A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: þīnne

Number of occurrences in corpus: 102

Genesis B 727b ē / witode ġe·worhte, || and þīnne willan ġe·lǣst / tō full ma
Genesis A 935a n, || weġan swātiġ hlēor, / þīnne hlāf etan, || þenden þū h
Genesis A 1012a wǣr-fæstne% rinċ, / brōðor þīnne, || and his blōd tō mē / clip
Genesis A 1825a Ēġypte || ēaĝum mōton / on þīnne wlite wlītan || wlance mani
Genesis A 2294b od unmǣte. || Ġe·wit þū þīnne eft / wealdend sēċan; || wuna
Genesis A 2312b sċealt hālĝian || hīred þīnne. / Sete siĝores tācen || sōþ
Genesis A 2352b s / wordum and dǣdum || willan þīnne.” / Him þā fæġere || frēa æ
Genesis A 2815a eĝas || folmum sīnum / willan þīnne. || Þæt is wīde cūþ / burh-
Genesis A 2853a Īsaac mē / on·seċġan, sunu þīnne, || self tō tibre. / Siþþan
Genesis A 2916a ġd || cniht of āde, / eaforan þīnne. || Him ān wuldres God. / Maĝu
Daniel 131a rihten, ā·hyċġan / on sefan þīnne, || hū þē swefnode, / oþþe
Daniel 326a ah hira fēa libben! / Wlitiĝa þīnne word-cwide || and þīn wuldo
Christ and Satan 53b ġe·lǣrdest || þurh lyġe þīnne / þæt we hǣlende% || hīeran
Andreas 183b an. / Þǣr iċ seomian wāt || þīnne siġe-brōðor / mid þām bur
Andreas 213a ġif þū wēl þenċest / wiþ þīnne wealdend || wǣre ġe·healda
Andreas 479b ipe, / þēoden þrymfæst, || þīnne%, ġif iċ meahte, / be·ġietan
Andreas 1209b mīþ þū for meniġu, || ac þīnne mōd-sefan / staðola wiþ stra
Andreas 1213a Cȳþ þē selfne, / herd hyġe þīnne, || heortan staðola, / þæt h
Andreas 1216a ne mōton || ofer mīne ēst / þīnne līċ-haman, || leahtrum sċi
Andreas 1316b þū, Andreas, || hider-cyme þīnne / on wrāðra ġe·weald? || Hw
Elene 72b otan on beorĝe, || brōðor þīnne. / Nū þū meaht ġe·hīeran,
Christ A 217b rden / weorolde þrymmum || mid þīnne wuldor-fæder / ċild ā·cenne
Christ A 237b u wǣre / efen-eardiende || mid þīnne engan frēan / ær·þon ǣht
Christ A 250a rd || milde ġe·blissa / þurh þīnne hēr-cyme, || hǣlende Crīst
Christ A 289a rīst-hyċġende, / þæt þū þīnne mæġþhād || metode brōhte
Christ A 349a fona drihten, / þū mid fæder þīnne || ġe·fyrn wǣre / efen-wesen
Christ A 377b en / ġe·þēon on þēode, || þīnne willan. / Ēalā sēo wlitie, |
Maxims I 1b ec frōdum wordum. || Ne læt þīnne ferhþ on·hǣlne, / dēaĝol
Maxims I 3a ġe·seċġan, / ġif þū mē þīnne hyġe-cræft hylest || and þ
The Order of the World 37b er nū þis here-spell || and þīnne hyġe ġe·fæstna. / Hwæt, on
Guthlac B 1223a || furður cȳðe / þurh cwide þīnne, || hwonan his cyme sindon.’
Resignation 44b þonne, / wyrda wealdend, || on þīnne wuldor-drēam, / and mec ġe·l
Resignation 50a glas sē·þeah / ġe·niman on þīnne nēawest, || nerġende cyning
Azarias 133a alle, || ēċe drihten, / þurh þīnne willan, || wuldorfæst% cynin
Juliana 138b e·dēst || þurh ġe·dwolan þīnne / þæt þū mec ā·ċierre ||
Juliana 178b st, / þæt iċ þēodsċipe || þīnne lufie, / būtan þū for·lǣte
Juliana 435b ne god, / þrymm-sittendne, || þīnne ġe·trēowdes, / metod mann-cy
Juliana 461b ċ þæt ġe·hīere || þurh þīnne hlēoðor-cwide, / þæt iċ n
Juliana 466b lċ / þolian and þafian || on þīnne dōm, / wamm-dǣda on·wrēon,
Precepts 72b an / sāwol-sūsles. || Ac lǣt þīnne sefan healdan / forþ% fyrn-ġe
Beowulf 267b urh holdne hyġe || hālford þīnne, / sunu Healf·denes, || sēċan
Beowulf 353b eart, / þēoden mǣrne, || ymb þīnne sīþ, / and þē þā andsware
Beowulf 1848b , / ādl oþþe īren || ealdor þīnne, / folces hierde || and þū þ
The Paris Psalter 101:2 1b / Nā þū andwlitan || ǣfre þīnne / ā·wend fram mē, || wuldres
The Paris Psalter 102:4 2a || lēof of for·wyrde, / fylde þīnne willan || fæġere mid gōde.
The Paris Psalter 105:36 4a we wēan drēoĝaþ, / þæt we þīnne naman || nīede mōton / þone
The Paris Psalter 118:38 1a ne, || ac mē on sōðne weġ / þīnne þone lēofan || lǣde cwicul
The Paris Psalter 118:55 3a ġe·hwelcre, / þæt iċ naman þīnne || nemde, drihten, / and iċ ǣ
The Paris Psalter 118:65 2a ē swelċe lǣr. / / # / Þū ymb þīnne esne || ǣġhwǣr dydest / wēl
The Paris Psalter 118:66 2b Þū mē þēodsċipe lǣr || þīnne tilne / and wīsdōmes || word
The Paris Psalter 118:120 2a ðe lufode. / / # / Ġe·fæstna% þīnne eġesan || flǣsċe mīnum, /
The Paris Psalter 118:133 1a ū maniĝum dydest, / þe naman þīnne || nīede lufodon. / / # / Ġe·r
The Paris Psalter 118:165 3a m þenċeþ, / þæt hīe naman þīnne || nīede lufien; / ne biþ him
The Paris Psalter 118:176 4a n || wolde hūru; / lā, sēċe þīnne esne || elne, drihten; / for·
The Paris Psalter 120:3 1a san swelċe. / / # / Ne selle hē þīnne fōt || on fēondes ġe·weal
The Paris Psalter 120:7 1a e ġe·healde%. / / # / Ūt-gang þīnne and in-gang || ēċe drihten,
The Paris Psalter 127:4 3a ēamas || æðele weaxen, / ymb þīnne bēod ūtan || blǣda standen
The Paris Psalter 137:2 3a s, || holde mōde, / and ðǣr þīnne naman || on nīed seċġe. / / #
The Paris Psalter 137:3 3a e || samod æt·gædere, / þū þīnne þone hālĝan naman || nīed
The Paris Psalter 138:5 2a ste || gangan āhwǣr, / oþþe þīnne andwlitan be·flēon || eorð
The Paris Psalter 139:13 2a hwæðere, || sōþfæste nū / þīnne naman willaþ || þurh nīed
The Paris Psalter 141:8 3a , || þæt iċ siþþan forþ / þīnne naman mōte || nīede seċġa
The Paris Psalter 142:10 3a e·līefe; / lǣr mē, hū iċ þīnne willan || wyrċe and fremme, /
The Paris Psalter 143:11 3a esdest ēac || lēofne Dauid, / þīnne āĝenne || ambiht-mæċġ%, /
The Paris Psalter 144:1 2a be tō cyninge, / and iċ naman þīnne || nīede herġe / on ēċnesse
The Paris Psalter 144:2 2a e iċ þe blētsie, / and naman þīnne || nīede herġe / on ēċnesse
The Paris Psalter 147:1 2b , / here þū, Sion, swelċe || þīnne sōðne god%. / / # / For·þon h
The Paris Psalter 51:6 4a || glēaw on ġe·sihþe, / þe þīnne held curon, || þāra hāliġ
The Paris Psalter 53:6 2a um || lāce cwēme, / and naman þīnne || nīede% swelċe / ġeare and
The Paris Psalter 59:4 2a eorhte sealdest / þǣmþe eġe þīnne || elne healdaþ, / þæt hīe
The Paris Psalter 60:4 4a a ġe·hwelcum, / sē þe naman þīnne || þurh nīed forhtaþ. / / # /
The Paris Psalter 62:6 4a leras mīne || wynnum swelċe / þīnne naman nū-þā || nīede her
The Paris Psalter 64:8 1b / Þēoda him on·drǣdaþ || þīnne eġesan, / þe eard nimaþ ||
The Paris Psalter 66:1 3a ētsa nū; || beorhte lēohte / þīnne andwlitan || and ūs on mōde
The Paris Psalter 71:1 1a alter: Psalm 71 / / # / Sile dōm þīnne, || drihten, cyninge; / suna cin
The Paris Psalter 73:9 3a || yfelum fēondum / and naman þīnne || nū bysmriaþ / þā wiþer
The Paris Psalter 73:16 4b ihtne, / unwīs folc ne wāt || þīnne wierðne naman. / / # / Ne sile%
The Paris Psalter 73:19 3a | and þearfa hē wille / naman þīnne || nīede herġan. / / # / A·rī
The Paris Psalter 74:1 3a þ || ealle þēoda / and naman þīnne || nīede ċīeġen. / / # / Iċ
The Paris Psalter 78:6 3a þe ne cunnan þē, / ne naman þīnne || nīede ċīeġaþ. / / # / For
The Paris Psalter 79:4 2a od || and ūs mildne æt-īew / þīnne andwlitan; || ealle we bēoþ
The Paris Psalter 79:7 2a od || and ūs mildne æt-īew / þīnne andwlitan; || ealle we bēoþ
The Paris Psalter 79:17 2a || wealdend mehtiġ; / we naman þīnne || nīede ċīeġaþ. / / # / Ġe
The Paris Psalter 80:11 1a rðan ā·lǣde. / / # / On·tȳn þīnne mūþ || and iċ hine tela fy
The Paris Psalter 82:12 2a sċeamie, / þonne hīe% naman þīnne || nīede sēċaþ. / / # / Ealle
The Paris Psalter 82:13 3a e·drēfde, / þonne hīe naman þīnne || nīede sēċaþ. / / # / Þū
The Paris Psalter 85:2 2a r·þon iċ hāliġ eom; / hǣl þīnne sċealc, || for·þon iċ þ
The Paris Psalter 85:10 1b Ġe·lǣd, drihten, mē || on þīnne lēofne weġ, / and iċ on þī
The Paris Psalter 85:11 1b ā·hliehheþ, || þonne iċ þīnne hālĝan naman / forhtie mē on
The Paris Psalter 85:11 4b emned drihten || and we naman þīnne / on ēċnesse || ā weorðien.
The Paris Psalter 88:11 4a engþe ēac || up ā·hebbaþ / þīnne swīðran earm || swelċe, dr
The Paris Psalter 88:13 2a ness || mæġene for·gangaþ / þīnne andwlitan; || þæt biþ ēad
The Paris Psalter 88:13 3a þ ēadiġ folc / þe can naman þīnne || nīede herġan. / / # / Þā o
The Paris Psalter 93:11 3b test / and hine þēodsċipe || þīnne lǣrest / and him yfele daĝas
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 8b fylste / ēadlum and lēasum || þīnne inn-ġe·þanc / bētan be·spe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 5a mōste || mōd ġe·feðeran, / þīnne ferhþ-locan, || feðerum mī
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 31a n% || sōðes lēohtes / habban þīnne dæl, || þonan ān cyning% / r
Metrical Psalm 93:11 3b test / and hine þēodscipe || þīnne lǣrest / and him yfele daĝas
The Creed 9a || mǣrra tungla. / Iċ on sunu þīnne || sōðne ġe·līefe, / hǣle
Psalm 50 90b e ġe·þanc / tō þolienne || þīnne willan / and tō healdenne% ||
A Prayer 72a fæder æl-mehtiġ, / þæt iċ þīnne willan || ġe·wyrċan mæġe
The Seasons for Fasting 135a hāliġ drihten, / hū we munt þīnne || mǣrne ġe·stīĝan. / Sint