Number of occurrences in corpus: 130
Genesis B 258b | || þonne læte% hē his hine | lange | wealdan. / Ac hē ā·wende% hi |
Genesis B 313b | hēo on ǣfen || un-ġe·met | lange, | / ealra fēonda ġe·hwelċ, || |
Genesis B 401b | þæs þe hē him% þenċeþ | lange | nēotan%, / þæs ēades mid hi |
Genesis B 760a | e·wrecene / lāðes þæt wit | lange | þolodon. || Nū wille iċ ef |
Genesis A 1176a | | and lissa brēac / Malalēhel | lange, | || mann-drēama hēr, / weorold |
Genesis A 1180b | fde / land and lēod-weard. || | Lange | siþþan / Ġeāred gumum || go |
Genesis A 1225b | old, / Lāmech lēod-ġeard, || | lange | siþþan / weorold bryttode. || |
Genesis A 1426a | meches, || sōðra ġe·hāta / | lange | þrāĝe, || hwonne him līfe |
Genesis A 2546a | r-daĝum || drihten tīendon / | lange | þraĝe. || Him þæs lēan f |
Genesis A 2836b | lce eardfæst, / lēod Ebrea || | lange | þrāĝe, / fēasċeaft mid fre |
Exodus 138b | e lāst-weard, || sē þe him | lange | ǣr / ēðel-lēasum || on-nīe |
Exodus 324b | ne woldon / be him libbendum || | lange | þolian, / þonne hīe tō gū |
Exodus 558b | nū ġe·lǣstan || þæt hē | lange | ġe·hēt / mid āð-sware, || |
Daniel 572b | a þēaw, / ac þū libbende || | lange | þrāĝe / heorta hlīepum || |
Daniel 660a | in Babilone || burh-sittendum / | lange | hwīle || lāre sæġde, / Dani |
Christ and Satan 503a | u || on% þǣm% mīnnan% hām / | lange | þæs þe iċ of hæftum || h |
Andreas 314a | rang / þām þe laĝu-lāde || | lange | || cunnaþ.’ / Þā him Andre |
Andreas 579a | ssode, / þā þe lim-sēoce || | lange | || wǣron, / wērġe, wan-hāle |
Andreas 790b | od, / ðǣr þā līċ-haman || | lange | þraĝe, / hēah-fædera hrǣw, |
Andreas 1363a | Andreas, || āglǣċ-cræftum / | lange | || feredes. || Hwæt, þū l |
Soul and Body I 11b | e līċ-haman || þe hīe ǣr | lange | wæġ, / þrīe hund wintra, || |
Soul and Body I 123a | ā·cōlod biþ || þæt hē% | lange | || ǣr / weorode mid wǣdum. || |
Soul and Body I 131b | æt lamfæt || þæt hīe ǣr | lange | wæġ. / Þonne þā gāstas || |
Dream of the Rood 24b | ðre iċ ðǣr liċġende || | lange | hwīle / be·hēold hrēowċear |
Elene 164a | te / þe ǣr on leġere wæs || | lange | || be·dierned, / and hine self |
Elene 284a | searu || foldan ġe·tȳned, / | lange | || leġere fæst || lēodum d |
Elene 354a | openie, || þæt ieldum wæs / | lange | || be·hȳded. || For·lǣt n |
Elene 680b | ofles spild || on ġe·dwolan | lange | , / ā·ċierred fram Crīste. |
Christ A 115b | þū on·līehte || þā þe | lange | ǣr, / þrosme be·þeahte || a |
Christ A 141b | gend, / lāra lǣdend, || þām | lange | his / hyhtan hider-cyme, || sw |
Christ A 252a | , || þe on ġār-daĝum / full | lange | ǣr || be·locen stōdon, / heo |
Christ A 373a | hæleþa cyning, / ne lata tō | lange | . || Ūs is lissa ðearf, / þ |
Christ B 805b | orðan frætwa. || //U// wæs | lange | / //L// flōdum be·locen, || l |
Christ B 829b | n leahtrum fā. || Þæs hīe | lange | sċulon / fergð-wērġe on·f |
Christ C 1361b | sċulon / lēan mid lēofum || | lange | brūcan.’ / On·ġinneþ þon |
Christ C 1463a | e || dīere ġe·bōhte / þæt | lange | līf || þæt þū on lēohte |
Maxims I 103a | feorr ġe·wīteþ. / Lida biþ | lange | on sīðe; || ā mann sċeall |
The Riming Poem 41a | um iċ liðode, / līf wæs min | lange, | || lēodum on ġe·mange, / tī |
Soul and Body II 11b | e līċ-haman || þe hēo ǣr | lange | wæġ, / þrīe hund wintra, || |
Soul and Body II 118b | līċ ā·cōlod || þæt hē | lange | ǣr / weorode mid wǣdum. || Bi |
Guthlac A 7a | ran || þider þū fundodest / | lange | and ġe·lōme. || Iċ þeċ |
Guthlac A 624a | || swā ġē on wræc-sīðe / | lange | lifdon, || līeġe be·sencte |
Guthlac A 642a | || ān-for·lǣtan, / þām iċ | lange | || on līċ-haman / and on mīn |
Guthlac B 832b | ōste / ealra leahtra lēas, || | lange | nēotan / nīewra ġe·fēana. |
Guthlac B 1171a | , || lāre ġe·hīeran, / noht | lange | ofer þis. || Lǣst ealle wē |
Guthlac B 1259a | ype || þæt wit fyrn mid unc / | lange | lǣstan, || nille iċ lǣtan |
Riddles 15 29b | ġe·winnum, || þām þe iċ | lange | flēah. |
Riddles 28 9b | , / þāra þe ǣr libbende || | lange | hwīle / wilna brūceþ || and |
Riddles 40 8b | ēt mec wæċċende || wunian | lange, | / þæt iċ ne slǣpe || siþþ |
Riddles 58 8a | rt, || hēafod lȳtel, / tungan | lange | , || tōþ nǣniġne, / īserne |
Resignation 57b | e·lēafan; || for·þon hīe | lange | sċul[], / werġe wihta, || wr |
The Descent into Hell 54a | || hǣdre sċīnan, / þā þe | lange | ǣr || be·locen wǣron, / be· |
The Descent into Hell 80b | on Bethlem. || Bidon we þæs | lange, | / setan% on sorĝum, || sibbe o |
Azarias 102b | be·bod || druĝon hīe þæt | lange. | / And þeċ, Crīst cyning, || |
Riddles 67 10b | da lārēow. || For·þon nū | lange | mæġ / [] ealdre || ēċe libb |
The Phoenix 489b | ne līċ-haman, || ðǣr hīe | lange | bēoþ / oþ fȳres cyme || fol |
Juliana 208b | þēs lēodsċipe mid him || | lange | be·ēode.’ / Him þæt æðe |
Juliana 444b | late miċeles, || sċeall nū | lange | ofer þis, / sċyld-wyrċende, |
Juliana 674b | te, / lēolc ofer laĝuflōd || | lange | hwīle / on swan-rāde. || Swyl |
The Wanderer 3b | ċeariġ / ġond laĝu-lāde || | lange | sċolde / hrēran mid heandum | |
The Wanderer 38b | yhtnes / lēofes lār-cwidum || | lange | for·þolian, / þonne sorh and |
Beowulf 16a | ǣr druĝon || ealdor-lēase% / | lange | hwīle. || Him þæs līf-fr |
Beowulf 31b | ieldinga; / lēof land-fruma || | lange | āhte. / Þǣr æt hȳðe stōd |
Beowulf 54b | dinga, / lēof lēod-cyning, || | lange | þrāĝe / folcum ġe·frǣġe |
Beowulf 114a | tas, || þā wiþ Gode wunnon / | lange | þrāĝe; || hē him þæs l |
Beowulf 905a | Hine sorĝ-wielmas / lemede tō | lange | ; || hē his lēodum wearþ, / |
Beowulf 1061b | ēofes and lāðes || sē þe | lange | hēr / on þissum winn-daĝum | |
Beowulf 1257b | īet / lifde aefter lāðum, || | lange | þrāĝe, / aefter gūþ-ċeare |
Beowulf 1336a | um clammum, / for·þon hē tō | lange | || lēode mīne / wanode and wi |
Beowulf 1748b | him tō lȳtel || þæt hē | lange | hēold, / ġītsaþ gram-hyġdi |
Beowulf 1915a | ȳð-weard ġeara / sē þe ǣr | lange | tīd || lēofra manna / fūs æ |
Beowulf 1994b | e / lēofes mannes; || iċ þē | lange | bæd / þæt þū þone wæl-g |
Beowulf 2130b | st / þāra þe lēod-fruman || | lange | be·ġēate. / Þā sē þēode |
Beowulf 2159b | cyning, / lēod Sċieldinga || | lange | hwīle; / nā þȳ ǣr suna sī |
Beowulf 2183b | ld hilde-dēor. || Hēan wæs | lange | , / swā hine Ġēata bearn || |
Beowulf 2344b | ah þe hord-welan || hēolde | lange. | / Ofer·hoĝode þā || hringa |
Beowulf 2423b | līf wiþ līċe, || nā þon | lange | wæs / feorh æðelinges || fl |
Beowulf 2751b | and lēodsċipe, || þone iċ | lange | hēold.’ / Þā iċ snūde ġ |
Beowulf 2780a | āra mādma || mund-bora wæs / | lange | hwīle, || līeġ-eġesan wæ |
Beowulf 3082b | te hine liċġan || ðǣr hē | lange | wæs, / wīcum wunian || oþ we |
Beowulf 3108b | / lēofne mannan, || ðǣr hē | lange | sċeall / on þæs wealdendes | |
Judith 158b | e / þāra lǣþþa || þe ġē | lange | druĝon.’ / Þā wurdon blī |
Judith 346a | wēode / þæs lēanes þe hēo | lange | ġiernde. || Þæs sīe þǣm |
The Paris Psalter 103:20 1a | aþ. / / # / And lēon hwelpas || | lange | || swelċe / grymettaþ gnorne; |
The Paris Psalter 118:48 1b | % iċ hīe on lufan mīnre || | lange | hæfde. / / # / And iċ mīne han |
The Paris Psalter 118:77 3a | eahtum ġe·swīðed, / and iċ | lange | on þǣm || libban mōte; / for |
The Paris Psalter 118:97 3b | , / lustum lufode; || iċ þæt | lange | dyde, / þæt iċ þā on mōde |
The Paris Psalter 118:116 4b | , / þæt iċ sċolde lifian || | lange | þrāĝe; / ne ġe·sċend mē |
The Paris Psalter 127:6 4a | || gōda ġe·hwelċes / ealle | lange | daĝas || līfes þīnes. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 132:4 2b | drihten / līfes blētsunga || | lange | tō fēore / of þissumn nū || |
The Paris Psalter 54:7 2b | e, / and on wēstenne || wunode | lange, | / bīde þæs beornes || þe m |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 4b | ċende, / þā hīe on lyġe || | lange | feredon; / for·þon hīe on en |
The Paris Psalter 67:18 4a | æft-nīede || hwīle miċele / | lange | lifdon || and wæs% lāc-ġie |
The Paris Psalter 68:15 1b | āme, || þe læs iċ weorðe | lange | fæst, / and mē fēondum ā·f |
The Paris Psalter 73:9 1a | eċġen.’ / / # / Wilt þū hū | lange | , || wealdend drihten, / ed·w |
The Paris Psalter 79:5 2a | na god, || mǣre drihten, / hū | lange | || iersast þū || on þīnes |
The Paris Psalter 81:2 1a | ene tō·sċēadeþ%. / / # / Hū | lange | || dēme ġē || dōmas unrih |
The Paris Psalter 88:40 1a | n·mētest. / / # / Wilt þū hū | lange | , || wealdend drihten, / ierre |
The Paris Psalter 90:16 3b | ēoda, / and him līf-daĝas || | lange | selle, / swelċe him mīne hǣl |
The Paris Psalter 92:8 2b | , / drihten ūser || and daĝas | lange | . |
The Paris Psalter 93:3 1a | e ǣr grame worhton. / / # / Hū | lange | || firen-wyrhtan || foldan we |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 50b | inċ-ġiefa sella || siþþan | lange. | / Hē wæs for weorolde wīs, | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 58b | his eldran mid him || āhton | lange, | / lufan and lissa. || Angan þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 75b | drēfed / Bōitīus. || Brēac | lange | ǣr / wlenċa under wolcnum; || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 64a | nen || and wilnien / þæt ġē | lange | || tīd || libban mōten, / hw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 16a | | þæt þæt hē wolde, / swā | lange | swā hē wolde || þæt hit w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 38b | / hira lārēowas, || þe hīe | lange | ǣr / tȳdon and temedon. || H |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 175b | dōĝra ġe·hwelċe; || dyde | lange | swā. / Hwæt, þū, þēoda go |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 244a | Wunedon æt·samne / efen swā | lange | || swā him līefed wæs / fram |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 18b | fde / on his inn-cofan || ǣror | lange | / efene swā sweotole || swā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 13a | fȳre || þe fela ġēara / for | lange | || be·tweox || lyfte and rod |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 16b | e ofer laĝu-strēam, || sæt | lange | ðǣr / tīen winter full. || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 99a | || þe þissum drȳ-cræftum / | lange% | ġe·līefdon, || lēasum spe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 103b | hte / þæt þā līċ-haman || | lange | þrāĝe / on·wend wurdon. || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 80b | t ofer·wriġen mid || wunode | lange, | / þonne iċ wāt ġeare || þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 5b | bbe sīn-gāle, || dydon swā | lange | . / Swā hīe ġe·wenede || wu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 46b | ran; / biþ þæt lēase lot || | lange | hwīle / be·wriġen mid wrencu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 19a | a ġe·hwǣm || hūs on munte / | lange | ġe·lǣstan, || for·þǣm h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 13b | exan swā lēohte || and swā | lange | ēac, / rēad rāsettan, || sw |
Metrical Psalm 90:16 3b | / and him līf-dæġes || and | lange | selle / swelċe him mīne hǣl |
Metrical Psalm 92:8 2b | / drihten ūser || and dagas | lange. | |
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 11a | on hǣðenra || hæfteclommum / | lange | || þraġe, || oþ hīe ā·l |
The Death of Edward 16a | bealulēas cyning, / þēah hē | lange | || ǣr, || lande be·rēafod, |
Solomon and Saturn 83b | aþ gūð-mæċġa || ġierde | lange, | / gyldene gāde || and ā þone |
Solomon and Saturn 113b | nes, / habbaþ lēoht speru, || | lange | sċeaftas, / swīþ-mōde swipa |
Solomon and Saturn 112a | allaþ || þā þe firena ǣr / | lange | lǣstaþ, || libbaþ him on m |
The Menologium 107b | mb twā and fēower% || tīda | lange | / ǣrra Līða || ūs tō tūn |
The Judgment Day II 66a | þanc, / hwȳ latast þū swā | lange | , || þæt þū þe lāce ne |
The Judgment Day II 144b | ċe ā·līefed || þæt man | lange | hǣl. / Ufenan eall þis || ēa |
The Seasons for Fasting 101a | Petres || prēostas siþþan / | lange | līfes tīd || lēordon þæt |