Number of occurrences in corpus: 28
Genesis B 446b | ela / wora worda || wand him up | þanon | / hwearf him þurh þa helldora |
Genesis B 493b | ofætes || and wende hine eft | þanon | / þær he wiste handgeweorc || |
Genesis A 1061a | sweordberende || settan heton / | þanon | his eaforan || ærest wocan / b |
Genesis A 1966a | s || þrymme micle / secan suþ | þanon | || sodoman and gomorran / þa w |
Genesis A 2096a | mægne geræsde / þa wæs suþ | þanon | || sodoma folce / guþspell weg |
Genesis A 2928a | d him þær rom geseah / unfeor | þanon | || ænne standan / broþor aron |
Exodus 516a | p wera || hie wiþ god wunnon / | þanon | israhelum || ece rædas / on me |
Christ and Satan 326b | an / atolan eþles || nalles up | þanon | / geheran in heofonum || halign |
Christ and Satan 40b | stod / þa him þuhte || þæt | þanon | wære / to helleduru || hund þ |
Andreas 1065a | / ece upgemynd || engla blisse / | þanon | basnode || under burhlocan / hw |
The Fates of the Apostles 31b | ealle þrage / leode lærde || | þanon | lifes weg / siþe gesohte || sw |
The Fates of the Apostles 38b | | philipus wæs / mid asseum || | þanon | ece lif / þurh rode cwealm || |
Elene 143b | becwom / huna herges || ham eft | þanon | / þa wæs gesyne || þæt sige |
Elene 148b | at þa heriga helm || ham eft | þanon | / huþe hremig || hild wæs ges |
Elene 348b | a swiþran / þrymmes hyrde || | þanon | ic ne wende / æfre to aldre || |
Beowulf 1805b | tō faranne%; || wolde feorr | þanon | / cuma collen-ferhþ || ċēole |
The Paris Psalter 102:18 3a | his heahsetl || hror timbrade / | þanon | he eorþricum || eallum weald |
The Paris Psalter 105:28 1a | i gecuran || chananea god / / # / | þanon | eorþe wearþ || eall mid blo |
The Paris Psalter 106:13 1b | and he hi of þam þystrum || | þanon | alædde / and of deaþes scuan |
The Paris Psalter 107:9 2b | e getrymede || þæt ic forþ | þanon | / on idumea wese || eft gelæde |
The Paris Psalter 146:8 2a | þ || hadrum wolcnum / and regn | þanon | || recene sendeþ / þe þeos e |
The Paris Psalter 67:8 3a | geond westena || wide feraþ / | þanon | eorþe byþ || eall onhrered / |
The Paris Psalter 72:6 1a | ht wearþ || eall untyned / / # / | þanon | forþ becom || fæcne unriht / |
The Paris Psalter 79:9 3a | wyrtruman || wræstne settest / | þanon | eorþe wearþ || eall gefylle |
Solomon and Saturn 14a | || ne þon mā foldan nēat%. / | Þanon | ātor-cynn || ǣrest ġe·wur |
Solomon and Saturn 19a | gan || ne þon ma foldan neat / | þanon | atercynn || ærest gewurdon / w |
Solomon and Saturn 212b | ardas, / eft tō his ēðle, || | þanon | hit ǣror cōm. / Hit biþ eall |
Solomon and Saturn 250b | r geardas / eft to his eþle || | þanon | hit æror cuom / hit biþ ealle |