swylt haligra / / # / eala ic eom | þin | agen || esne dryhten / and þin |
The Paris Psalter 115:6 2a | þin agen || esne dryhten / and | þin | swylce eom || scealc ombehte / |
The Paris Psalter 117:28 3a | || and ic ful geare wat / þæt | þin | mildheortnyss || ys mycel to |
The Paris Psalter 118:5 3a | || weorþan gereahte / þæt ic | þin | agen bebod || elne healde / / # |
The Paris Psalter 118:20 2a | in || symble wilnaþ / þæt ic | þin | soþfæst word || gesund mote |
The Paris Psalter 118:23 4a | m || wordum scirdan / hwæþere | þin | esne || elnes teolode / þæt h |
The Paris Psalter 118:24 1a | || snotur beeode / / # / me wæs | þin | gewitnys || wyrþ and getreow |
The Paris Psalter 118:46 3a | hig eagum || on locian / hu me | þin | gewitnyss ys || weorþ and ge |
The Paris Psalter 118:50 3a | || ungemete swyþe / forþon me | þin | spræc || spedum cwycade / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 118:65 3a | || wene ic drihten / þæt þu | þin | word wylle || wis gehealdan / / |
The Paris Psalter 118:66 3a | || word to genihte / forþon ic | þin | bebod || þriste gelyfde / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 118:68 3a | elær || þæt ic teala cunne / | þin | soþfæst weorc || symble hea |
The Paris Psalter 118:69 4a | hige || hycge swiþe / þæt ic | þin | bebod || beorht atredde / / # / y |
The Paris Psalter 118:71 3a | est || and ic hraþe syþþan / | þin | soþfæst weorc || wel leorna |
The Paris Psalter 118:76 1a | st || samed eadmedne / / # / wese | þin | milde mod || mihtum geswiþed |
The Paris Psalter 118:80 2a | n || on hige clæne / and ic on | þin | soþfæst word || symble getr |
The Paris Psalter 118:85 3a | na ic hit swa oncneow / swa hit | þin | æ hafaþ || ece dryhten / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 118:87 3a | rþweges || ende gescrifan / ic | þin | gebod || þa ne wolde / on þys |
The Paris Psalter 118:89 2a | / # / on ecnesse || awa drihten / | þin | word wunaþ || weorþ on heof |
The Paris Psalter 118:90 2a | da woruld || wunaþ ece forþ / | þin | soþfæstnes || swylce dryhte |
The Paris Psalter 118:92 1a | | anweald hafast / / # / þær me | þin | æ || an ne hulpe / þe ic on m |
The Paris Psalter 118:94 1a | er nu cwicu lifige / / # / ic eom | þin | hold scealc || do þu halne m |
The Paris Psalter 118:94 2a | || do þu halne me / forþon ic | þin | soþ weorc || sece geneahhe / / |
The Paris Psalter 118:96 3a | ulde || wurþeþ ende / brad is | þin | gebann || and beorht swyþe / / |
The Paris Psalter 118:103 2a | is on gomum || god and swete / | þin | agen word || ece drihten / hit |
The Paris Psalter 118:105 2a | acern || fotum minum / þæt ic | þin | word drihten || wel gehealde / |
The Paris Psalter 118:112 2a | eortan || holde mode / þæt ic | þin | soþfæst weorc || symble wor |
The Paris Psalter 118:114 3a | ghwær æt þearfe / and ic on | þin | word || wel getreowe / / # / gewi |
The Paris Psalter 118:116 4b | gescend me on siþe || nu ic | þin | swa onbad / / # / gefultuma me f |
The Paris Psalter 118:124 3a | lde mod || and me mægene eac / | þin | soþfæst word || sylfa lære |
The Paris Psalter 118:125 1a | | sylfa lære / / # / ic eom esne | þin | || syle andgit þæt ic / þine |
The Paris Psalter 118:126 3a | ure || ne læt þu dole æfre / | þin | æbebod || ahwær toweorpan / / |
The Paris Psalter 118:127 1a | wær toweorpan / / # / forþon ic | þin | bebod || beorhte lufode / þa m |
The Paris Psalter 118:128 1a | ala gimma / / # / forþon ic eall | þin | bebod || elne healde / and ic u |
The Paris Psalter 118:129 1a | ealle feoge / / # / wundorlic is | þin | gewitnes || wealdend dryhten / |
The Paris Psalter 118:131 3a | oroþ || ut afæmde / þær ic | þin | bebod || efnede mid willan / / # |
The Paris Psalter 118:135 3a | ofe || lær me syþþan / hu ic | þin | soþfæst word || selest gehe |
The Paris Psalter 118:139 5a | bearme me || gebrohte oft / þa | þin | word noldan || wel gehealdan / |
The Paris Psalter 118:140 1a | s ær || fæste wæron / / # / is | þin | agen spræc || innan fyren / sy |
The Paris Psalter 118:140 3a | swiþe hat || and symble þa / | þin | esne her || ealle lufade / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 118:141 3a | l || æfre hwæþere / þæt ic | þin | soþ weorc || symble heolde / / |
The Paris Psalter 118:142 1a | weorc || symble heolde / / # / is | þin | soþfæstnes || symble drihte |
The Paris Psalter 118:142 4a | on ecnesse || awa to feore / is | þin | swylce æþelnes || and æ so |
The Paris Psalter 118:144 1a | hi metegade georne / / # / ys me | þin | gewitnes || weorþast and rih |
The Paris Psalter 118:159 1b | ce ic sylf geseah || þæt ic | þin | soþ bebod / lustum lufige || l |
The Paris Psalter 118:161 3b | me heorte forht || þær ic | þin | halig word / on þinum egesan |
The Paris Psalter 118:172 3a | ce || spede eodan / wærun eall | þin | bebodu || æghwær rihtwis / / # |
The Paris Psalter 120:5 2a | alde þe || halig drihten / and | þin | mundbora || mihtig weorþe / of |
The Paris Psalter 131:12 3a | innaþe || agenum cwome / ofer | þin | heahsetl || gif nu healdaþ w |
The Paris Psalter 134:13 1a | yrfe || eac his folce / / # / ys | þin | nama drihten || nemned ece / an |
The Paris Psalter 134:13 2a | ama drihten || nemned ece / and | þin | gemynd || mihtig drihten / on e |
The Paris Psalter 136:5 1a | | þe us fremde is / / # / gif ic | þin | hierusalem || forgyten hæbbe |
The Paris Psalter 136:6 4a | æste gomum / gif ic ofergittol | þin | || æfre weorþe / / # / gif ic n |
The Paris Psalter 137:2 1a | swiþe geneahhige / / # / eac ic | þin | tempel || tidum weorþige / þ |
The Paris Psalter 137:6 1a | || singan drihtne / / # / forþon | þin | wuldur is || wide geond eorþ |
The Paris Psalter 137:7 6a | st || recene mid handa / and me | þin | swyþre || sneome hælde / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 138:4 1b | / / # / wundorlic is geworden || | þin | wisdom eall / se is beutan me | |
The Paris Psalter 138:8 1a | || eallum sæwum / / # / hwæt me | þin | hand þyder || ofer holma beg |
The Paris Psalter 138:8 3a | lustum || and me lungre eft / | þin | seo swiþre || þær gehende |
The Paris Psalter 142:11 1a | t || þu me god dydest / / # / me | þin | se goda gast || gleawe lædde |
The Paris Psalter 142:12 7a | | synne ætfæsten / forþon ic | þin | esne eom || agen symble |
The Paris Psalter 144:4 2a | eorissa cynn || cwidum symble / | þin | weorc herigen || wordum georn |
The Paris Psalter 144:5 4a | aþ || weredum secggeaþ / eall | þin | wundur || wide mære / / # / and |
The Paris Psalter 144:12 3a | n || manig ætsomne / and þæt | þin | miht is || ofer middaneard / an |
The Paris Psalter 144:13 1a | rædfæst wuldur / / # / rice is | þin | drihten || ræde gefæstnod / a |
The Paris Psalter 144:13 3a | ldricum || wealdest eallum / is | þin | anweald eac || ofer eorþware |
The Paris Psalter 145:9 3a | n ecnesse || awa to feore / and | þin | sione god || symble to woruld |
The Paris Psalter 53:1 2b | / alys me fram laþum || þurh | þin | leofe mægen / / # / god min gebe |
The Paris Psalter 54:21 1b | garas / / # / sete on drihten || | þin | soþ gehygd / he þe butan frac |
The Paris Psalter 56:6 2a | as || halig drihten / is wuldur | þin | || wide and side / ofer þas eo |
The Paris Psalter 56:12 1a | swiþe geneahhige / / # / forþon | þin | mildheortnes || is mycel wiþ |
The Paris Psalter 56:12 2a | || is mycel wiþ heofenas / is | þin | soþfæstnes || swylce wiþ w |
The Paris Psalter 58:10 1b | / min se goda god ætyw me || | þin | agen good / for minum feondum | |
The Paris Psalter 58:16 2a | trengþu || stundum singe / and | þin | milde mod || morgena gehwylce |
The Paris Psalter 59:5 1a | sede || leofe þine / / # / do me | þin | seo swyþre hand || symle hal |
The Paris Psalter 62:3 4a | halgum || her ætywe / þæt ic | þin | wuldur and mægen || wis scea |
The Paris Psalter 62:4 1a | mægen || wis sceawige / / # / ys | þin | milde mod || micele betere / þ |
The Paris Psalter 62:7 1a | a || neode heriaþ / / # / swa ic | þin | gemynd || on modsefan / on minr |
The Paris Psalter 62:8 4a | on þe || soþe getreoweþ / me | þin | seo swiþre onfencg || symble |
The Paris Psalter 64:5 1a | eardaþ syþþan / / # / ealle we | þin | hus || ecum godum / fægere fyl |
The Paris Psalter 64:5 2b | / fægere fyllaþ || fæste is | þin | templ / ece and wræclic || awa |
The Paris Psalter 65:3 4a | eac || secge geneahhie / þæt | þin | nama is || ofer eall niþa be |
The Paris Psalter 65:12 1a | | clæne gelæddest / / # / ic on | þin | hus || halig gange / and þær |
The Paris Psalter 67:11 2a | on þam || wynnum lifiaþ / þu | þin | swete good || sealdest þearf |
The Paris Psalter 67:22 3a | re || sniome onwende / oþþæt | þin | fot weorþe || fæste on blod |
The Paris Psalter 67:26 2a | ne || þu eart mihtig god / and | þin | weorc on us || mid wisdome / ge |
The Paris Psalter 68:16 2a | ihten me || forþon gedefe is / | þin | milde mod || mannum fremsum / a |
The Paris Psalter 68:17 1b | u æfre fram þinum cnihte || | þin | clæne gesyhþ / forþan me feo |
The Paris Psalter 68:23 1b | eged eac / / # / ageot ofer hi || | þin | þæt grame yrre / and æbylign |
The Paris Psalter 68:27 3a | te || ær geworhton / and hi on | þin | soþfæst weorc || syþþan n |
The Paris Psalter 69:5 3b | hten / and symble cweþen || sy | þin | miht drihten / and þine hælu |
The Paris Psalter 70:2 1a | a swiþeran miht / / # / ahyld me | þin | eare to || holde mode / and me |
The Paris Psalter 70:7 2a | || mægene gefylled / þæt ic | þin | lof mæge || lustum singan / an |
The Paris Psalter 70:7 3a | e || lustum singan / and wuldur | þin | || wide mærsian / and þe ealn |
The Paris Psalter 70:13 2a | swiþost getreowige / ofer eall | þin | lof || lengest hihte / / # / min |
The Paris Psalter 70:14 2a | geþ || þine mægenspede / and | þin | soþfæst weorc || swyþust m |
The Paris Psalter 70:16 4a | eom gomel wintrum / a ic wundor | þin | || weorþlic sægde / and ic þ |
The Paris Psalter 70:19 4a | oncnyssedest / þonne þu yrre | þin | || eft oncyrdest / and me of ne |
The Paris Psalter 70:20 1a | e we on buiaþ / / # / þær þu | þin | soþfæst weorc || sniome tob |
The Paris Psalter 70:22 2a | lce min tunge || tidum mærde / | þin | soþfæst weorc || scende wæ |
The Paris Psalter 71:2 1a | t he soþ healde / / # / dem þu | þin | folc || deore mid soþe / heald |
The Paris Psalter 72:24 1a | healde fæste / / # / and ic eall | þin | lof || eft asecge / sione dohtr |
The Paris Psalter 73:1 3a | fram þe || ahwær drifan / is | þin | yrre strang || and egesa myce |
The Paris Psalter 73:1 4a | trang || and egesa mycel / ofer | þin | agen || eowde sceapa / / # / gemu |
The Paris Psalter 73:2 1a | gen || eowde sceapa / / # / gemun | þin | mannweorod || þæt þu mihti |
The Paris Psalter 73:3 7b | tan / gylpaþ gramhydige || þa | þin | geo ehtan / and on þinra wica |
The Paris Psalter 73:6 1a | lle towurpan / / # / þa hi þæt | þin | fægere hus || fyre forbærnd |
The Paris Psalter 73:18 2a | fa god || soþ is gecyþed / nu | þin | gewitnes ys || wel gefylled / h |
The Paris Psalter 74:2 1a | þinne || neode ciegen / / # / ic | þin | wundur eall || wræclic sæcg |
The Paris Psalter 75:5 4a | on horsum || hwilon wæron / is | þin | egesa mycel || hwylc mæg æf |
The Paris Psalter 76:16 3a | ang wæter / ne biþ þær eþe | þin | spor || on to findanne / / # / fo |
The Paris Psalter 76:17 1a | or || on to findanne / / # / folc | þin | þu feredest || swa fæle sce |
The Paris Psalter 78:1 1a | salter: Psalm 78 / / # / comon on | þin | yrfe || ece drihten / fremde þ |
The Paris Psalter 78:1 2b | drihten / fremde þeode || þa | þin | fæle hus / ealh haligne || yfe |
The Paris Psalter 78:5 1b | þu wuldres god || wraþ yrre | þin | / on ende fram us || æfre oncy |
The Paris Psalter 78:5 3b | rran / is nu onbærned || biter | þin | yrre / on þinum folce || fyre |
The Paris Psalter 78:6 1a | || fyre hatre / / # / ageot yrre | þin | || on þæt rice / and on cneow |
The Paris Psalter 78:14 1a | n þe || ealle hæfdon / / # / we | þin | folc wærun || and fæle scea |
The Paris Psalter 79:14 5a | d rihte || ræde gange / þæne | þin | seo swiþre || sette æt frym |
The Paris Psalter 79:16 1a | || yfele forweorþaþ / / # / si | þin | seo swiþre hand || ofer soþ |
The Paris Psalter 80:10 1a | || sylfa gebiddest / / # / ic eom | þin | god || þe geara þe / of ægyp |
The Paris Psalter 83:3 1a | las geonge / / # / wærun wigbedu | þin | || weoruda drihten / þu eart d |
The Paris Psalter 84:3 1a | || fæste hæle / / # / eall þu | þin | yrre || eþre gedydest / na þu |
The Paris Psalter 84:4 2a | hraþe || hælend drihten / and | þin | yrre fram us || eac oncyrre / |
The Paris Psalter 84:5 1a | wraþ on mode / / # / ne wrec þu | þin | yrre || wraþe mode / of cynne |
The Paris Psalter 84:5 4a | to þe || crist ælmihtig / and | þin | folc on þe || gefeo swiþe / / |
The Paris Psalter 85:1 1a | salter: Psalm 85 / / # / ahyld me | þin | eare || halig drihten / forþon |
The Paris Psalter 85:4 2a | wynsum || wealdend drihten / is | þin | milde mod || mycel and geniht |
The Paris Psalter 85:12 1a | ecnesse || a weorþien / / # / ys | þin | mildheortnes mycel || ofer me |
The Paris Psalter 87:2 1b | e / / # / gange min ingebed || on | þin | gleawe gesihþ / ahyld eare þi |
The Paris Psalter 87:2 2a | in gleawe gesihþ / ahyld eare | þin | || and gehyr min gebed / / # / fo |
The Paris Psalter 87:7 1a | s scua / / # / þær me wæs yrre | þin | || on acyþed / and þu me ofer |
The Paris Psalter 87:12 3a | icu || wundur oncnawan / oþþe | þin | soþfæstnes || si on þam la |
The Paris Psalter 87:16 2a | | egsa geþeowde / and me broga | þin | || bitere gedrefde / / # / hi me |
The Paris Psalter 88:2 3a | þæt on ecnesse || awa wære / | þin | milde mod || micel getimbrad / |
The Paris Psalter 88:2 5a | fenum || hæleþa bearnum / and | þin | soþfestnes || symble gearwad |
The Paris Psalter 88:4 2a | þ || halig drihten / hu wundor | þin | || wræclic standeþ / and þa |
The Paris Psalter 88:7 3a | gelic || ahwær on spedum / is | þin | soþfæstnes || symble æghw |
The Paris Psalter 88:14 2a | aþ and gangaþ / þe him ansyn | þin | || ær onlihte / and on naman |
The Paris Psalter 88:27 2a | widan feore || wyrce syþþan / | þin | heahsetl || hror and weorþli |
The Paris Psalter 88:40 2a | ange || wealdend drihten / yrre | þin | acyþan || swa onæled fyr / / # |
The Paris Psalter 89:18 2a | alcas || swæsum eagum / and on | þin | agen weorc || ece drihten / and |
The Paris Psalter 91:10 1a | ghwær genihtsum / / # / and eage | þin | || eac sceawode / hwær fynd mi |
The Paris Psalter 91:10 4a | ergend || wraþe gehyrde / efne | þin | agen || eare swylce / / # / se so |
The Paris Psalter 92:4 1a | fæste syþþan / / # / gearu is | þin | setl || and þu ece god / ær w |
The Paris Psalter 92:7 1a | g drihten || on heanessum / / # / | þin | gewitnes is || weorcum geleaf |
The Paris Psalter 93:5 1a | | wyrceaþ unriht / / # / folc hi | þin | drihten || fæcne gehyndan / an |
The Paris Psalter 93:5 2a | n || fæcne gehyndan / and yrfe | þin | || eall forcoman / / # / ælþeod |
The Paris Psalter 99:4 2a | forþon he is niþum swæs / is | þin | milde mod || ofer manna bearn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 19b | ealle þa gesceaft || efnlica | þin | / ne þe ænig nedþearf || næ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 29a | ælces þincges / þu and þæt | þin | good || hit is þin agen / for |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 29b | and þæt þin good || hit is | þin | agen / forþæm hit his utan || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 31b | þe / ac ic georne wat || þæt | þin | goodnes is / ælmihtig good || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 37b | / forþam þe nan þing nis || | þin | gelica / ne huru ænig || ælcr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 23a | ohtan || lare wiþstondan / and | þin | modgeþonc || miclum gedrefan |
Metrical Psalm 92:7 1a | # Metrical Psalm 92:7 / / | þin | gewitnes is drihten || weorcu |
Metrical Psalm 93:5 1a | Metrical Psalm 93:5 / / Folc hi | þin | drihten || fæcne gehindæn / a |
Instructions for Christians 247a | ld-æhta. / Ac þu scealt æfre | þin | mod || geornlicę healden / on |
Godric's Prayer 1 3b | tes Nazarene / Onfo scild help | þin | Godric. / Onfang bring hehtlic |
Godric's Prayer 2 3b | es Nazarene, / onfo scild help | þin | Godric, / onfang bring eghtlec |
Grave 7b | a molde seoðða. / Ne bið no | þin | hus healice itinbred: / Hit bi |
Grave 23b | lad to iseonne. / For sone bið | þin | hæfet faxes bireued; / Al bi |
The Battle of Maldon 176a | wul to þe || siþian mote / on | þin | geweald || þeoden engla / mid |