Number of occurrences in corpus: 160
Genesis B 341b | æt him for gālsċipe || God | selfa | wearþ / mehtiġ on mōde ierre |
Genesis B 390b | grundlēase. || Hafaþ us God | selfa | / for·swāpen on þās swearta |
Genesis B 459b | etod% mann-cynnes || mearcode | selfa. | / And him bi twēġen% || bēam |
Genesis B 514a | wealda. || Nele þā earfoþu / | selfa | habban || þæt hē on þisne |
Genesis B 553a | swā iċ him þisne bodsċipe / | selfa | seċġe, || þonne iċ of þ |
Genesis B 570b | ōðe sæġst || hwelċe þū | selfa | hæfst / bȳsne on brēostum, | |
Genesis A 865b | / his sunu gangan. || Him þā | selfa | on·cwæþ, / hēan hleoðrode |
Genesis A 934a | rðan þē || þīne andlifne / | selfa | ġe·rǣċan, || weġan swāt |
Genesis A 938a | ðe || þe þū on æple ǣr / | selfa | for·swulĝe; || for·þon þ |
Genesis A 1036a | þīnre hweorfan’. / Him þā | selfa | on·cwæþ || siĝora drihten |
Genesis A 1091a | wǣm || wordum sæġde / Lāmeh | selfa, | || lēofum ġe·beddum, / Ādan |
Genesis A 1112a | || ‘Mē ēċe sunu% / sealde% | selfa | || siĝora wealdend, / līfes e |
Genesis A 1270a | metode lāðe. / Þā ġe·seah | selfa | || siĝora wealdend / hwæt wæ |
Genesis A 1390b | æðelu mid, / þā seġnode || | selfa | drihten, / sċieppend ūser, || |
Genesis A 1521a | || sāwol-drēore. / Ǣlċ hine | selfa | || ǣrest be·grindeþ / gāste |
Genesis A 1564b | f simbel-wēriġ, || and him | selfa | sċēaf / rēaf of līċe. || S |
Genesis A 1606b | / sunu and dohtra. || Hē wæs | selfa | til, / hēold ā rīċe, || ē |
Genesis A 1785b | ning engla / Abrahame || īewde | selfa, | / dōmfæst weoroda || and drih |
Genesis A 1916b | līfe, lēofa. || Leorna þē | selfa | / and ġe·þanc-meta || þīne |
Genesis A 2109b | e for·ġeaf. || Þæt is God | selfa, | / sē þe hettendra || herġa |
Genesis A 2149b | / Sōdoma rīċes%. || Ac þū | selfa% | mōst heonan / hūðe lǣdan, | |
Genesis A 2165b | ā ġīen Abrahame || īewde | selfa | / heofona hēah-cyning || hāl |
Genesis A 2403a | n, || him wæs Lōthes% mǣġ / | selfa | on ġe·siþþe || oþþæt h |
Genesis A 2649b | ǣr / þæt wīf hire || wordum | selfa | / un-friċġendum, || þæt hē |
Genesis A 2895b | / ‘Him þæt sōð-cyning || | selfa | findeþ, / mann-cynnes weard, | |
Genesis A 2919b | es, / sōðum siĝor-lēanum || | selfa | on·fôn, / ġinfæstum ġiefum |
Exodus 280a | , || fǣr-wundra sum, / hū iċ | selfa | slōh || and þēos swīðre |
Exodus 542b | dæġ dǣdum fāh. || Dryhten | selfa | / on þǣm mæðel-stede || man |
Daniel 288b | ·siġefæste, / swā þū ēac | selfa | eart. / Sindon þīne willan || |
Daniel 446b | ra tācna, || oþ·þæt hē | selfa | ġe·līefde / þæt sē wǣre |
Christ and Satan 4a | æstnode || foldan sċēatas. / | Selfa | hē ġe·sette || sunnan and |
Christ and Satan 9a | and ealne middan-ġeard. / Hē | selfa | mæġ || sǣ% ġond-wlītan, / |
Christ and Satan 13a | ·hwelcne. || Daĝa ende-rīm / | selfa | hē ġe·sette || þurh his s |
Christ and Satan 57a | wǣre hāliġ God, / sċieppend | selfa. | || Nū eart þū sċaðena% s |
Christ and Satan 123a | r-ġe·cwæþ / þæt iċ wǣre | selfa | || sweġeles% brytta, / wihta% |
Christ and Satan 144a | e% bearn || ealle ymb·fangen / | selfa | mid sange. || Ne iċ þǣm s |
Christ and Satan 217a | ta% ċierran þider / ðǣr hē | selfa | sitt, || siĝora wealdend, / dr |
Christ and Satan 242b | unu, / gasta sċieppend. || God | selfa | wæs / eallum and-fenġ || þe |
Christ and Satan 258b | ōton, / grymme grundas. || God | selfa | him / rīċe healdeþ. || Hē i |
Christ and Satan 274b | c% and sorhfull, || þæs iċ | selfa | wēold, / þonne iċ on heofonu |
Christ and Satan 305b | ne ā·dwǣsċan. || Swā hē | selfa | cwæþ: / ‘Sōþfæste menn, |
Christ and Satan 349b | s swā glēaw, || nemþe God | selfa, | / þæt ā·seċġan mæġe || |
Christ and Satan 354b | tas singaþ || (þæt is sē% | selfa) | for God. / Þonne bēoþ þā |
Christ and Satan 394a | || atol þrōwian. / Hit is sē | selfa | || sunu wealdendes, / engla dri |
Christ and Satan 428b | est ūs tō sōðe || þætte | selfa | God / wolde hell-warum || hām |
Christ and Satan 439b | e·sīene || þæt þū eart | selfa | God% / and% ēċe ord-fruma || |
Christ and Satan 599b | d, / on% dōm-dæġe || drihten | selfa. | / Hāteþ hēah-englas% || hlū |
Christ and Satan 33a | || wracu% ġe·tenġe. / Satan | selfa | rann% || and on sūsle ġe·f |
Andreas 329b | siĝora sēlest. || Hē þæt | selfa | cwæþ, / fæder folca ġe·hw |
Andreas 340a | ēst ā·hwette.’ / Nū þū | selfa | meaht || sīþ ūserne / ġe·h |
Andreas 433b | le ġe·sealdon. || Iċ þæt | selfa | wāt, / þæt ūs ġe·sċielde |
Andreas 505b | ll under seġle. || þū eart | selfa | ġung, / wīġendra hlēow, || |
Andreas 860b | / sīþ ūserne, || þæt þū | selfa | meaht / on·ġietan glēawlīċ |
Andreas 1348b | wylt þurh searwe || Gā þē | selfa | tō. / ðǣr þū ġeġnunga || |
Andreas 34a | yssan / Achaie || ōðre sīðe / | selfa | ġe·sēċan, || ðǣr hē s |
The Fates of the Apostles 111b | sīþ ā·settan, || nāt iċ | selfa | hwǣr, / of% þisse% weorolde. |
Soul and Body I 2b | æt hē his sāwle sīþ% || | selfa | ġe·þenċe, / hū þæt biþ |
Dream of the Rood 105b | ċan / on dōmdæġe || drihten | selfa, | / ælmihtiġ god, || and his en |
Christ A 12b | ftĝa% cume || and sē cyning | selfa, | / and þonne ġe·bēte, || nū |
Christ A 59a | ū ġe·hāten eart. / Seoh nū | selfa | þē ġond || þās sīdan ġ |
Christ A 135a | | ‘Nū is rodera weard, / god | selfa | mid ūs.’ || Swā þæt gam |
Christ A 143b | wæs, / þætte sunu metodes || | selfa | wolde / ġe·fælsian || foldan |
Christ A 149b | ġe·sliehte: || ‘Nū þū | selfa | cum, / heofones hēah-cyning. | |
Christ A 180a | þā word spricest / swā þū | selfa | sīe || synna ġe·hwelcre / fi |
Christ A 236a | | aefter þon tīda be·gang. / | Selfa | sette || þæt þū sunu wǣr |
Christ A 435b | sē ġe·hālĝoda || hǣlend | selfa, | / efene on þām ēðle || ðǣ |
Christ B 524a | ā þēah || eorðan mǣġþe / | selfa | ġe·sēċan || sīde herġe, |
Christ B 695b | s swā sċīene || būtan god | selfa? | / Hē is sē sōþfæsta || sun |
Christ C 947a | an þrēa || eorðan mæġþe / | selfa | ġe·sēċeþ. || Weorðeþ |
Christ C 1208b | oþ sorĝa mǣste, || hū sē | selfa | cyning / mid sīne līċ-haman |
Christ C 1494a | ·tēah, / ðǣr þū hit wolde | selfa | || siþþan ġe·healdan. / Iċ |
Maxims I 137b | nna% cynne. || Þæt is metod | selfa. | / Rǣd sċeall mann seċġan, | |
Soul and Body II 2b | þæt hē his sāwle sīþ || | selfa | be·wītie, / hū þæt biþ d |
Guthlac A 197a | ām or-leġe || eft ne wolde / | selfa | ġe·sēċan || and his sibbe |
Guthlac A 468a | landes wynna, / woldon þū þe | selfa | ġe·sāwe || þæt wēċ sō |
Guthlac A 522a | a, || þæt hē middan-ġeard / | selfa | ġe·sōhte || and his swāt |
Guthlac A 535a | nhǣlum || ealdor-ġe·winnum / | selfa | ġe·sette, || ðǣr his sāw |
Guthlac A 539b | seċġenne, || þæs þe hē | selfa | ā·drēah / under nīþ-ġiest |
Guthlac B 991b | ēað-wēġes, || ac him duru | selfa | / on þā slīðnan tīd || sō |
Riddles 37 8b | ē sunu wyrċeþ, || biþ him | selfa | fæder. |
The Descent into Hell 111a | lufan || þīnre mōdor bōsm / | selfa | ġe·sōhtes, || siġe-drihte |
Azarias 175b | % tō sōðe%, || nealles mē | selfa | ġe·rād. / Hweorfaþ nū aeft |
The Husband's Message 20b | of siġe-þēode; || hēt nū | selfa | þē / lustum lǣran%, || þæt |
Riddles 62 3b | e under wambe || and mē weġ | selfa | / rihtne ġe·rȳme. || Rinċ b |
Riddles 80 11a | || Gōd is min wīse / and iċ | selfa | salu. || Saĝa hwæt iċ hāt |
Riddles 85 1b | s min sele swīĝe, || ne iċ | selfa | hlūd / ymb || unc drihten% sċ |
The Phoenix 532b | eleþ under sunnan || and hē | selfa | mid, / and þonne aefter līeġ |
Juliana 341b | urh sār-sleġe. || Nū þū | selfa | meaht / on sefan þīnum || sō |
Juliana 700b | wol on sīþfæt, || nāt iċ | selfa | hwider, / eardes uncȳðgu%; || |
Beowulf 29b | se ġe·sīðas, || swā hē | selfa | bæd, / þenden wordum wēold | |
Beowulf 505b | under heofonum || þonne hē | selfa): | / ‘Eart þū sē Bēowulf, || |
Beowulf 1468b | āh / sēlran sweord-frecan. || | Selfa | ne dorste / under ȳða ġe·wi |
Beowulf 1733b | īde rīċe, || þæt hē his | selfa | ne mæġ / for% his unsnytrum | |
Beowulf 1839b | ġe·sōhte || þǣm þe him | selfa | dēah.’ / Hrōð·gār maðel |
Beowulf 1924a | ing, || ðǣr æt hām wunaþ / | selfa | mid ġe·sīðum || sǣ-weall |
Beowulf 3054b | e / gumena ǣniġ, || nefne god | selfa, | / siĝora sōþ-cyning, || seal |
Beowulf 3067b | ard / sōhte, searu-nīðas; || | selfa | ne cūðe / þurh hwæt his weo |
The Paris Psalter 101:21 6b | ġe·ċīeġan, || ġif þū | selfa | wilt.’ / Earon þīnes ānes |
The Paris Psalter 103:16 5a | mas, || þā þū cūðlīċe / | selfa | ġe·settest; || on þǣm swe |
The Paris Psalter 103:23 2b | ealle þā þū mid snytru || | selfa | worhtest; / is þēos eorðe ē |
The Paris Psalter 104:27 1a | um || cwice eardodon. / / # / Hē | selfa | cwæþ; || sōna cōmon / mysci |
The Paris Psalter 106:2 1b | þæt nū-þā || þæt hīe | selfa | god / ā·līesde, līfes weard |
The Paris Psalter 106:24 1a | wæter-grundum. / / # / Ġif hē | selfa | cwiþ, || sōna æt-standaþ% |
The Paris Psalter 107:10 1a | ded? / / # / Hwæt, þū eart sē | selfa | god, || þe ūs synniġe ġō |
The Paris Psalter 108:28 4a | ddle || manna herġe. / / # / Hē | selfa | ġe·stōd || on þā swīðr |
The Paris Psalter 114:8 1b | or·þon þū mīne sāwle || | selfa | ġe·neredest, / and hīe of d |
The Paris Psalter 115:2 1a | mete swīðe. / / # / Swelċe iċ | selfa | cwæþ, || þā mē swā þū |
The Paris Psalter 118:71 2b | s and sēftre%, || þæt þū | selfa | mē / hēane ġe·hnǣġdest || |
The Paris Psalter 118:116 3a | rihten, / aefter þǣm þe þū | selfa | || sæġdest and cwǣde, / þæ |
The Paris Psalter 118:125 1b | ēac / þīn sōþfæst word || | selfa | lǣre. / / # / Iċ eom esne þīn |
The Paris Psalter 118:172 1b | ilt / þīne sōþfæstnesse || | selfa | lǣran. / / # / Hwæt, tunge min |
The Paris Psalter 131:14 1b | þon him Sione ġe·ċēas || | selfa | drihten, / and him tō earde ġ |
The Paris Psalter 137:8 3b | or·seoh ǣfre, || þæt þū | selfa | ǣr / mid þīnum heandum || h |
The Paris Psalter 138:21 1a | ġe·staðolode. / / # / And þū | selfa | ġe·seoh, || ġif iċ on swi |
The Paris Psalter 148:5 1a | en drihten. / / # / For·þon hē | selfa | cwæþ, || sōna wǣron / wræc |
The Paris Psalter 148:5 3b | sċæpene wǣron, || þā hē | selfa | hēt. / / # / Þā hē on ēċnes |
The Paris Psalter 52:7 2b | lu / sileþ of Sīone || nemþe | selfa | god, / þonne hē his folc || f |
The Paris Psalter 58:4 3a | þū, drihten, nū, / and þū | selfa | ġe·siehst, || þæt iċ sw |
The Paris Psalter 59:9 1a | dan? / / # / Ac ne eart þū sē | selfa% | god, || þe ūs swā drīfe? / |
The Paris Psalter 67:4 4a | | sēftne and rihtne, / þe hē | selfa | ā·stāh || ofer sunnan up, / |
The Paris Psalter 68:30 1a | þan ā·writene. / / # / Iċ mē | selfa | ēam || sāriġ þearfa, / and |
The Paris Psalter 72:19 1b | / Þū mīne swīðran hand || | selfa | ġe·nāme, / and mē mid þīn |
The Paris Psalter 73:3 2a | nes ierfes || æðele ġierde / | selfa | ā·līesdest || and Sione by |
The Paris Psalter 73:10 3b | n hand / of þīnum sċēate || | selfa | wiþ ende? / / # / Ūser gōd cyn |
The Paris Psalter 73:14 1a | siþþan tō mōse. / / # / Þū | selfa | ēac || tō·slite wiellas / an |
The Paris Psalter 73:18 1a | ihten. / / # / Ġe·seoh þū nū | selfa, | god, || sōþ is ġe·cȳðed |
The Paris Psalter 74:6 4b | þon him is dēma || drihten | selfa. | / / # / Sumne hē ġe·hīeneþ, |
The Paris Psalter 76:7 1a | ne ġe·bisĝod. / / # / Þā iċ | selfa | cwæþ: || ‘Iċ tō sōðe |
The Paris Psalter 78:9 1a | | þearle sindon. / / # / And iċ | selfa | cwæþ: || ‘Nū iċ sōna o |
The Paris Psalter 79:2 1a | wiþ·lǣdest. / / # / Þū þē | selfa | nū || sittest ofer cherubīn |
The Paris Psalter 80:9 3b | eted, / ne þū fremedne god || | selfa | ġe·biddest. / / # / Iċ eom þ |
The Paris Psalter 85:1 3a | mē wēl ġe·hīer, / and iċ | selfa | eom || sorhfull þearfa. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 89:3 2b | nd þū cūðlīċe || cwǣde | selfa: | / ‘Iċ manna bearnum% || mōd |
The Paris Psalter 89:8 2a | eall ā·settest, / ðǣr þū | selfa | || tō ēaĝum locadest, || / |
The Paris Psalter 91:14 1b | on, þæt wǣre sōþfæst || | selfa | drihten / and hine unryhtes || |
The Paris Psalter 93:11 2b | god, / on þīnre sōðre ǣ || | selfa | ġe·tyhtest / and hine þēods |
The Paris Psalter 98:8 3b | n, / þā hē him sealde || and | selfa | be·bēad. / / # / Þū ġe·hīe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 32b | īste ġe·cnōden, || cyning | selfa | on·fēng / fulluht-þēawum. | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 36b | ða ġe·sǣlþa, || þæt is | selfa | god. / Iċ nāt hū iċ mæġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 45b | ġ þearle gōd; || eart þē | selfa | / þæt hīehste gōd. || Hwæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 51b | r·þǣm þū, sōða god, || | selfa | dǣlest / gōda ǣġhwelċ. || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 260a | ealra gōda, / þæt þū eart | selfa | || siġe-drihten god, / ġe þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 270b | / sōðes lēohtes || and þū | selfa | eart / sēo fæste ræst, || f |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 277b | an ġe·swinċe. || Þū eart | selfa | weġ / and lāttēow ēac || li |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 35b | / sāwla ūsse, || ac hē hīe | selfa | wile / lēoman on·liehtan, || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 2b | ang sōþ-cwīdas || and þus | selfa | cwæþ: / þonne sēo sunne || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 37b | ǣm on ðǣre dene || drihten | selfa | / þāra ēad-mētta || eard-f |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 3b | ngan sōþ-cwidas || and þus | selfa | cwæþ: / Hwæt, sēo forme iel |
Metrical Psalm 93:11 2b | God / on þīnre sōðre ǣ || | selfa | ġe·tihtest / and hine þēod |
The Rune Poem 23b | sāres and sorĝe% || and him | selfa | hæfþ / blǣd and blisse || an |
Maxims II 66b | folca ġe·setu, || ðǣr hē | selfa | wunaþ. |
Psalm 50 28b | ·bæd, / and his synna hord || | selfa | on·tȳnde, / gyltas ġeorne || |
Psalm 50 64b | æt iċ fram þǣm synnum || | selfa | ġe·ċierre, / þā þe% mīne |
Psalm 50 66a | n || ǣr ġe·worhtan / and iċ | selfa | ēac || siþþan be·ēode. / A |
Psalm 50 67a | siþþan be·ēode. / Ac þū, | selfa | God, || sōþ ān lufast; / þ |
Psalm 50 71b | ierne / þīnre snotora hord || | selfa | on·tȳndes. / Þū mē, mehti |
Psalm 50 102b | heorde, / gāste þīne, || God | selfa, | ġe·treme, / þæt iċ ealdorl |
Psalm 50 108a | selfra || sāwla heorde, / God | selfa, | tō þē || gāstes mund-byrd |
A Prayer 40a | wealdend engla, / ġif þū hit | selfa | wāst, || siĝores ealdor, / h |
The Seasons for Fasting 99b | . / Swā hē æt þǣm setle || | selfa | ġe·dēmde%, / sancte Petres | |